Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2529 Escape from Alcatraz Island! (1 update)


The hour agreed upon by Ling Feng and Kepler was getting closer and closer.

Kepler, Shentu Xuance and Lao Weiduoyin all looked anxiously at the intersection leading to the coast, but Ling Feng was nowhere to be seen.

Finally, an hour has arrived!

"What should we do now?"

Old Vidoin broke the silence.

Although most of the demon pirates went to suppress the riots in the mining area, this place is still unsafe because no one knows when the demon pirate fleet will return.

If they happened to collide with the demon pirates, none of them would be able to escape.

"It's better to wait."

Shentu Xuance gritted his teeth and said, "I told you that we must wait until Brother Ling comes back."

Kepler also nodded. He was undoubtedly the person who wanted to leave Alcatraz Island the most, but he knew better that without Ling Feng, they would have no chance of escaping.

"Then keep waiting!"

Old Weiduoyin also took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "If we can't see Xiaofeng, we won't leave!"

"Yes, let's go together if we want to go, and stay together if we want to stay!"

Shentu Xuance clenched his fists. Although he and Ling Feng had not known each other for a long time, Ling Feng did not abandon him when he made his escape plan, so he would never abandon Ling Feng at this time.

Otherwise, it would be too unloyal.


At this moment, at the end of the road, a figure appeared in the distance, speeding towards him.

"somebody is coming!"

Old Weiduoyin stared intently, with a mixture of nervousness and expectation on his face. He naturally expected that the person coming was Ling Feng, but if it were those demon pirates, a fierce battle would be inevitable.

Fortunately, the person coming is none other than Ling Feng!

"It's Brother Ling!"

Shentu Xuance burst out laughing, "I'm just telling you, this guy is not that unlucky!"


From a distance, Ling Feng urged Kepler to start the boat. Then, he directly used the Nine Nether Body Blinking Technique, as if he had directly crossed a period of time and space. In the blink of an eye, he had landed firmly on the boat.

At this moment, Kepler has also activated the Poseidon thruster, and the boat immediately bursts out of the waves like a cannonball. The speed is so fast that it can be compared with the Poseidon.


Ling Feng, Shentu Xuance and Lao Weiduoyin all breathed a sigh of relief. The activation of the thrusters meant that they had finally successfully escaped from Alcatraz Island.

"Relax now, it's still early!"

At this moment, Kepler said solemnly: "Although the Poseidon propeller can allow this small ship to reach the speed of the Poseidon in an instant, the Poseidon's hull is made of hardened fine steel and meteorite iron. It still requires the use of a large number of defensive arrays, and this wooden ship is very simple. Although I also used some defensive arrays to support it, I am afraid it cannot withstand this speed. "

"Also, this is deep in the inland sea, and there are terrible undercurrents and whirlpools everywhere. I am afraid that this small boat will not be able to sustain it for too long. Therefore, before arriving at the destination, everyone still needs to use all their strength to maintain the stability of this boat. Defense array!"

Before he finished speaking, a wave hit, and the whole boat suddenly began to jolt violently. There was also a "click" sound from the hull, and a crack appeared on one of the ship's plates.

"What a trap!"

Shentu Xuance exclaimed and quickly used all his strength to strengthen the defensive array on the hull.

Ling Feng and Lao Weiduoyin also used their own methods. Now the four of them are like grasshoppers tied to a rope, and this small boat is their only life-saving straw.

This journey is destined not to be too peaceful.

Alcatraz Island.

Under the joint suppression of "Flame" Ace and "Blue Ice" Cold, the riots in the mining area quickly subsided.

But "Ling Feng", who was the instigator, suddenly disappeared.

This "Ling Feng" was just a copy. After receiving a severe beating, it naturally dissipated quickly.

The demon captains regained their strength, and in order to stabilize everyone, they announced that except for the five hundred magic beads they requested, no one was allowed to ask for magic beads in any form from other prisoners.

In this way, this disruption also gave these prisoners some breathing room.

Although they were still enslaved, at least the demon pirates no longer dared to blatantly exploit their captives.

"Okay, let's go back to mining."

Flame Ace's aura surged around him. Under his invisible pressure, the prisoners did not dare to continue causing trouble. After all, they had already obtained a fair explanation.

"Go and bring down the instigator!"

Flame Ace snorted coldly, he wanted to know which "talent" would actually ask for the Erbai Magic Pearl directly from other prisoners.

Doesn't this make it clear to force them to rebel?

After a while, Flame Ace's subordinates brought the dying Rexxa, whose limbs had been broken, to Flame Ace.


Flame Essen's cold gaze fell on Lexa, and he said in a cold voice: "Lexa, I have always left matters in the mining area to you to deal with. How could it be like this? Why don't you tell me something today? So don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

Lexa had been beaten to the point where he couldn't take care of himself. When he heard Ace's words, his whole body trembled and he said in a trembling voice: "Ai... Captain Ace, I... I really don't know. My indicators have always been just Fifty magic beads, who knew that Ling Feng was so crazy that he actually charged 200 magic beads from others! This little bastard, he is the initiator, I must cut him into pieces!"

"Ling Feng?"

Flame Ace frowned, "Where are the others?"


Lexa twisted his neck with difficulty and looked around, "Why is the person missing? It was obvious before..."

Apparently when they were surrounded by prisoners before, it was "Ling Feng's" talkativeness that made the prisoners completely furious and beat him into the miserable state he was in now.

"Hmph, if you want to see someone alive, you want to see a corpse if you die!" Flame Ace waved his sleeves, "Go and bring that kid back to me!"

"Wait a moment!"

Lan Bing Cold frowned and said solemnly: "There is something weird in this!"

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, as if he thought of something, and he flew directly towards Kepler's residence.

At this time, "Kepler" was still condensing the magic beads in his cave.

Of course, this Kepler is just a copy created by Ling Feng using the Great Creation Technique.

"Still here……"

Cold frowned and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Flame Ace also followed, looked at Colde strangely, and asked casually: "What's wrong, Colde, is there something wrong with this old guy?"

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