Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2516 Prove it to me! (3 updates)

"Demon repulsion!"

After fighting the naked man, Ling Feng finally found the feeling of controlling the power of the demon.

And this feeling is like an epiphany.

If he had been working behind closed doors before, through this battle, he had found a way.

With the power of the demon, the speed of progress is almost unbelievable.

At this moment, Ling Feng was in a corner of the mining area, looking for the feeling of controlling the power of the demon.

At this moment, there was a "bang" sound, and the figure fell to the ground, as if a huge boulder hit the ground, making the ground tremble.

"Boy, I'll give you another chance to hand over a hundred magic beads, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

The person who came was none other than the bald man, his eyes fixed on Ling Feng, his aura was overwhelming and he was crushing heavily.

"Oh? Another one?"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, he was worried that he didn't have any sandbags to practice the power of the demon, and this would come to his door right away.

And this one seems to be more durable.

For a moment, Ling Feng caught the bald man's gaze, which was so hot that he felt as if he had found a treasure.

Ling Feng's gaze made the bald man slightly startled.

"This kid, what's going on?"

The bald man felt a little guilty, and felt a little frightened by Ling Feng's fiery eyes.

Why do you feel like you are delivering food to your door?

The bald man shook his head hard and threw this ridiculous idea away from his mind.

He is a person with the ability of a four-marked demon, and before he was captured, he was a saint-level powerhouse at the second level of the Nine-Transformation Realm.

Whether it was elemental power or demonic power, they completely crushed the opponent.

This kid is already a dead man!

"Hmph, it looks like you're going to drink a fine drink if you don't eat the toast!"

A cold smile appeared on the face of the bald man, and he raised his palm. Then, his flesh and blood squirmed and twisted, and his palm turned into a long knife!

This guy's ability is to turn any part of his body into a weapon!

Then, layers of rocks covered the whole body. In Ling Feng's eyes, the opponent's sword seemed to turn into a rolling stone and hit him.

The sound of "rumbling" sounded endlessly, as if a huge stone ball suddenly appeared in a narrow passage, rolling at high speed. As the bald man rushed over, the rolling ball seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. The heavy, terrifying aura impacted and crushed him, giving Ling Feng a feeling that once he was hit, his muscles would be broken.

"Since you want to come over so much, then come over here!"

Ling Feng reached out and grabbed it, and the gravitational force of the demon exploded instantly.


The bald man instantly felt that he had lost control of his body, and then rushed towards Ling Feng at a faster speed, like a moth to a flame.

And the moment he came within three feet of Ling Feng, and could hit Ling Feng's nose with just one swing of his fist, a terrifying force directly ejected him.

Between a pull and a flick, two opposite forces erupted directly using his body as the medium.


Bang bang bang!

The rock armor on the bald man's body shattered instantly, and along with the rock armor, his bones were shattered.


The bald man kept vomiting blood, with a look of extreme horror on his face. He quickly used his demonic power to transform his flesh and blood into iron rods, replacing his bones to support his body. Then he quickly fled the scene without looking back.

"This person should not be Clark."

Ling Feng shrugged, but did not catch up.

Anyway, even if we catch up, we can't kill them here, so it doesn't make much sense.

"You guessed it right, he is not Clark..."

The speaker was an old man wrapped in gray robes. He looked as skinny as a stick, but his eyes were always bright and full of fortitude that was different from ordinary people.

This is completely different from other prisoners.

"Who is the senior?"

Ling Feng looked at the old man and asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I have been secretly observing you for a long time."

The old man took a deep breath and suddenly took out a broken piece of cloth from his robe and threw it to Ling Feng.

"This is?"

Ling Feng took the broken step and took a closer look, his eyelids suddenly twitched.

This is a map!

The detailed map of the entire Alcatraz Island is so detailed that even the distribution of buildings on Alcatraz Island is clear at a glance. However, this is just a incomplete map.

"Senior, what do you mean?"

Ling Feng grabbed the map and stared at the old man in shock.

"I don't think you are willing to stay here for fifty years, right?"

The old man took a deep breath, stared into Ling Feng's eyes, and spoke slowly.

"Not to mention fifty years, five years, or one year, I won't waste it here."

Ling Feng looked at the old man and said slowly.

He knew the value of this map very well, but who was this old man to have such a detailed map?

"Then, prove it to me."

The old man looked at Ling Feng and said solemnly: "If you can defeat Clark, I will tell you more things!"

After saying that, the old man turned around and left without revealing any extra information.

"Defeat Clark?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose and murmured to himself: "This senior is really mysterious!"

Hiding the map, Ling Feng continued to practice the power of the demon.

To deal with those with demonic abilities, although they have all kinds of strange abilities, the power of demons seems to be inherently one level higher than the power of demons, and it is a completely restrained ability.

Therefore, as long as you master the power of the demon, you can walk sideways on Alcatraz Island, at least in this mining area.

"What? Even you were defeated?"

Clark's expression changed drastically. That bald man was a fourth-level demonic user!

Even among those demon pirates, he is considered an intermediate level master.

"Sir, I am incompetent!"

The bald man knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing.

"Okay, I can't blame you."

Clark frowned. He knew the strength of the bald man. The new kid could defeat even the bald man. He was obviously a tough guy.

Taking a deep breath, Clark's eyes flashed with a hidden light, and he tapped the back of the stone chair with his fingers, thinking about something.

After a while, Clark finally said: "Ignore this person for now. Have you collected all the other people's magic beads?"

"Most people's magic beads have been confiscated, but there are still a few people who are unwilling to hand it over." A four-star sword king said immediately.

"Who are they? Tell me."

Clark said unhurriedly, but his eyes flashed with a dangerous light.

Immediately, a guy with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks came out holding a book and read out the list of those who failed to pay the magic beads in time, or who were still deficient.

"Hmph, Scar, I leave the matter of collecting the magic beads to you."

Clark looked at the naked man, and then said slowly: "As for that boy, tell him that he doesn't need to hand over the magic beads, but he must be my subordinate and work for me! I only give him three days to think about it. Queen Tian, ​​if you don’t agree, I will take action myself!”

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