Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2536 Asura Demonic Dragon! (2 updates)

Ling Feng proposed three days of repairs on Poseidon Island, firstly to give Kepler time to persuade the owner of Poseidon Island, although Ling Feng didn't think he had much chance of success.

Secondly, he was indeed very tired these past few days and needed to rest.

Of course, the most important thing is that he also wants to take the opportunity to see what kind of power those four origin magic beads have.

If his Asura Demonic Eye could absorb the power, the effect would be countless times more powerful than swallowing some demonic fruit.

The group of people gathered together and after having a nice lunch, they went back to their own homes to rest and practice.

Everyone obviously has their own concerns, especially not knowing when those demon pirates will kill them, and it is even more difficult for everyone to relax.

After all, after finally escaping from Alcatraz Island, no one wants to be a prisoner of his subordinates again.

In Ling Feng's room.

After closing the door, Ling Feng set up another layer of defensive barrier, then summoned Jian Lu, and handed the four origin magic beads into Jian Lv's hands, "Jian Lv, do you know this thing?"


The bitch took a magic bead, and the next moment, a pair of donkey hooves trembled slightly, "The spirit of the devil, dear, brat, where did you get this thing? There is an ancient demon sealed inside." The spirit of the devil!"

"you know?"

Ling Feng glanced at Bitch, "What on earth is this?"

"Among the high-level demons, there are some demons with extremely powerful vitality. Even if they die, they can still leave something similar to relics, which condense the magic power in their bodies. Under certain conditions, they can You can use these relics to resurrect yourself.”


Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, "That day, deep in the pirate treasure house, I saw a stone statue with eight grooves and six such gems inlaid on it. I was lucky enough to take four of them away."

"Stone statue?"

The bitch narrowed his eyes, "What kind of statue is it? Show it to this beast!"

Ling Feng's eyes condensed, and he projected a golden light. In the golden light, a picture emerged, which was exactly what the stone statue looked like.

"The statue is like a coiled python, with only its eyes glowing red, and an extremely rich demonic aura condensed around it."

Ling Feng slowly described his feelings at that time.

The eyes of the bitch flickered, and after a long while, he finally shook his head, "The memory inheritance of this beast has not been fully awakened. Demonic creatures are extremely complex. This beast really doesn't know what this thing is. However, it can The demons who have condensed the original magic beads are definitely high-level demons!”

"Master, this...this is the Asura Demonic Dragon!"

At this moment, a trembling voice came from his mind, but it was Yalong Xiaoming, who rarely took the initiative to speak.

There was a flash of black light, and Xiao Ming appeared in the room. As soon as this guy's huge body appeared, the whole room immediately seemed a little crowded.

"You stupid reptile, you don't know how to shrink your size when you come out!"

The bitch began to curse.

"Hmph!" Yalong Xiaoming snorted, "I am a noble dragon, and the youngest one must be this big."

"Tch, it's obviously just a fat and ugly reptile!"

The mean donkey has always been mean-mouthed. When he was not as strong as Xiao Ming, he often nodded and bowed in front of him to pretend to be a grandson. Now that his strength has increased, he is worthy of Xiao Ming, and he immediately started to slap his face.

Xiao Ming was so angry that he was shaking all over. He swung his huge tail and started to fight with the donkey. Ling Feng rolled his eyes and kicked the two guys on the buttocks. "Let's get down to business!"

"Yes, yes, business, business!"

Xiao Ming raised his dragon claw and scratched the back of his head a few times, then said with a solemn expression: "Master, what is sealed in this stone carving is probably an Asura demon dragon!"

"Tch, you are telling lies with your eyes open!"

The bitch said with disdain: "Everyone knows about the Asura Demon Clan and the Asura Demon Dragon. What the hell are they?"

"You only know one, but not the other."

Xiao Ming said slowly: "The Asura Demon Clan has two forms, one is the human form, and the other is the dragon form. Among the Asura Demon Clan, the demon form has always been the dominant one, and even with thousands of After thousands of years of evolution, the demon dragon form has gradually disappeared, but this does not mean that there is no Asura demon dragon."

"Our underworld sub-dragon line also has some demon blood. Although it is not a pure demon, we have also obtained some information about the Asura demon dragon from the inherited memory. I can be sure that this is an Asura demon dragon. Shura Demonic Dragon.”

"No wonder."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. No wonder the Asura Demonic Eye would take the initiative to absorb the so-called "demonic power". It turned out that these demonic powers originated from the power of the Asura Demonic Dragon.

They have the same roots as the Asura clan.

So the four original magic beads I got...

Ling Feng's heart became hot. They were all from the Asura clan. Maybe he could really absorb the power from them!

"Asura demon dragons were already very rare in ancient times. I never expected that one would appear in the endless sea."

An extremely fearful look appeared on Xiao Ming's face, "Master, you must not resurrect this demonic dragon. Otherwise, the Asura clan, whether in dragon form or human form, are extremely warlike and have great fighting talents. Very powerful. Among the high-level demons, he is also an absolute leader."


Ling Feng smiled faintly and said, "It's a ghost that can be resurrected. Now, half of his original magic beads are in my hands."

After thinking about it, Ling Feng immediately made up his mind, "I will refine this magic bead right now. Let's see how the magic dragon can be resurrected!"

"This is a way, but master, Asura's power is not easy to absorb." Yalong Xiaoming reminded in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "Okay, you go back first."

After saying that, Ling Feng waved his hand and took Xiao Ming and Jian Lu back into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Asura Demon Dragon...

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up. His body of chaos could tame all powers, including the so-called power of Asura!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng sat down cross-legged.

He accepted it and took out the first crimson origin magic bead.

The red magic bead means that it contains the fire-based demonic energy.

Because Ling Feng himself is an alchemist, what he is most proficient in and proficient in since he set foot in martial arts is undoubtedly the power of fire attribute.

Now, starting from the power of fire, these magic beads are refined bit by bit!

"Come on, the power of Asura!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Since he could refine Asura's Demonic Eye and subdue Asura's will back then, today, he can also suppress the will of Asura's Demonic Dragon and devour all the power inside!

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