Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2528: Enemy or friend? (3 updates)

"Everyone calm down, calm down and listen to me!"

Rexxar was completely panicked. Although he was a six-marked ability user, there were many saint-level masters among the captives. Although he had been squeezed for many years and his strength was greatly reduced, his foundation was still there.

At full power, Rexxar could deal with eight people, which might be no problem, but this was not ten or eight people, but a total of four to five thousand people!

One mouthful of spit almost drowned him.

The angry crowd instantly overwhelmed Rexxar. Before he could even use his demonic power, his hands and feet were interrupted by "click, click", which was extremely miserable.

On the other side, "Ling Feng" was also overwhelmed by the angry crowd. This clone, after completing its mission, was finally torn into pieces.

Soon, those captain-level experts finally arrived at the scene to maintain order.

At present, Alcatraz Island's defense is empty, and there are no extra troops to suppress this riot. The only way is to send captain-level experts.


A ball of demonic flames fell from the sky, and in an instant, the prisoners who were beating Rexxar were burned to ashes by the demonic flames.

The next moment, a red-haired man with blazing flames burning all over his body and wearing a crimson cloak landed in the center of the flames, his cold eyes sweeping across the audience.

"The fifth captain, Flame Ace!"

Immediately afterwards, there was another blue-haired man with his feet on a surfboard, and a wave of water automatically flowed wherever he passed. He slid all the way and finally landed next to Flame Ace, holding the surfboard in one hand, with a slight smile on his face. With a somewhat lazy expression.

This person is the fourth captain of the Demon Pirates, Blue Ice Cold.

"Don't think that if we send out the demon captain, we will..."

A prisoner roared, and Cold glanced at him. Then, the prisoner's body began to freeze, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into an ice sculpture. Then, with a click, the ice sculpture shattered, and the prisoner suddenly exploded. shoot.

As soon as the two demon captains arrived, they instantly overawed everyone with their decisive and killing attitude.

Everyone held their breath, not even daring to take a breath. The fear of the Demon Captain was already deep in their bones.

"Now that you've calmed down, let's talk about what's going on."

Blue Ice Cold's gaze swept across the entire audience, and his voice seemed to carry a chilly wind, making people shudder.

Although the chaos carefully planned by Ling Feng was almost quickly resolved by the two demon captains, it was all part of his plan.

After all, it still alerted the captain-level expert, which gave him the opportunity to sneak into the treasure house and plunder it.

However, he still missed a step.

There are three more demon captains left on Alcatraz Island.

Besides Flame Ace and Blue Ice Cold, there is another person!

At this moment, after Ling Feng left the demon pirate's treasure house, he flew towards the place agreed with Kepler.

Seeing that the coastline was getting closer and closer, Ling Feng's heart finally relaxed.

Finally, I can leave this hellish place!

However, things often don't go as smoothly as expected.

Just when Ling Feng was about to arrive at the beach and board the boat prepared by Kepler, an uninvited guest appeared on the road ahead.

It was a dark shadow, shrouded in a layer of black mist.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he immediately became alert.

It can be said that he was deeply impressed by this black mist.

Because the reason why he was captured by the demon pirates without any resistance could be said to be thanks to this black mist.

His ability was actually able to put him into a coma without anyone noticing.

You know, he has a physique that is almost invulnerable to all poisons, but the opponent's black mist makes him defenseless.

Ling Feng clenched his fists and summoned all directions to be destroyed, his eyes fixed on the black mist in front of him.

Naturally, Ling Feng did not dare to be careless in dealing with this guy who had made him suffer in the past.

"You are very smart. You actually know how to create chaos, distract captain-level experts, and take the opportunity to leave!"

In the black mist, a cold voice came out and said slowly: "But you neglected one thing, that is, I left a mark on your sword. If you give up this sword, maybe now Already fled this place."

"so what!"

Ling Feng frowned, stared at the black shadow, and said coldly: "Anyone who blocks me will die!"

He knew that he couldn't waste any more time here, otherwise, when the other captains reacted and arrived with the demon pirates, he would have no chance.

Therefore, he must make a quick decision.

"Young man, why are you so anxious to take action?"

The shadow smiled faintly, "You and I may not be enemies."

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, staring at the other party, and said somewhat strangely: "Aren't you the Demon Captain?"

"Even if we are the Demon Captain, you and I may not be enemies."

The black figure took out a ring from his sleeve and threw it towards Ling Feng, "This is your spiritual ring. I will return the original. There is also something belonging to your friend inside."

Ling Feng reached out and took the ring, his eyelids twitched slightly, this was indeed his spiritual ring!

"what do you mean?"

Ling Feng stared at the black figure, "You caught me last time and took away my things, and now you're bringing them back?"

The black shadow smiled, "Think about it carefully, if I hadn't taken action last time, do you think you and your friends would have survived?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. Indeed, in the last situation, it seemed that this person had fascinated him and made him a prisoner.

However, even if he doesn't take action, he has already arrived at the base camp of the demon pirates. There are more masters on the island. If he doesn't take action and fights to the end, he may not even have a chance to become a prisoner, and he will be killed on the spot. Come on.

"Why are you helping me?"

Ling Feng stared at the black figure, and his hostility had weakened a bit.

However, Ling Feng was extremely curious. It seemed that he had never had any contact with him before, right?

"We don't have much time, so I won't say more about unimportant things."

The black shadow gradually became illusory, and he said slowly: "I came to see you this time. Firstly, I want to return your things to you. In addition, the demon lord is collecting eight original magic beads of the ancient demons. Now he has found them. Six of them and the remaining two are still scattered in the endless sea. I hope that you can find the other two original magic beads before the demon lord and stop the demon lord's conspiracy to resurrect the ancient demons. "

As soon as the words fell, the black shadow disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, hey! Tell me clearly who you are!"

Ling Feng was confused for a while. Among the demon captains, such a mysterious guy unexpectedly appeared again. Although he seemed to have helped him, Ling Feng could not determine whether he was an enemy or a friend.

"Is it the original magic bead..."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. The few gems he picked out from the stone statue seemed to be some kind of original magic beads.

"There are eight grooves in the statue. It turns out that there are eight original magic beads in total..."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and put everything behind him for the time being. The most important thing now is to meet up with Kepler and the others and leave Alcatraz Island!

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