Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2525 The mining area is out of control! (3 updates)

"We can't just accept it anymore!"

"This guy is a devil, a demon!"

"Resist, we must resist! Otherwise, we will all die in his hands!"

Everyone completely lost control, their eyes were red, instead of waiting for Ling Feng to cripple them one by one, and then they would not be able to hand over the magic beads, it would be better to resist now.

Resist, there is still a glimmer of hope.

If you don't resist, you will definitely die!

At this critical moment of life and death, everyone's decision was surprisingly consistent.

"Strike first, kill him first!"

"Kill him, this little devil, don't let him live!"

Everyone was furious, and for a while, the scene was completely out of control.

The angry crowd rushed towards Ling Feng, and the first to bear the brunt were Ling Feng's unlucky subordinates.

For a while, the entire mining area was in chaos.

Ling Feng grinned, all this was in his plan!

Leaving behind a replica created by a great creation technique, Ling Feng's figure flashed and disappeared in the crowd.

And no one noticed that Shentu Xuance and Old Weiduoyin, who were lying on the ground and dying, also disappeared at the same time.

It turned out that the scene just now was simply a good show performed by Ling Feng and them.

"Report...Report...Report...Captain Rexxar, the mining area...the mining area is out of control!"

A demon pirate's minion rushed into a big tent like a fly. At this time, Rexxar was touching a concubine in the big tent. Hearing the minion's report, he jumped up immediately.

"Out of control? How could it be out of control?"

Rexxar frowned, "What kind of trouble could those captives cause? What's going on?"

"It's... it's that Ling Feng!"

The pirate thug trembled and said, "That Ling Feng is so crazy that he actually collected 200 magic beads from the captives and beat several of them in public. As a result, all the captives are completely out of control. Now the entire mining area is in chaos and fighting!"


Rexxar clenched his fists tightly, "Is this kid crazy? Two hundred, there is a limit to greed!"

Rexxar was almost mad to death. How could he know that Ling Feng was deliberately playing him!

In the mining area, there are as many as 40,000 to 50,000 miners, which is more than ten times the number of demon pirates.

Not to mention, at this moment, ten of the thirteen demon captains have left, and the island's defense is empty.

If things get out of hand, I'm afraid it will be out of control.

"I'll go over and take a look first, you go and report to the captains!"

Rexxar took a deep breath. Now only by inviting the captain-level strongmen can the overall situation be stabilized.


On the other side.

After Ling Feng messed up the entire mining area, this "culprit" left a clone and left very comfortably.

Everything was going according to his and Kepler's plan. The demon lord and most of the demon captains were not on the island. The defense of Demon Island was empty, and the mining area was in chaos. They had to call on the remaining captain-level masters.

And this time was the best time for them to escape from Demon Island!

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be so smooth!" Shentu Xuance looked at the chaotic situation behind him, and felt proud in his heart, "Brother Ling, how is my acting just now? Is it okay?" "It's just a formality, a little exaggerated!" Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Old Wei's acting is still superb, his true feelings are revealed, and he is not bound by the surface. He is worthy of being a real veteran actor!" "Hehe..." Old Wei Duoyin smiled and said, "It's all arranged by Xiaofeng in advance!" "Tsk!" Shentu Xuance rolled his eyes, "No vision!" "Okay." Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Brother Shentu, Old Wei, you follow this road and run all the way to the coastline!" As he said, Ling Feng pointed to a small path in front and said in a deep voice, "I think Kepler has prepared the ship!" "Brother Ling, don't you want to go with us?" Shentu Xuance blinked and looked at Ling Feng and said, "We finally got out. You don't want to stay any longer, do you?" "I have to get "I want to bring back some of my things." Ling Feng said calmly, "My sword is very important to me." "This..." Shentu Xuance took a deep breath, "My things are still with the Demon Pirates, I will go with you!" "No, too many people will make things go wrong." Ling Feng patted Shentu Xuance on the shoulder and said calmly, "Don't worry, Brother Shentu, I will bring your things out with me. You should meet up with Senior Kepler now. If I can't come back within an hour, you should leave first!" "This..." Shentu Xuance and Old Weiduoyin looked at each other and shook their heads, "No, we will never give up on you. Without you, we can't escape from here!" "Why make it so tragic!" Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "I just said it casually, just in case. Don't worry, I will definitely come!" Ling Feng took a deep look at the two of them, and then started his body skills and flew towards the treasure house of the Demon Pirates. "Brother Ling, I hope everything goes well for you!" Shentu Xuance sighed, but he was too weak to follow Ling Feng.


According to Kepler's detailed map, Ling Feng quickly found the treasure house.

At this moment, the mining area is in chaos, and the defense on Alcatraz Island is empty. With most people going to the mining area to suppress it, it is naturally easy for Ling Feng to avoid the few patrolling guards with his body skills.

After a while, Ling Feng arrived in front of the treasure house.

It is said to be a treasure house, but in fact it is just a cave in the center of Alcatraz Island.

Inside the cave, there are stored many materials that the demon pirates have collected over the years.

When he reached the front of the cave, Ling Feng stopped. The air in front of him flowed slowly like ripples.

"Is it a barrier..."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and stretched out his hand to summon the boundary-breaking shuttle.

This boundary-breaking shuttle, which can pass through any barrier, comes in handy at this moment.

With a flash of golden light, Ling Feng controlled the boundary-breaking shuttle. Without knowing it, he crossed the outer barrier and entered the cave directly with ease.

All directions are destroyed, but Ling Feng's heavenly weapons, swords condensed with human divine patterns, can only be controlled by Ling Feng.

In the hands of others, it is just a very heavy piece of scrap metal.

After entering the cave, Ling Feng regained his sense of connection with Shi Fang Mu.

With a thought, everything in the ten directions was destroyed, and it automatically flew towards Ling Feng and fell into his palm again.

"Old man, you are finally back!"

Ling Feng clenched his fist and the ten directions were destroyed, and a feeling of blood connection arose spontaneously.

Ling Feng's true peak state can only be achieved when he holds everything in his hand and annihilates all directions.

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