Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2530 Too greedy! (2 updates)

"I thought this riot was related to this old guy."

Cold shrugged, strode into the cave, and sneered: "Captain Kepler, your old friend is here, why don't you come out and say hello?"

Cord slapped his hands, which was how they greeted Kepler, and when they met, a beating was inevitable.

But this time, his palm force fell on Kepler, and Kepler turned into a ball of golden light and disappeared!

"This...what is going on!"

Cold's eyelids twitched, and the next moment he reacted instantly, "Oops, this is a fake, we have been fooled!"

"what's the situation?"

Flame Ace was also stunned. Kepler, who was in good condition, was missing?

Soon, under the search of the two demon captains, they discovered that not only Kepler was missing, but the instigator Ling Feng had also disappeared.

Even if he was beaten to death by the angry prisoners, there should always be a body.

Thinking of Kepler's sudden disappearance, they still didn't understand. They were completely plotted by this boy named Ling Feng.

As they continued their search, they discovered something that made the captains extremely angry.

The treasure trove they had worked so hard to accumulate was actually emptied out!

That’s right, it’s emptied!

The entire cave is empty, even the floor tiles have been dug out, for fear of missing any small details.

This is of course the work of a cheap donkey. Wherever it goes, it can be said that it digs three feet into the ground.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Ace and Cold were both furious. Even though the barrier outside was intact, they couldn't understand how the boy named Ling Feng entered the treasure house.

Besides anger, there is more fear.

If the demon lord comes back and discovers the situation in the treasure house, they may be doomed.

You know, a month ago, Bo Gang went to capture Devela, but the mission failed, causing the demon lord to become furious, but he almost killed Bo Gang with a palm.

This was because Nian Zai had made a lot of great contributions before Bo Gang, so he was spared a small life, but one of his arms was cut off as punishment.

While they were staying on Alcatraz Island, they actually had their treasure trove emptied.

If this was pursued, they might...

Thinking of this, the two demon captains broke into cold sweat at the same time, as if they had fallen into ice purgatory.

About two hours later, Demon Lord Sephiroth returned to Alcatraz Island happily.


Sephiroth looked delighted. This time he left Alcatraz Island to search for the original magic bead of the ancient demon clan, and finally found something. Under a vast ocean trench, after going through many dangers, he obtained an original magic bead. beads.

In addition to the six he got before, that is to say, eight original magic beads, he has already got seven of them.

Only the last one left, and he could get the secret of the ancient god's treasure.

"Lord...Lord, you are back!"

When Flame Ace and Blue Ice Kord saw the Demon Lord, their hearts trembled.

Fortunately, the lord seems to be in a good mood, and maybe he will give them a lenient sentence.


Sephiroth nodded, still immersed in joy, and did not see the faces of Ace and the others, which were darker than the bottom of the pot.

"During my absence, nothing happened on the island, right?"

Sephiroth asked casually.


The two Aces swallowed hard, but before they could speak, Sephiroth was already impatiently walking towards the treasure house, "Forget it, how can any blind person dare to cause trouble on my Alcatraz Island!"

Ace and Cold looked at each other, both breaking out in cold sweat: Today, there really are some blind people, and they even emptied their treasure trove!

"Sir, treasure house... treasure house..."

The two demon captains were both obedient and fearful, neither of them dared to speak.

At this time, Sephiroth had already walked outside the treasure house. With a wave of his hand, the barrier outside the treasure house was opened directly.

With a "rumbling" sound, a secret door slowly rose.

Then, the expression on Sephiroth's face froze instantly.

What was once a dazzling treasure house filled with all kinds of treasures has now turned into a bare cave with no vegetation...

No, it's just a ruin!

"Who did it!"

Sephiroth was furious. It took him hundreds of years to save this treasure house from scratch.

But now, it’s empty!

Not a hair was left!

"Sir...Sir, this is what we wanted to say just now. There is a prisoner named Ling Feng who colluded with Kepler, the original captain of the Poseidon. They...they joined forces and evacuated our treasure... treasure house!"

Ace's voice was trembling violently. If the demon lord punished him, he would probably die.

Sephiroth was so angry that he was trembling all over. He looked at a huge treasure house that had been moved into ruins, and even the floor tiles were peeled away piece by piece.

So greedy!

This level of greed is simply outrageous!

a long time!

A long time!

Sephiroth took a deep breath and took out a round purple gem.

Fortunately, I finally gained something this time. I got the seventh original soul bead. It can be said that I am only one step away from getting the treasure of the ancient god.

As long as you get the ancient god's treasure, the things in this treasure house don't matter!


Sephiroth took deep breaths several times, and then said calmly: "Okay, I understand, isn't it just a treasure house? We demon pirates are still the overlords of this sea. No matter how many treasure houses we have, we can loot them again. !”

"Yes, yes, that's the truth!"

Ace and Cold nodded repeatedly, "The lord is worthy of being the overlord of the sea. It's just a treasure house, so naturally he doesn't take it seriously."


Sephiroth flicked his sleeves and said, "You guys wait here for now!"

After saying that, Sephiroth walked towards a passage deep in the treasure house.

The passage deep in the treasure house is a forbidden area in the forbidden area of ​​Alcatraz. No one is allowed to enter except him.

Of course, no one can enter it.

After all, just the demonic energy shrouding the passage is enough to kill anyone without a burial place.

Only he, with the permission of the ancient demon clan, could avoid being corroded by this demonic energy.

Therefore, he did not think that anyone could enter this place.

But unfortunately, Ling Feng is an anomaly.

Ling Feng possesses the power of Asura's Demonic Eye and the Eye of the Void. These two demons are undoubtedly nobles among the high-level demons.

The demonic barrier set up by the ancient demon clan could stop others, but for Ling Feng, it was completely useless.

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