Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2534 Reunion! (3 updates)

"I didn't expect that there would be such a magnificent palace in this inland sea." Ling Feng looked at the magnificent building in front of him. Although he had seen many palaces with their own characteristics over the years, the architecture of the Sea King Palace still shocked him. "Since ancient times, Poseidon Island has never lacked skilled craftsmen, otherwise it would not be possible to build a mobile fortress on the sea like Poseidon." Kepler smiled faintly, and then sighed sadly. Poseidon is undoubtedly a symbol of the glory of Poseidon Island, but unfortunately, it was taken away by the demon pirates in his hands. No words along the way. Finally, the carriage slowly stopped in front of a hall. "My lord, we have arrived at the Zhenghai Palace." The chief guard of Brun bowed slightly and invited Kepler to get off the carriage outside the carriage. Kepler took a deep breath and slowly walked out of the carriage. Ling Feng, Shentu Xuance and Old Weiduoyin also jumped off the carriage together. In front of the hall, there was a white-haired old man wearing a golden python robe, who looked a little old. He walked towards Kepler with great excitement on his face.

"Royal brother, it's been ten years, you are finally back!"

The man in the python robe had tears in his eyes. Behind him, there were dozens of senior elders of the Sea God Island. A few of them were as excited as the man in the python robe, but most of them had extremely cold expressions.

"Your humble brother Kepler, I greet you, my royal brother!"

Kepler knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the man without the python robe. His eyes were also blurred by tears.

Ling Feng and the others looked at each other. No wonder Kepler trusted the owner of the Sea God Island so much. It turned out that he was the owner's younger brother!

"Please stand up!"

The Lord of Poseidon Island helped Kepler up, took a deep breath, and seeing Kepler's emaciated appearance, he couldn't help but burst into tears again, "Royal brother, you have suffered in the past ten years!"

"All this suffering is caused by the devil pirates."

Kepler wiped his tears and said in a deep voice: "Royal brother, ten years have passed, don't you still see the true face of those devil pirates? We must..."

"Royal brother, it's rare to meet again today, the emperor doesn't want to mention these things."

The Lord of Poseidon Island interrupted Kepler and said slowly: "Come, the emperor will give you a surprise."

Kepler was slightly stunned, "Surprise? What surprise?"

The Lord of Poseidon Island grabbed Kepler's wrist and said with a smile: "Come on, Royal brother, you will know it in a while."

The Lord of Poseidon Island pulled Kepler into the Zhenghai Palace together, let him sit on the seat beside him, and whispered a few words to the guards beside him, and the guards walked out of the hall quickly.

Soon, two gorgeously dressed women slowly walked into the hall. When Ling Feng saw them, his eyelids jumped.

These two women were Davila and Du Fei'er!

They didn't even leave the Endless Sea!


Ling Feng was surprised. Logically, they should have boarded the Poseidon and arrived at the Southern Witch Region with the Poseidon.

"Master Ling Feng (Sir)!"

The two women were obviously shocked when they saw Ling Feng. They never expected that they would meet again on Poseidon Island.

"Why are you here? Where is Yan'er?"

Ling Feng was confused and had no idea what was going on.

Du Fei'er smiled and said, "This is a long story. But Lord Ling Feng, don't worry, Sister Tuoba is also on the island."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. These women are really making trouble!

They were told to stay on the Poseidon, but they came to Poseidon Island.

However, since they are Kepler's daughters, and Kepler is the younger brother of the owner of Poseidon Island.

In other words, these two girls are also the royal family of Poseidon Island!

"Oh? Do you know each other?"

The owner of Poseidon Island saw Ling Feng and Davila talking passionately, and even he ignored them. He couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

"Master, this is the master who saved us as we said before. He is very strong."

Du Feier smiled and suddenly saw Kepler beside the owner of Poseidon Island. She was slightly stunned.

Why did this person give her an extremely familiar feeling?

After all, she was too young when she encountered that disaster, and Kepler had changed a lot in the past ten years.

However, Davila still recognized her father at a glance. She looked at Kepler and her body trembled.

"Father... You are my father! You are still alive, so good, so good!"

She thought her father had been tortured to death by the devil pirates, but now, she can still see her father. All this is just like a dream.

The next moment, Davila threw herself into Kepler's arms. The scene of the father-daughter reunion was touching.

Kepler burst into tears. In one day, he not only reunited with his elder brother, but also with his daughter.

Even if he died immediately, he would have no regrets.

"Fei'er, come here quickly, this is your father!"

Davila waved to Du Fei'er, who walked over woodenly. The next moment, she also fell into Kepler's arms and burst into tears.

For ten years, she had been wandering outside alone, and had suffered so much bitterness. How she wished she had a father to rely on.

Now, she finally found her father.

The three of them, father and daughter, hugged each other and cried bitterly, which was touching.


Old Vidoin also secretly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and sighed: "Speaking of which, I have been imprisoned by the demon pirates for ten years, and I don't know when I will be able to reunite with my family."

"We will meet again."

Ling Feng smiled at Old Vidoin, "We have all escaped from Alcatraz Island. You will definitely be able to see your family."


Old Victor nodded and smiled, clenching his fists and saying: "I will also see my family, I will!"

"Imperial brother, how are you? Are you satisfied with this surprise?"

The owner of Poseidon Island came up at the right time and reached out to hit Kepler on the shoulder, "Now that you can finally reunite with your two daughters, you can stay in Tianhai City and share your family. As for other things, don't think too much. The Emperor will take care of it.”

"Okay, my dear brother, I'm afraid you suffered a lot all the way back. Devela and Feier, please take your father back to rest first."

The owner of Poseidon Island smiled kindly. In a sense, he was indeed a good brother and uncle.

"Brother Emperor, I'm not tired. Over the years, I have figured out all the situations of the demon pirates. We have every chance..."

As Kepler spoke, he took out a map from his arms and was about to spread it out to show it to the owner of Poseidon Island, but he reached out to stop him, "Okay, Emperor Brother, you go down and rest first. I said, I don’t want to mention these things today!”

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