Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2533 Choice! (2 updates)

The naked man had an old hatchet on his waist, and there was a very long scar on his back, like a long winding snake, almost running through his entire back.

He had a fierce look on his face and strode forward. He originally looked murderous, but when he saw Kepler's appearance clearly, he knelt directly on the ground with a "pop".

"Captain, is it... is it you? You... are finally back!"

The naked man's eyes instantly turned red, and the man with an iron tower was crying profusely.

"Jonah, ten years!"

Kepler stepped forward and helped the naked man up, looking at him with excitement, "It's great that you are still alive!"

"Dad, who are they?"

The little boy blinked and looked at Kepler curiously, wondering why his father knew these strange people.

"He is my father's previous master."

Jonah stroked the back of the little boy's head and said, "Okay, brat, you can go play by yourself first."


The little boy nodded, looked at Kepler earnestly, and then he and his friends started running happily on the beach again.

"Everyone, please disperse, they are not bad people."

Jonah smiled at the villagers holding harpoons, and the simple fishermen left with a smile.

"Captain, why don't you go to the cabin and rest first."

Jonah made a gesture of invitation to Kepler, and Kepler nodded. When old friends meet again, there is indeed a lot they want to say.

"Little friend Ling Feng, please come with me. Jonah was once the most heroic guard around me, absolutely reliable."

Kepler looked at Ling Feng and said slowly.

After a while, under the leadership of Jonah, several people came to a rather simple hut.

Outside the yard, there was a dark-skinned, stout-looking woman doing some heavy farm work.

"This is your servant."

Kepler glanced at the woman and asked calmly.

"In a small fishing village, there is no servant but no servant. This is my mother-in-law."

Jonah grinned, "Although I look average, if it weren't for her, I wouldn't be where I am today."


Kepler patted Jonah on the shoulder. This simple life was not a kind of happiness.


Jonah smiled, explained a few more words to the woman, and then led Kepler and the others into the hut.

"The place is shabby, so please don't be offended."

Shentu Xuance said with a smile: "Before we escaped from Alcatraz Island, we lived in caves. This place is already very good."


Jonah was shocked, stared at Kepler and the others for a while, and then said: " were able to escape from Alcatraz Island."

After all, in the legend about Alcatraz, almost no one can get out of the island.

"Yes, after ten years, I finally returned to Poseidon Island."

Kepler took a deep breath and said slowly: "Jonah, you were once the most heroic guard around me. Now that I'm finally back, I hope you can come back to me and let's take back our Poseidon together." , one day, our flag will fly over this sea again!”


Jonah looked embarrassed, clenched his fists and said, "I...I don't want to be the guard of the Poseidon anymore, I...I..."

As if trapped in terrible and painful memories, Jonah lowered his head and gritted his teeth and said: "In the battle that day, I thought I would definitely die, but I didn't expect that the waves washed me back to Poseidon Island... I suffered a lot. Very seriously injured, I watched my former comrades being brutally killed, and my Laura, the woman I once loved most, was killed by them..."

Jonah's body trembled, "I think... now I just want to forget everything in the past and be an ordinary fisherman. It is enough to live an ordinary life in this small fishing village."

"Everyone has his own ambitions, I shouldn't force you to do anything."

Kepler stood up slowly and patted Jonah on the shoulder, "Jonah, you have to understand that if the demon pirates are not eliminated, there will never be true peace on this sea. You have to protect your family. You must pick up your weapons and resist to the end, otherwise, the tragedy will only happen again and again.”


Jonah's eyes were red and he looked at Kepler. After a long while, he finally knelt down in front of Kepler, shook his head and cried bitterly: "Captain, I...I can't do it!"

"I respect your choice."

Kepler gently helped Jonah up, "No matter what, you are the best warrior I have ever had!"

After a simple lunch, Ling Feng and his group left this small fishing village and flew towards Tianhai City in the center of Poseidon Island.

As for Jonah, he finally made his decision to be an ordinary person.

Although Poseidon Island is only an island, its area is also very large.

If Alcatraz Island as a whole is like a winding and long and narrow dragon crawling on the sea, Poseidon Island is more like a giant egg.

The entire Poseidon Island is almost as large as the Tianbai Empire, which is the smallest among the four empires in the Eastern Spiritual Region.

Because of this, Poseidon Island is more like a country than an island.

With the power of a country, it can't defeat a few hundred demon pirates. The cowardice of the top management of Poseidon Island is evident.

About a day later, Ling Feng and the others finally arrived at Tianhai City, the largest city on Poseidon Island.

Soon, Kepler contacted the high-level people of Poseidon Island through some unknown method. After they stayed in an inn for half a day, they were summoned by the owner of Poseidon Island.

"My subordinate Bronn, the captain of the Royal Guards of the Heavenly Navy, joins the ninth captain."

A tall and burly man wearing blue armor was kneeling respectfully in front of Kepler.

"The Poseidon No. 9 has been taken away by the demon pirates, so I am still a captain."

Kepler shook his head and said calmly: "Okay, take me and a few of my friends to the Sea Palace."

"Yes, sir!"

The captain of the guard, Bronn, stood up slowly and actually prepared an extremely luxurious carriage for Kepler specifically to welcome Kepler.

A man who had been held captive for ten years and even lost the captain of his warship to demon pirates was now treated like this when he returned.

It seems that Kepler's identity is not simple.

The luxurious carriage traveling on the spacious street naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Under the eyes of countless people with slight admiration and envy, the motorcade slowly drove towards a very majestic castle in the center of the city.

This is the Sea Palace mentioned by Kepler.

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