Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2517 Anger! (1 update)

Night fell.

After sending Clark's lackeys away, Ling Feng practiced the power of the devil for a while, then returned to his cave and prepared to start refining magic beads.

Ling Feng had already prepared the 500 magic beads for submission. Now the magic beads he refined were all used to enhance the power of the devil, or to be absorbed by the Asura Magic Eye.

However, more than half a month had passed, and although the Asura Magic Eye seemed to have improved, the effect was not obvious.

In the final analysis, the effect of the magic beads was still too poor.

If you want to make a qualitative improvement in the Asura Magic Eye, you must have a demon fruit that contains more and more pure magic energy.

However, the current conditions are limited, and Ling Feng can only use low-level things like magic beads, which is better than nothing.

The next day.

Ling Feng went to the mining area as usual to mine magic crystal ore.

Clark's lackeys passed Clark's original words to Ling Feng.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng obviously would not give Clark face, and after teaching Clark's lackey a lesson, the lackey left in disgrace.

Next, for several days in a row, Clark did not come to trouble Ling Feng again.

Ling Feng did not care, anyway, he still needed some time to practice the power of the devil to ensure that he would not be too passive under the captain-level demon pirates.

As for Clark, he was just a jumping clown, and he did not take him seriously.

In a blink of an eye, it was the third day.

On this day, after Ling Feng mined the magic crystal ore, he came to his cave as usual to practice the devil's gravity and devil's repulsion.

When he turned around and planned to return to the cave, he glanced at the cave not far away and was slightly startled: "I haven't seen Lao Wei and Brother Shen Tu these days."

Lao Wei Duoyin is fine, but Shen Tu Xuance usually comes to Ling Feng almost every day to discuss how to escape from this ghost place.

But in recent days, he has disappeared.

Could it be that something happened?

Ling Feng frowned and hurried to Shentu Xuance's cave.

As expected, Shentu Xuance looked weak and was obviously seriously injured.

"Did they do it?"

Ling Feng frowned and had a vague guess in his heart that this matter was probably related to Clark's lackeys.

"I still can't hide it from you."

Shentu Xuance sighed lightly, "Brother Ling, forget it, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake."

As expected, it was Clark's people who injured him, and the purpose was naturally to collect the magic beads.

As a disciple of the Great Wizard of Light of the Wushen Cult, Shentu Xuance's strength was naturally much stronger than Clark's inferior guys, but all his magic tools were taken away, and the devil's fruit was planted in his body.

For ordinary people, this demon power is a double-edged sword. It is cursed by the demon lord, but at the same time, it can also enhance itself to a certain extent.

But it was not the case for Shentu Xuance. The light power and the demon power in his body conflicted with each other, so he could not get any increase in demon power at all.

On the contrary, he suffered from the collision of the two forces every day.

After a month, Shentu Xuance not only had to spend a lot of energy and physical strength to refine the magic beads every day, but also had to suffer the backlash of the impact of the two forces. It was not easy to persist.

Facing the oppression of Clark's lackeys, he no longer had much strength to resist.

Even some other oppressed captives were not necessarily weaker than Clark's lackeys, but they did not want to cause trouble, nor did they dare to cause trouble.

Once injured in the fight, there would be a great probability that they would not be able to complete the task of the demon pirates.

Then, the fate waiting for them was only death.

For Shentu Xuance, 500 magic beads a month was almost the limit, and Clark's guys took away 100 magic beads from him!

Others were 50 magic beads, and Shentu Xuance was given special care because he was close to Ling Feng.

Fifty, Shentu Xuance could barely hand over, a hundred, which was beyond the limit Shentu Xuance could bear.

Shentu Xuance naturally would not agree to such an unreasonable request, and was injured by the other party, and all the magic beads that Shentu Xuance had accumulated for a month were plundered.

Old Weiduoyin couldn't bear it, and said a word for Shentu Xuance, but was also robbed.

This is why Lingfeng didn't see Shentu Xuance and Weiduoyin in the past few days.

Shentu Xuance did not think about asking Lingfeng for help. First, Lingfeng has been practicing the power of the devil in the past few days. Second, Shentu Xuance, as a disciple of the Great Wizard of Light of the Wushen Cult, has his own pride in his bones.

He really couldn't let go of his face to ask Lingfeng for help.

And Old Weiduoyin didn't want Lingfeng to get into trouble again.

After all, Clark had a hard time not to continue to trouble Lingfeng. If Lingfeng knew about this, he would definitely stand up for them.

If the two sides really fight, the result is predictable.


Ling Feng frowned, anger surged in his eyes, "If you can't deal with me, just attack my companions!"

What a bullshit Clark, I will beat you so hard that you can't take care of yourself today!


Clark's subordinates are strong and powerful, and they are the overlords in this mining area.

The more magic patterns he has, the more he squeezes here.

After all, if he doesn't have a large number of magic beads, how can he support him in condensing five magic patterns!

And as Clark becomes stronger and stronger, there will naturally be fewer and fewer people who dare to resist him.

Ling Feng, it was obviously an accident.

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