Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2526 Seizing the Pearl! (1 update)

There are so many treasures in the treasure house, it is not easy to find a spiritual ring among them.

After all, the mark of divine consciousness left on the Naling Ring had long been erased by those demon pirates.

Of course, this does not trouble Ling Feng, because since he has come, there is no need to be polite about this demon pirate's treasure trove.


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up. No matter what, he would first move all the items in the treasure house into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

In this way, even if you can't find your Naling Ring and empty this treasure house, you will definitely not lose money.

After a while, Ling Feng swept away everything that could be moved within his field of vision.

These demon pirates let themselves mine the mine for them for so long, and this treasure house is considered as interest.

The whole treasure house was very long and narrow. Ling Feng kept moving forward and didn't even reach the end in a long time.

The further down you go, it's like a passage leading to the Nine Nether Hells.

Ling Feng stared intently, vaguely feeling that there seemed to be an extremely terrifying and evil force at the end of the passage.

"Where does the end of this passage lead to?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger, Ling Feng has never lacked the curiosity to explore unknown things.

The passage deep in the treasure house obviously aroused Ling Feng's curiosity.

"Is it possible that some demon lord stored some demon treasure down here?"

Ling Feng tightened his fists. There was of course unknown danger ahead, but it might also be a huge opportunity.

Although the magic beads condensed from those magic crystal mines have some effect on improving Asura's demonic eye, as more and more magic beads are absorbed, this effect has become less and less obvious.

If you can get one or two treasures that contain pure demonic energy, you will definitely benefit a lot.

Not only the Asura Demon Eye, but also the improvement of the Eye of the Void has considerable benefits.

After all, these are the powers belonging to the high-level demons.

"Boy Lingfeng!"

With a flash of black light, Bitch jumped out of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. He obviously sensed the extremely evil aura below, and his expression looked a bit solemn.

"What the hell kind of place is this? It actually has the aura of ancient demons?"

Bitch asked in a deep voice.

"Is it the ancient demon clan? It seems that down here, maybe it is the place where the ancient demon clan is sealed..."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, then finally plucked up the courage and decided to explore further.

After all, since the ancient demon clan has been sealed below, it may not have such powerful methods.

And he possesses both the Eye of the Void and the Demonic Eye of Asura. At critical moments, he can pretend to be a demon and fish in troubled waters.

"Let's go down and take a look!"

Ling Feng didn't hesitate anymore, took steps and strode down.

The bitch said with a guilty conscience: "You brat, this mythical beast won't accompany you to make fools of yourself. There are so many treasures out there, so I'll go search them first!"

"You bitch..."

Ling Feng shook his head. It seemed that the reason why this guy ran out was because he was not interested in drinking, but because he was planning to take advantage of the treasure house outside.

That's fine, just let the bitch scratch the ground, completely empty the demon pirates' treasure house, and make those demon pirates angry to death!

Ignoring the bitch anymore, Ling Feng walked all the way down, holding back his breath and being cautious.

The passage was extremely long and narrow, and Ling Feng felt that the surroundings were getting hotter and hotter, as if he had reached the depths of the earth. Even the rocks on the four walls began to show a dark red color.

And the intensity of the demonic energy has almost become solid.

Just take a breath of demonic energy and it's almost as powerful as a magic bead.

I don't know how long it took, but Ling Feng finally saw rows of dark red stone pillars in front of him.

Here, it seems to be an underground altar!

In the center of those stone pillars, there is a flat platform slightly higher than the ground. On the platform, stands an altar as tall as a person, with a huge stone wall placed on it.

On the stone wall, there is also a sculpture in the shape of a coiled python. Under the statue, there are eight circular grooves, six of which are inlaid with sparkling gems of different colors.

And these six gems seemed to be continuously sending energy to the stone statue.

All the demonic energy seems to be emanating from this stone statue.

"Those gems are probably valuable treasures!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and thought to himself: This is probably the biggest secret of the demon lord. These six gems are absolutely extraordinary!

If he were to dig out all these gems, the demon lord would probably be so angry that his lungs would explode when he came back!

Thinking of this, Ling Feng didn't waste any more time, used Yufeng Xiaoyaoyou, and flew out in the direction of the altar.

"These treasures are all mine!"

Ling Feng's speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he landed in front of the stone statue. He grabbed the first red gem with his big hand.


At this moment, an extremely hoarse and gloomy voice came from the stone statue. Ling Feng was shuddered and looked up at the statue in front of him.

The statue's eyes were slowly opening, and a strong black energy spread. Then, a pair of blood-red pupils were gradually expanding.


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, his hands were not slow, he picked out two gems from the stone carvings one after another, and threw them into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.


An extremely angry roar came from the stone carving, and then, a terrifying force exploded, which was exactly the same as the demon repulsion that Ling Feng had practiced, but it was far more powerful than Ling Feng's repulsion.


For a moment, Ling Feng felt a heavy punch hit his chest, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he flew backwards. However, he did not forget to grab a gem when he was thrown away.

In this way, Ling Feng had already captured four of the six gems inlaid in those grooves.

"Return my original magic bead!"

The stone statue roared hysterically, and then the gravitational force of the demon burst out, trying to suck Ling Feng in.

"Master, I won't accompany you anymore!"

Purple light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and the Pupil of the Void opened, tearing the void directly. Then, he activated the time and space mark left by Taixu Zhoulong to perform time and space displacement. In the blink of an eye, Ling Feng had disappeared into this huge In the underground platform.

"No! No! No!!!"

The stone statue roared angrily. It spent hundreds of years and effort to get the leader of the demon pirates to help him retrieve the six original magic beads. But now a boy came out inexplicably. , and took away four in one breath!

A whole four!

"Junior, I will crush your bones to ashes and make you die without a burial place!"

It's a pity that although the stone statue used all the most vicious words to curse Ling Feng crazily, he was just a statue after all. He couldn't leave this altar at all, and could only rage in this underground world.

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