Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2523 Give you a chance! (1 more)

As Kepler expected, since Clark was disabled, the demon pirates lost a tool to exploit the captives, so naturally, they needed to find a replacement for Clark.

As Ling Feng, who defeated Clark head-on, was naturally the best candidate for the demon pirates.

The demon pirates didn't care what happened between the captives, they only cared about whether they could get more benefits.

So, once Clark became disabled, they naturally gave up this chess piece.

On this day, a group of captives went to the mining area to collect magic crystals as usual, while Ling Feng was in his cave, refining the extra magic beads.

The 100,000 magic beads looted from Clark were a very rich harvest for him. At least, it meant that he didn't need to go mining at all, and he could easily complete the indicators set by the demon pirates.

In the past few days, Ling Feng has refined more than 30,000 beads one after another, and the Asura Magic Eye has obviously undergone some kind of change.

It can be seen that Ling Feng's guess was not wrong. These magic beads containing demonic energy have a considerable effect on the evolution of Asura Demon Eye.

According to Ling Feng's estimation, if he can refine all 100,000 magic beads, perhaps Asura Demon Eye will complete its first transformation.

"Ling Feng! Who is Ling Feng? Come out quickly!"

At this moment, a noisy voice came from outside the cave. Ling Feng opened his eyes slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Sure enough."

Ling Feng stood up and strode out of the cave.

There were three people in total. The leader was a six-line demon ability user like Clark, but Clark used a magic bead with mixed demonic energy to advance to the sixth line, while this six-line ability user used a demon fruit with pure demonic energy. Although they were both six lines, their strengths were incomparable.

Moreover, no matter how strong Clark was, he was just a captive, while this person was a captain of a demon pirate.

There were not too many six-line masters among the demon pirates.

This six-patterned ability user looks very strong. Although he is not very tall, his muscles are extremely exaggerated, giving people a feeling of shaking mountains.

Behind him, he also carries two broadswords on his back, his eyes are shining, and he is staring at Ling Feng without blinking.

"Are you the Ling Feng?"

The six-patterned team leader looked at Ling Feng and asked in a deep voice: "The Ling Feng who defeated Clark?"

"It's me."

Ling Feng nodded slightly, looked at the team leader, and said calmly: "What's the matter?"


The team leader's eyes turned cold, stared at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "First of all, Clark is the person I chose. As the saying goes, you have to look at the owner when you beat the dog. Have you ever thought about what consequences you will bear after you attack Clark?"

The cold eyes almost lowered the temperature around to the freezing point. A bone-chilling cold swept from the team leader. Even the two demon pirates accompanying him couldn't help shivering.

"Clark provoked me, I just gave him back." Ling Feng met the captain's gaze and said disapprovingly: "As far as I know, we captives only need to hand in enough magic beads on time every month, right? As for the private fights, as long as no one is killed, you demon pirates don't seem to care!" "Huh?" The captain frowned, seeing that Ling Feng dared to talk back to him, a little anger flashed in his eyes, "Boy, whether I can care or not depends on whether I am willing to care! No matter what your identity was before, here, you are just small captives, don't show me a lot of You idiot, if I want you dead, it'll be as easy as killing an ant!" Ling Feng pursed his lips and said calmly, "Of course I understand my situation. However, since you came to me and didn't do anything, but you talked a lot, if I'm not mistaken, you don't want me to die, right?" The captain looked at Ling Feng and his expression eased a little, "Okay, it seems that you are also a smart person! Yes, I don't want to kill you, on the contrary, I will give you a chance!" "What chance, tell me." Ling Feng pretended to be confused and always maintained a humble attitude. "I want you to replace Clark. Clark had to contribute 90% of the magic beads he collected from other captives, and he could keep the remaining 10% for himself. That's why he was able to be promoted to a six-pattern ability user in just ten years. You are better than that waste Clark, so as long as you are willing to work for us, I can give you an extra 10%, and you can keep 20% of the magic beads for yourself." The captain paused, and seeing Ling Feng still hesitating, he frowned and said, "This is already a great sincerity. I heard that you have also comprehended the power of the devil. As long as you perform well enough, you may not be able to join our demon pirates in the future and become a member of the demon pirates. If everything goes well, maybe you can become our 14th demon captain. At that time, even I must obey your orders!" "What do you think? This is a great opportunity for you. If you miss this opportunity, you will never have it again!" The captain was eloquent. Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Since there is such an opportunity, I am not a fool, of course I will not miss it. Okay, I agree!" "Very good, a man of insight is a hero!"

The squad leader nodded, "You are indeed a smart man! From this moment on, you will be the internal agent of our demon pirates. From now on, you will only be responsible for collecting more magic beads from other captives. We will help you get rid of them among the captives." , establish prestige.”

"No need to bother."

Ling Feng raised his fist and grinned: "With my strength, do I need any other help?"

"Okay, I admire you! My name is Rexxa. From now on, as long as you hand over more than 200,000 magic beads to me on time every month, I guarantee that you will be able to live a good life!"

Rexalan laughed for a while, then stared at Ling Feng, and said solemnly: "I heard that you looted a lot of magic beads from Clark! Since you are going to become our devil pirate's internal agent, you should also show some sincerity. Bar?"

"Depend on!"

Ling Feng cursed in his heart, these demon pirates were so greedy that they didn't even want to let go of this little magic bead.

However, for the sake of the overall situation, Ling Feng had no choice but to grit his teeth and donate a sum of magic beads.

"Here are fifty thousand magic beads!"

Ling Feng separated half of the magic beads and said solemnly: "There are only so many!"

"fifty thousand?"

Lexa frowned, but he also knew that if the water flows slowly, Ling Feng should not be pushed too hard. Ling Feng could show his sincerity by offering 50,000 yuan.

"good very good!"

Lexa raised his hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "Boy, do things for me well from now on, and your benefits will be indispensable!"

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