Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2538 Dramatic changes! (1 update)

Near the coast, there is a remote small fishing village. The residents of the village make a living by fishing on the sea. Although they are not rich, they are relatively stable.

In the vast ocean near the sea, a small fishing boat broke through the huge waves. Like a dragon in the waves, it defeated the waves and returned to the coast steadily.

"Haha, Uncle Jonah, you are indeed the best fisherman in our village. As long as you come out, we will definitely come back with a full harvest."

On the boat, there was a young man who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old. He was shirtless and had bronze skin. He looked quite strong.

In his hands, he was holding several big fish that were almost as tall as him, with an extremely excited smile on his face.

"Okay, stop flattering me."

Jonah threw all the sea fish in a large net to the shore. Today's harvest was indeed not small, comparable to the harvest of the three previous trips to sea. Since separation from Kepler and the others, Jonah has returned to his usual square life. .

He was tired of the previous beatings and killings. His only injustice now was that he could spend the rest of his life with his family in this small fishing village.

"But Uncle Jonah, you are really awesome."

The young man carried a big fish on his shoulders and said with a smile: "I will take this big fish back to the village and show them that I am now Uncle Jonah's best assistant."

"You! You haven't learned your skills yet, and you're eager to show off."

Jonah shook his head and smiled. This young man's name was Du En, and he was also his assistant. In his spare time, he would also teach him some martial arts skills to keep him healthy.

Over the past few years, Du En has made rapid progress, and the sea fish he is carrying on his shoulders is actually a low-level monster, otherwise it would have been impossible to grow to such a big size.

Du En grinned, "Sooner or later, I will be as powerful as you, Uncle Jonah!"

Jonah raised his hand and knocked on Du En's forehead. Suddenly, his eyelids twitched, as if he found something wrong.

"The smell of blood!"

Jonah's pupils shrank. As a guard on the Poseidon, he had experienced extremely brutal battles again and again. Even though he had been silent for ten years, he was still very sensitive to the smell of blood.

From the direction of the village, there was clearly an extremely strong smell of blood.

At least, hundreds of people have been killed before it emits such a strong smell.

Jonah was shocked, with anger surging in his eyes.

Why would a small, isolated village suffer such a disaster!

"Duen, you hide nearby, I want to go back to the village and take a look!"

Jonah clenched his fists tightly, his wife and son were still waiting for him in the village!

"Uncle Jonah, what happened to make your face look ugly?"

Although Du En was not very old, seeing Jonah's anxious look on his face, he realized that something might have happened in the village.

"You hide here, and you must not go back to the village!"

Jonah took a deep look at Du En, "Wait until I come back, wait until I come back to find you!"

After saying that, Jonah flew towards his village.

Lena, Parker, nothing happens to you!

At this time, the small fishing village was already filled with corpses and rivers of blood.

After the demon pirates landed on Poseidon Island, the demon lord's first order was to let his pirates go on a killing spree.

A hundred miles in radius were within their killing range.

And this small fishing village, although remote, is also within this killing range.

There are only three three-level demon pirates in total, which is enough to bring disaster to this small village.

How can these fishermen who make a living on fishing along the coast resist these powerful demon pirates?


A demon pirate with a broadsword on his back, a cruel smile on his face, and his left hand holding the neck of a rickety old man, heard a "click", the old man's neck was twisted, and the body was thrown aside.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The demon pirate laughed, as if killing these innocent fishermen was like crushing an ant to him.

Human life is like grass!

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

A child, only seven or eight years old, crawled out of a hole in the ground, crawled next to his grandfather's body, and cried loudly, with tears streaming down his face.

Grandpa risked his life to make him hide, but after watching his grandfather die tragically, the boy finally forgot his grandfather's warning and climbed out of the hole where he was hiding.

"Oh? There's also a little reptile?"

The pirate carrying the big sword grinned, "Humph, there isn't even a decent warrior in such a remote village. It's really boring."

A skinny demon pirate next to him shook the blood off the weapon in his hand and grinned: "Okay Henry, get rid of that little brat and go to the next place quickly. There is absolutely no money to be made in this small village. ”


The long-sword pirate named Henry approached the child step by step, raised his palm slightly, and was about to slap the child on the head.

These demon pirates have completely lost their humanity. Even when facing the elderly, weak, women and children, they have no mercy at all.


At this moment, a slightly childish voice sounded, and a tall and strong-looking little boy emerged from nowhere. He suddenly flew up and kicked the boy hard. The back of the long-sword pirate.

The little boy was very fast, so fast that he almost didn't look like a child. He flew into the air, and the power of this kick actually had some faint sound of breaking wind.

If Ling Feng and the others were here, they would definitely recognize this little boy at a glance as being none other than Jonah's son, Parker.


Long Knife Pirate Henry turned around leisurely. Although the little boy was already extremely fast among ordinary people, in their eyes, he was still crawling at a snail's pace.

He took his time, stretched out his hand, grabbed the little boy's ankle, and hung him upside down, with a sinister smile on his face, "Hey, I didn't expect that in such a small village, there are actually people who can learn martial arts." Boy, it seems that your parents should be warriors!"

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

Little Parker stared angrily at the demon pirate and kept struggling. Unfortunately, although his strength was much greater than that of a normal person, these demon pirates, although they were only three lines, still had the same strength as the emperor!

"No matter how thin the mosquito legs are, they are still meat. Now that you have come here, you can't leave empty-handed."

Henry smiled coldly, "Boy, take me to your house, otherwise, I will break your neck."

"Bah, I won't bring a bad guy like you home, never!"

Parker spit in the demon pirate's face, "You are a big bad guy!"

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