Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2519 Hope! (3 updates)

"Playing with fire?"

Ling Feng smiled. Anyone who plays with fire in front of him will end up extremely miserable.

The next moment, Ling Feng's body also ignited into raging flames, and when those magma fire dragons came within ten feet of Ling Feng's body, they were all swallowed up by the flames around Ling Feng.

The so-called swallowing flames, as the name suggests, are swallowing flames.

Ling Feng's swallowing flames, after devouring a variety of strange fires, have reached a level comparable to immortal flames.

Although Clark's magic flame can be regarded as a very powerful flame, not inferior to ordinary strange fire, unfortunately, for swallowing flames, it is like delivering food to your door.

"what's the situation?"

Clark was dumbfounded, and the next moment, Ling Feng turned into a bolt of lightning and flew directly towards Clark.

"Don't even think about coming near me!"

Clark's eyelids were twitching wildly, he knew the consequences of being targeted by the power of the devil.

Once he is attracted by the gravitational force of the demon, the ensuing battle will completely turn into a one-sided bloodbath.

Although the many abilities of demonic users are powerful, they are ultimately an external force and require the help of magic patterns to activate.

And during this short activation time, if they are locked by the power of the demon, then they will lose all ability to resist.

This is why captain-level demon pirates all possess the power of demons.

They have absolutely crushing power over other demon pirates.

Although Ling Feng only has one line, but he has mastered the power of the demon, he is equivalent to the nemesis of those with demonic abilities who do not have the power of the demon.

Clark's reaction was very quick, and he had reached a superb level of understanding the changes in the power of fire.

He escaped Ling Feng's lock time and time again, but from the moment he chose to escape, the outcome of this battle was already foreshadowed.

"Why is Master Clark always running away?"

"Is that kid really that powerful?"

The henchmen under Clark were all dumbfounded. One-stripe ability users were chasing after six-stripe ability users. What was going on? I had never seen this before.

About half an hour later, Clark was finally out of breath from exhaustion, and Ling Feng, with a hint of teasing on his lips, said, "Keep running. Why, you can't run before I put in any effort?"

Clark stared at Ling Feng angrily, his teeth itching with hatred, "Boy, you are just relying on your own power of the demon. If you have the guts, you don't need the power of the demon. Let's fight again!"

"Ha ha!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly, "Who said just now that even if I have the power of the devil, I can't do anything to him?"

Clark frowned and was immediately speechless.

He said this, but he knew that the magic flame he was best at had no effect on Ling Feng!

"Since you can't escape, then come here!"

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to take a shot, and the gravitational force of the demon exploded. Clark was half a beat slower and was already locked by Ling Feng.



Screams rang out, one after another, Ling Feng's gravitational and repulsive forces kept changing, Clark was constantly being sucked, bounced, sucked, bounced...

The power of the demon was like a millstone, grinding all the bones in his body into pieces.

After a while, Clark didn't even have the strength to scream, and could only look ahead with a helpless face. Under such inhuman torture, it would be better to die happily.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng would not kill him just like that. He took back the power of the demon into his body, flashed his figure, and stepped on Clark into the ground.

"You have collected a lot of magic beads over the years, right?"

Clark was breathing out more and taking in less air, staring at Ling Feng with great hatred, but unfortunately, he didn't even have the strength to move a finger.


Ling Feng sneered, took off this guy's Naling Ring, stared at the others, and said coldly: "Hand over all your Naling Rings and the secret magic beads. !”


Everyone trembled. Tomorrow was the deadline to hand over the magic beads. If all the magic beads were handed over to Ling Feng, wouldn't it be equivalent to a death sentence for them all?

But if they don't give it, even a six-level master like Clark will be tortured to death in Ling Feng's hands. They...

I can't stand it!

"Ling...Lord Lingfeng, I...I am willing to submit to you and become your subordinate. From now on, I will work for you wholeheartedly and pursue the five hundred magic beads you left for me."

"I also want to surrender!"

Those Clark's subordinates had succumbed to Clark's power, so naturally they had no loyalty at all.

Now that Ling Feng defeated Clark, he naturally took over and became the strongest overlord in this mining area.


Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly. He naturally knew what it meant to take away all the magic beads from these guys.

Therefore, what he said before was just to scare them.

If you want to escape from Alcatraz Island, you must create a big enough chaos.

He doesn't expect these guys to be very loyal to him, but he needs someone to cooperate in his plan, and the more, the better.

Conquering these people is also part of the plan.

"Okay, since you are willing to submit, I will not be too stingy. Each of you will leave five hundred magic beads to ensure that you can spend this month safely."

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes swept across the entire audience, and said slowly: "However, if anyone dares to exploit and plunder other people's achievements as before, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Yes Yes!"

Everyone nodded in haste. Although their lives would inevitably be a little harder, it was better than dying.

"In addition..."

Ling Feng fixed his eyes on the people in the cave and said in a deep voice: "You all have strength above three lines. Logically, you can join the Devil Pirates at any time if you want, but you didn't do it, which means you still have some backbone! I think you don't want to stay here for the rest of your life!"

Ling Feng's words undoubtedly made everyone present shine with a gleam of brilliance.

"Those devil pirates promised to release us after fifty years, but that was just their one-sided statement. Who knows what will be waiting for us after fifty years? Or whether we can survive these fifty years is still an unknown question." Ling Feng took a deep breath, "Everyone must be well-known outside, or even a powerful figure. Are you willing to be a slave to a group of pirates here?" "No!" A younger man gritted his teeth and said, "But what can we do if we are unwilling? We are all cursed by the power of the devil. There is no escape at all!"

"What if I can help you remove the curse?"

Ling Feng's mouth curled up, staring at everyone present, and slowly said: "As long as you listen to my orders, I can not only help you remove the curse, but also take you all out! I just want to ask you one question now, do you want to leave this ghost place and regain your freedom!"

The crowd fell into a brief silence, and then immediately broke out an extremely loud roar, all saying in unison: "Yes!"



Hope is a spark, even if it is weak, it is enough to start a prairie fire. And Ling Feng's words undoubtedly gave everyone present that little spark!

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