Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2537 The devil is coming! (3 updates)

When the Kepler family was spending time together, they were in the study of the owner of Poseidon Island.

An old man wearing a dark golden robe and a majestic appearance was standing in front of the owner of Poseidon Island.

"Lord Island Master, this is a great day for your brothers to reunite. I shouldn't say much, but..."

The old man in the robe looked at the owner of Poseidon Island and said slowly: "But you should also know that Kepler must have escaped from Alcatraz Island. If we accept him, wouldn't it be equivalent to openly fighting against Alcatraz Island? Enemy?"

"No need to say more."

The owner of Poseidon Island glared, "Duke Cyber, I understand what you mean, but Kepler is my brother. Even if they are demon pirates, they have tortured Kepler for ten years. No matter what, , I will never hand over my brother! Otherwise, I, the island owner, would be too cowardly."

"Island Master, at this time, you must not act on your impulse, otherwise, Poseidon Island's thousands of years of foundation..."

The Cyber ​​Duke continued to persuade, but was interrupted by the owner of Poseidon Island.

"That's enough. If it weren't for the foundation of Poseidon Island, ten years ago, I would never have swallowed my anger!"

Poseidon Island clenched his fists tightly, "Those pirates just want more profits. I will use the appropriate price to redeem Kepler's freedom from the demon pirates."

"Island owner, you take it too much for granted. Kepler once led an army to resist the demon pirates. Do you really think they will let him go like this?"

Duke Cyber ​​sighed, "My Lord, if you want to keep Poseidon Island, the only way is to completely draw a clear line with Kepler!"

"Shut up!"

The owner of Poseidon Island stood up and said, "I have made my decision! Duke Cyber, please go down. I am very tired and need to rest!"

Duke Cyber ​​looked at the owner of Poseidon Island, and finally said no more and slowly exited the study.

"Island Master, Island Master, I can't just watch you destroy Poseidon Island. This villain, let me do it!"

Poseidon Island, Grand Strait Port.

This is the largest port on Poseidon Island, and the only harbor that can accommodate a ship as huge as Poseidon.

On this day, the islanders working in the port were working day after day as usual.

"Look, Poseidon!"

On the observation deck, a lean man was waving the command flag, with a look of immense pride on his face.

The Poseidon is the pride of all the residents of Poseidon Island. Although they are just an island in this vast sea, the Poseidon is an important hub connecting various major regions.

Even those saint-level experts who want to cross the endless sea and reach other large areas must use the Poseidon.

When Poseidon Island was at its most glorious, the biggest dream of every islander was to become a crew member on the Poseidon.

"Huh? It doesn't seem like today is the day for the Poseidon to return, right?"

The lean man felt a burst of strange fire, but without thinking too much, he waved the flag and someone opened the port to welcome the arrival of the sea fortress.

But soon, he discovered something was wrong.

Because, the second Poseidon appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the third Poseidon also appeared!

"Three...three ships!"

The lean man's eyelids twitched wildly, "Something's wrong, how could three Poseidon ships return at the same time in one day!"

He quickly took the telescope and looked at it from a distance. The next moment, his whole body froze.

"That's... that's..."

I saw skeleton battle flags flying above the masts of the three Poseidon ships!

That's the symbol of the devil pirate!

"Oh my god, it's a demon pirate!"

The tragic battle ten years ago not only caused heavy losses to Poseidon Island, but even three Poseidon ships became trophies of the demon pirates.

This humiliating battle also became a shadow in Poseidon Island's heart.

From then on, Alcatraz Island became the nightmare of Poseidon Island, completely like a wild wolf that had lost its fangs and no longer dared to resist the demon pirates.

Today's Poseidon Island has almost completely turned into a tool for Alcatraz Island to make money.

"Oh no, demon pirates have landed on the island!"

The lean man warned like crazy, but in fact, his warning was not needed, because those demon pirates did not dock the Poseidon, but drove three huge Poseidon directly into the port.

The huge Poseidon, these three mobile fortresses on the sea, directly collided with each other. The destructive power can be imagined.

In just an instant, the port was completely destroyed, and all the islanders who had no time to escape were crushed into minced meat.


The ground trembled, and the demon pirates jumped off the Poseidon one after another. The leader was none other than the demon lord, Sephiroth!

Ling Feng stole four original magic beads, which undoubtedly angered him completely.

After all, it took a hundred years to collect seven original magic beads. It was just the last step, but Ling Feng actually stole most of them in one breath.

No matter what, he must retrieve the magic bead.

Anyone who dares to prevent him from obtaining the ancient god's treasure must die.

"Stupid islanders, your nightmare is back!"

A group of demon pirates quickly dispersed and started a brutal massacre, waving their weapons.

Yes, massacre!

The demon lord simply allowed his subordinates to carry out a brutal and inhumane killing, and first taught Poseidon Island an unforgettable "lesson".

"Lord, they are just ordinary people. Killing them is meaningless."

The Demon Captain frowned slightly and couldn't help but speak.

"Humph, Qin Ming, you failed in your duty when guarding Alcatraz Island last time, which resulted in the treasure house being emptied. This ledger has not been settled with you yet! Why, do you have any objections to my actions?"

Sephiroth glared at his captain.

Qin Ming was the strongest among all his captains, but he was also the only one among all his subordinates who didn't like killing.

But I have to say that Qin Ming's strength is indeed strong enough, especially his black smoke, which can make people fall into coma without even noticing.

This is definitely a very powerful trump card.

"My subordinates dare not. Just killing some ordinary people does not seem to have any significance in weakening the power of Poseidon Island."

Qin Ming said in a deep voice.

"Do you think I want to weaken the power of Poseidon Island?"

Sephiroth laughed, "I just want to put Poseidon Island into fear. I want them to know that anyone who dares to be an enemy of our Alcatraz Island will only die. Not only will they die, but they will also be implicated." Countless people were buried with them!”

"Everyone, listen, I will kill everyone within a hundred miles, leaving no one alive!"

Sephiroth waved his hand, and then hundreds of demon pirates dispersed in an instant, like tigers entering a flock of sheep, leading to extremely cruel and bloody killings.

The entire outside of Poseidon Island was transformed into a purgatory on earth!

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