Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2531 Where to go! (3 updates)


About thirty breaths later, a hysterical roar came from the depths of the treasure house.

The penetrating power of the sound almost reached the sky and resounded throughout Alcatraz Island.

Sephiroth, with blood-red eyes, looked at the six gems originally inlaid on the stone carving on the altar, but now, only two were left!

He worked hard and worked hard to finally collect six original soul beads, but four of them were stolen by shameless "thieves"!

A whole four!

Sephiroth's lungs were about to explode with anger. Originally, he had found seven original soul beads, but now he lost most of them!


What a joy!

The little bit of joy in Sephiroth's heart disappeared.

"Who did this! Who did this!"

Sephiroth rushed to the stone statue like crazy, and then the stone statue slowly opened its eyes, and its scarlet eyes became dim at this moment.

"Stupid Sephiroth, you are so negligent that you actually let outsiders break into this place!"

The stone statue stared angrily at Sephiroth. If it wasn't just a statue, it would probably pounce on him and bite off Sephiroth's head.

"Lord Holy Demon, you said back then that your demonic energy barrier could prevent anyone except me from breaking into this place!"

Sephiroth stared at the stone carvings and gritted his teeth and said, "What now? Something happened and I was blamed instead?"

The stone statue was speechless for a moment, and then said after a while: "Okay, the matter is over, it is not time to hold people accountable!"

The next moment, a light curtain was projected from the statue's eyes, and within the light curtain was Ling Feng's appearance.

"This is the kid who stole four original magic beads. You must catch him and take back the magic beads!"

The stone statue said through gritted teeth.

"You don't need to tell me, I will do the same!"

Sephiroth clenched his fists tightly and was silent for a moment before taking out the magic orb he had retrieved from this trip. "This is the seventh original magic orb I went out to search for this time. Originally, there was only the last one left. "

The stone statue attracted the magic beads and embedded them in the grooves. It seemed to have regained some energy, and its tone was a little calmer, "As long as we catch that kid, it's still not too late!"

"I'm afraid that boy, if he leaves the waters of the Endless Sea, we will..."

"Don't worry about this. Unless that kid can absorb the energy in the magic bead, he will not be able to bring my original magic bead out of the endless sea!"

The stone statue's eyes flashed with red light, "Now, you immediately let those useless trash under you take back my magic beads!"

"Don't worry, I already have a clue!"

Being able to become the overlord of the sea, Sephiroth is certainly not a fool.

Since Ling Feng left with Kepler, they would definitely go to Poseidon Island together!

Sephiroth clenched his fists and stared at the light curtain in front of him, staring at the young man above him. He gritted his teeth with hatred, "Anyone who blocks me from obtaining the ancient god's treasure will die! Boy, you will regret what you did today. of everything!”

"A sneeze! A sneeze!"

On the boat, Ling Feng and his group were struggling to support the defensive arrays they put on, when Ling Feng suddenly started sneezing.

"What's going on? Is someone scolding me?"

Ling Feng shook his head and threw away the distracting thoughts. Right now was not the time to think about such messy things.

With the concerted support of the four people, the boat sailed for a whole day and night, breaking through countless huge waves and passing through countless whirlpools, and finally...

Well, it was completely scrapped!

There was no intact wooden board left in the entire boat, and even the Poseidon propeller, which Kepler had worked so hard to manufacture, was completely scrapped.

Fortunately, Ling Feng's great creation technique played a key role at this time.

Of course, the Grand Creation Technique can also directly create ships. Although it cannot last long, it can temporarily solve the urgent need.

Ling Feng used the Great Creation Technique to create a small boat and continued to carry everyone forward. Before Ling Feng was about to exhaust all his mental power, he finally found a small island and had a moment of respite.

Night falls.

Everyone gathered around the campfire, breathing heavily.

Finally, I escaped the confines of Alcatraz Island far away!

"Xiao Feng, what are your plans for the next step?"

Old Weiduoyin looked at Ling Feng. Among the four, although Ling Feng was the youngest, he seemed to have become the "leader" among them.

"This endless sea is too big, and it's impossible without a suitable warship."

Ling Feng took a breath. Although his Great Creation Technique could be used at critical moments, the loss of his spiritual power was too great.

Instead of creating ships again and again, it would be better to directly use Yuanli to fly. For him, the consumption would be smaller.

Although the others had little consumption, they could not leave the Endless Sea after all by "squeezing" Ling Feng alone.

"It's not far from Poseidon Island."

At this time, it was Kepler who said, "I think we might be able to go to Poseidon Island to ask for help."

"It's not that I haven't thought about this, but..."

Ling Feng frowned, "But when those demon pirates find out that you are missing, they will definitely think that you were the captain of the Poseidon, and they will definitely go to Poseidon Island to search. Therefore, Poseidon Island is not the best. choose."

"But if we don't go to Poseidon Island, we can't leave the Endless Sea. They are extremely familiar with this sea area. Sooner or later, we will be found by those demon pirates."

Kepler continued: "Furthermore, I believe in the island owner. I can persuade him to lead the warriors of Poseidon Island to fight against the demon pirates together!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and didn't think Kepler could persuade the island owner.

But at the moment, it is true that although going to Poseidon Island is quite risky, it seems that there is no other way to go without going to Poseidon Island.

"Okay, let's go to Poseidon Island!"

Ling Feng nodded and looked at the other three people, "But before that, I will first try to dissolve the demonic power in your body to prevent you from being counterattacked by the demonic energy."

When the three of them heard this, they all looked at Ling Feng in surprise, "You...can you remove the power of the devil?"

"You'll know after you try it."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "I think I should be able to do it."

After saying that, Ling Feng put his hand against Shentu Xuance's back and silently activated Asura's Demonic Eye. A red light suddenly flashed on his forehead, and a strange vertical pupil was looming.

The demonic power in Shentu Xuance's body is the shallowest and is naturally the easiest to absorb. According to Ling Feng's guess, since the Asura Demonic Eye can absorb the demonic power in his own body, it can naturally absorb the demonic power in others.

After a while, Shentu Xuance's expression softened, showing an extremely relaxed look, and then he said with great joy: "No more, that annoying demonic power is finally gone!"

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