Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2518 Six lines! (2 updates)

At this time, Ling Feng had arrived outside Clark's Cave and was blocked by two of Clark's thugs.

These two people were the naked man and the bald man who were defeated by Ling Feng before.

"You...what are you doing here!"

Both of them had been shadowed by Ling Feng before, so they were naturally extremely wary of him, with a look of vigilance on their faces.

"Get that little turtle Clark out of here!"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed coldly, what he cared about most was his friends.

Although they have not known each other for a long time, Old Weiduoyin and Shentu Xuance can be regarded as friends in need.

And these guys dared to attack them, which undoubtedly angered Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's words undoubtedly angered the two Clark thugs.

"What did you say?"

"You bastard, how dare you disrespect Lord Clark!"

The two scoundrels angrily drew out their weapons and directly launched their killing moves, rushing towards Ling Feng, hoping to leave Ling Feng with no room to parry as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, they really thought too much.

"Demon repulsion!"

As soon as Ling Feng thought, the repulsive force of the demon exploded. The two losers were hit hard on the chest by a heavy punch, and they immediately vomited blood and flew backwards. They didn't even have the chance to use the demon's ability.

In just an instant, Clark's two strongest henchmen were defeated!

Ling Feng's demon power has obviously reached a level of proficiency.

"Two losers, you want to stop me too?"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, passed over these two unknown guys, and strode into the cave.

At this time, all Clark's people were staying in the cave, all of them were at war with each other, staring at Ling Feng extremely nervously.

Ling Feng's strength made them fearful.

And the astonishing murderous aura exuded by Ling Feng made them shudder.

"I'm here to find Clark. If you don't want to die, step aside!"

Ling Feng's cold eyes scanned the cave.

They were all unlucky guys captured by demon pirates, and he didn't want to do anything too extreme.

All he was looking for was Clark, the culprit.

"Bah bang bang!"

At this moment, a burst of applause came from the depths of the cave, and a slender man covered in white robes slowly walked out.

Unlike the other prisoners, this guy was dressed brightly, as if he were a local emperor, and there were even several pretty maids following closely behind him.

In this mining area, women are undoubtedly a vulnerable group, and seeking refuge from the strong is an eternal law of survival.

Clark's eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, his eyes sparkled, and he smiled and said: "You are a genius. I have always admired geniuses like you!"

Clark put his hands behind his back and looked down at Ling Feng in a condescending manner.

"It's a pity that I don't appreciate you. You're a piece of trash and you're just bullying the weak."

Ling Feng didn't bother to take another look at Clark. The guy's coy look was simply disgusting.


Clark grinned, "The law of the jungle is the truth of the martial arts world. In this cold and harsh world, if the weak want to survive, how can they not give something?"

After a pause, Clark continued: "For a genius like you, I don't want to destroy you. You have also seen that I am sincere and I don't even care about you hurting my subordinates."

"Join my command. With your strength, you are enough to become the number one master under my command. We can join forces and harvest more magic beads together, continue to make breakthroughs, and continue to advance!"

Clark seemed to have seen the grand blueprint for the future, and said with a fascinated look on his face: "How about, you are a smart man, you should know how to choose, right?"


Ling Feng smiled, Clark's words completely amused Ling Feng.

"why are you laughing!"

Clark frowned and stared at Ling Feng coldly.

"I'm laughing at you. You have completely forgotten that you are just a humble prisoner!"

There was a look of disdain in Ling Feng's eyes, "Even though you are domineering among these prisoners, it can't change that you are just a subordinate prisoner! In front of those demon pirates, you are nothing more than a servile servant. It’s just trash!”

"What did you say?"

A trace of anger clearly flashed in Clark's eyes. He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: "I will give you one last chance, join me! Otherwise..."

"What a pity. Now I just want to cripple you!"

Ling Feng responded calmly, and the cold murderous intention had already locked Clark firmly.

"Don't you cry if you don't see the coffin..."

Clark shook his head and said with a smile: "Okay, then I can only defeat you first and let you know that weak people have no dignity!"

He waved his hand, and the surrounding subordinates retreated. The cave was large enough to allow a free fight.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you! I will take away all the magic beads on your body. Either you wait for death slowly, or surrender to me and kneel at my feet. I can spare your life!"

After looking at it, his eyes narrowed. In an instant, a terrifying momentum suddenly erupted from Clark's body, like a volcano that had been dormant for a hundred years. In one breath, all the lava spewed out, shocking the earth.

The air became hot, and the entire cave seemed to have turned into lava underground, exuding an extremely hot smell.

And between his eyebrows, there are actually six magic lines, looming!

Six-mark ability user!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. No wonder Clark was so confident. He had actually reached the level of six lines.

Even among the demon pirates, there are not many who have condensed the six patterns.

"Lord Clark will win!"

"Lord Clark is mighty!"

The henchmen under Clark were extremely excited when they saw Clark's six magic patterns.

The difference in strength is already very obvious. Ling Feng is no more than a level one, and his cultivation level is only half-saint.

Even though he was somewhat special and could defeat a person with the ability of the fourth line, but from the fourth line to the sixth line, that was a qualitative leap.

Neither speed nor strength can be compared.

Not to mention, Clark's ability can directly simulate the surrounding space into a volcanic zone that is most beneficial to him.


The hot magma was constantly bubbling, and its scorching breath made almost everyone sweat.

"Boy, kneel down and surrender now. There is still a chance."

Clark grinned and said, "I know you have mastered the power of the demon, but it's a pity that the gap between the first and sixth lines is like a huge difference. It cannot be made up by the power of the demon. As long as I keep a distance from you, Even the power of the devil can't do anything to me!"

With a low shout, Clark waved his hand, and magma fire dragons burning with flames instantly flew out from the bubbling magma around him.

Vaguely, Ling Feng seemed to see the sky burning with fire, wanting to burn everything to ashes.

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