Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2522 Everything is ready! (3 updates)

"That's natural."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up. If there were only three captains left on Alcatraz Island, he might not have a chance to escape from here.

However, this requires some coordination.

Over there in the mining area, if someone makes trouble and the trouble is big enough, they can attract the attention of captain-level experts.

If all the captains gathered in the mining area, he would have a chance to take back his things and escape from Alcatraz Island.

Kepler's map has already marked the location of the treasure house where the demon pirates stored the treasures they collected.

As long as you plan carefully, you will have a great chance to take back your things without anyone noticing, and then take the opportunity to leave here.

"Okay, I really didn't see the wrong person!"

A look of appreciation flashed across Kepler's face, "I think you must have guessed my plan."

"I have guessed a little bit. The specific situation needs to be elaborated by the seniors."

Ling Feng said slowly.


Kepler nodded, "When you pay the magic beads this month, it is an excellent opportunity. With Alcatraz Island's defense empty, if there is any trouble in the mining area, it will definitely alarm the captain-level experts, and This is the time for you to escape. However, you can only leave this time."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he stared at Kepler and said: "Senior Kepler, you can leave with me!"

Kepler shook his head and smiled, "It's difficult. My cultivation level is half useless now. You just bring me with you as a burden. Besides, the more people there are in this plan, the less chance of exposure. Bigger. And I am the key target of those guys’ surveillance. Once I disappear, they will probably guess all our plans, so no matter what, I must not leave here.”


Ling Feng wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Kepler, "Little brother, listen to me, as long as you bring the news that I am still alive, back to Poseidon Island and tell the island owner, you don't owe me anything. I believe that the island owner will not give up on me!"

"Who can be trusted these days?"

Ling Feng sneered in his heart, if the owner of Poseidon Island was really reliable, would the captains of the Poseidon need to be so groveling in front of the demon pirates?

"Senior, please listen to me."

Ling Feng shook his head, his eyes flashing with golden light, and he actually created a skinny old man exactly like Kepler.

Kepler's eyelids twitched wildly, and he was shocked when he saw his own copy.

"This...this is..."

Kepler was a little confused, "Little friend, how did you do it?"

"It's a bit complicated to say."

Ling Feng pursed his lips. The power of creation is indeed difficult to explain, but he got this power from the bloody ancient road.

"With this clone here, I think senior will have nothing to worry about."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "I have a few friends who will leave with us."

He was naturally referring to Shentu Xuance and Old Weiduoyin. As for the others, he was not so big-hearted as to think that he could take everyone away from here.

However, he will return here sooner or later. After he annihilates all the demon pirates, these captives will naturally usher in their own freedom.

"My little friend's methods are really...unfathomable!"

Kepler swallowed hard, and in good conscience, he naturally wanted to leave.

How many people can truly treat death as if it were death?

"It's just some little tricks, but it's enough to be used as a cover-up."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Senior, have you already prepared for the ship leaving Alcatraz Island?"

Kepler nodded and said calmly: "Those demon pirates underestimated the captain of the Poseidon. Over the years, I have created a small Poseidon thruster from scratch, although it is smaller than the Poseidon thruster." It’s not as powerful as the real Poseidon propeller, but it’s enough to drive a small boat to the same high speed as the Poseidon in a short time!”

"Same as Poseidon!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, this Kepler is really a talent!

The speed of the Poseidon is beyond the reach of ordinary ships, which means that as long as you board the ship, the only thing left is to leave Alcatraz Island far away.

"Then, little friend, go ahead and inform your friends."

Kepler glanced at Ling Feng and said slowly: "But I still need to remind you that one more person means more danger and less possibility of escape. Be careful not to leak this matter."

"Senior, don't worry, I know what's going on."

Ling Feng nodded. He needed to incite the prisoners to cause trouble, but he couldn't let them know too much.

So we can only deceive them first.

Perhaps at the beginning, the captives would be extremely resentful of themselves, but as long as they were finally taken out, it would not be considered a broken promise.

After separating from Kepler, Ling Feng returned to his residence and told Lao Weiduoyin and Shentu Xuance about his plans to leave. Of course, he did not reveal too much about the specifics of the plan.

Naturally, both of them wanted to leave. When they heard that Ling Feng had plans to leave, they were naturally ecstatic.

However, under Ling Feng's instructions, they were told to keep things as usual and maintain their usual status.

Everything is just waiting for an opportunity.

The next day, Ling Feng found Kepler again and summed up the careful plan with Kepler.

"My friend, are you sure you want to go to the treasure house to retrieve your weapons?"

Kepler looked a little solemn, looked at Ling Feng, and said solemnly: "I don't recommend that you go to the treasure house. After all, although I know the location of the treasure house, if you want to enter it, I am afraid that some mechanism will be triggered. By then, I'm afraid, All the previous efforts have been wasted. At this time, it is really not appropriate to cause trouble.”

"Senior, don't worry, I will go to this pirate treasure house by myself."

Ling Feng said slowly: "Senior, go find the ship first. If I fail to come back in time, you can sail the ship and leave first!"


Kepler sighed softly, "My little friend saved my two daughters and gave me a chance to escape together. No matter how long it takes, I will definitely wait for you!"

"Thank you very much, senior."

Ling Feng nodded slightly. The destruction of all directions was very important to him, and it was absolutely impossible to stay in a ghost place like Alcatraz Island.

"In my opinion, within the next few days, the demon pirates will come looking for you."

Kepler said: "You must stabilize them first and don't arouse their suspicion."

It can be seen that Kepler has been preparing for many years, waiting for an opportunity, and naturally does not want any accidents, especially at this juncture.

After all, there was only one chance, not to mention that he had just learned the news about his daughter and was even more eager to leave here.

"Senior, don't worry!"

Ling Feng nodded. Now, everything is ready, he is just waiting for the last opportunity!

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