Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2535 Reason! (1 update)

At the insistence of the owner of Poseidon Island, Kepler and his party were sent back to Kepler's mansion ten years ago.

Since Kepler led the crew of Poseidon No. 9 to fight against the devil pirates ten years ago, his life and death are unknown, and his whereabouts are unknown, so this mansion has been vacant.

The owner of Poseidon Island has kept this mansion for the sake of brotherhood. Not long ago, after learning that Kepler's daughter Davila had returned, he gave this mansion to Davila.

Not long after, everyone came to this fairly luxurious mansion.

"Father, we are home!"

Davila and her sister supported their father on the left and right, and Kepler's old face was filled with joy of family reunion.

The ten years of imprisonment on Devil Island seemed like a lifetime ago.

Looking at his former mansion, Kepler sighed again, "I didn't expect that I, Kepler, would come back one day."

After a while, Kepler couldn't help but sigh softly. In the Zhenghai Palace, the attitude of the owner of Poseidon Island has already explained a lot of things.

To this day, the master of Poseidon Island has not made up his mind to fight the demon pirates head-on.

Or, compared to ten years ago, his fear of the demon pirates has penetrated deeper into his bones.

If the Poseidon Island still dares not to go to war with the demon pirates, then they may not be safe to stay on Poseidon Island.

When the group entered the main hall and passed through the courtyard outside, they saw Tuoba Yan in the courtyard, practicing some martial arts that he had left for her.

Although Tuoba Yan has the cultivation of the semi-saint level, and has been promoted to the Huangquan Saint Body with the power of the Huangquan Fruit, he has no suitable skills, and most of the martial arts he has practiced have been reset to zero. He has the cultivation of the semi-saint, but does not have too many means of attack.

In order to recover the more than one year of sleep time, Tuoba Yan can only practice more diligently.

"The swordsmanship is good, and it looks good."

Ling Feng stopped and watched Tuoba Yan finish a set of swordsmanship dance, and nodded with a smile.

The swordsmanship she practiced was a simplified version of "Xuantian Poyun Sword" modified by Ling Feng. As a swordsmanship of the fairyland, the complete version of "Xuantian Poyun Sword" was probably too difficult for her. Ling Feng simplified and improved the swordsmanship before passing it on to Tuoba Yan.

Although it was a simplified version, it was a fairyland swordsmanship after all. Tuoba Yan was able to perform the swordsmanship to such an extent, which showed that she had indeed worked hard.

"Ling Feng!"

Tuoba Yan heard Ling Feng's voice and looked back. Sure enough, she saw Ling Feng looking at her with a smile. She could hardly believe her eyes.

She walked quickly to Ling Feng, her eyes slightly red, and gritted her teeth and said, "What happened when you led away those devil pirates that day? Why didn't you come back for a long time?" Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "This is a long story." "Humph, it's because this guy drove the boat recklessly and drove it directly to the base camp of the devil pirates!" Shentu Xuance muttered on the side, "It made us prisoners on Devil Island for a month!" "Huh?" Tuoba Yan and Daweila looked at Ling Feng in surprise, and seeing Ling Feng's embarrassed look, they couldn't help but laugh out loud. Isn't this the legendary "If you don't take the road to heaven, you will break into hell without a door"! "I just drove it casually..." Ling Feng smiled helplessly, "But if I hadn't gone to Devil Island, I wouldn't have met Senior Kepler and brought him back." "Yeah!" Daweila and Du Fei'er nodded repeatedly, and thanked Ling Feng profusely. Ling Feng not only saved them, but also helped them reunite as father and daughter. He is their greatest benefactor.


Ling Feng silently added in his heart: The devil pirate had been searching for the origin magic beads for a hundred years, and he stole four of them at once. This guy must be furious now.

"By the way, shouldn't you go to the South Witch Region with the Poseidon? Why are you on the Poseidon Island again?"

Ling Feng looked at the three women strangely. Of course, he tried his best to lead away the devil pirates led by Bo Gang, hoping that they could stay away from the Endless Sea.

As a result, they ran to the Poseidon Island now. Although in a sense, it facilitated the reunion of Davila and her daughter, as long as they continued to stay in the Endless Sea, even on this Poseidon Island, it would still be unsafe.

"The situation that day..."

Davila bit her silver teeth and spoke slowly...

It turned out that after Ling Feng led away those devil pirates that day, the captain of the Poseidon, Brown, immediately ordered the ship to leave this place of trouble.

But soon, Captain Brown found the three "uninvited guests". The timid old Brown naturally did not dare to take the risk and accept Davila and the other three. After all, they were the people that the devil pirates wanted to catch! Just when they were about to be driven off the ship by the crew of Poseidon, a crew member recognized Davila as Kepler's daughter. Dufeier and Davila also took out the relevant tokens to prove their identities. Looking at the daughter of his old friend, Old Brown fell into hesitation. He and Kepler were both captains of Poseidon. Although they did not have a deep friendship, he chose to stand aside and watch the battle ten years ago, and he still felt a little guilty.

In the past ten years, they, the warriors of the Poseidon, have all become obedient dogs in front of the demon pirates, without any dignity or status at all.

Not to mention which demon captains he met, even if he met demon squad captains whose strength was not as good as his own, he could only lick his face to flatter them and contribute his best to them.

If he had known that he would live like this, Old Brown would have chosen to fight those demon pirates like Kepler that day!

Even if he died, he would die vigorously.

In the end, Old Brown still did not betray his old friend's daughter, but he did not dare to take the risk and continued to stay on a ship with Devela and the others.

After weighing the situation, Old Brown finally sent a few crew members to escort Devela and the others to Poseidon Island in a small boat.

After all, Devela and the others are all members of the royal family, so everything should be left to the owner of Poseidon Island.

"After that, we came to Poseidon Island. The island owner did not make things difficult for us. Instead, he rewarded us with this mansion to stay in."

Devela bit her silver teeth and said slowly.

"I see." Ling Feng nodded, "No matter what, everyone is fine. It'll be nice to be able to be together again."

"Fortunately, Master Ling Feng, you are here too, otherwise Sister Tuoba might not be able to bear it and go out to look for you again."

Du Feier said with a smile: "Sister Yan'er has always remembered the agreement she made with you to meet again in the Southern Witch Territory."

"No... no way!"

Tuoba Yan glanced at Du Feier and said with a guilty conscience: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "But it is really not suitable to stay here for a long time. When we escape from Alcatraz Island, they are afraid that they will think of Poseidon Island soon. Judging from the attitude of the owner of Poseidon Island, they still dare not offend Alcatraz Island, so, We must leave Poseidon Island as soon as possible."

"Hey..." Kepler sighed softly, "I want to persuade the emperor again."

Ling Feng glanced at Kepler and knew that he couldn't bear to abandon Poseidon Island. After all, this was his home.

"Okay, we do need to rest for a few days." Ling Feng took a deep breath, "Let's take three days. After three days, we will leave again."

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