Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2540 Fellow Immortals and Demons! (3 updates)


The two demon pirates who captured him were directly shaken away by his aura. The next moment, Jonah flashed and rushed directly into his hut.

"Still want to run?"

Henry snorted coldly, "Chase me!"

Three demon pirates flew out at the same time, waved their hands, and the entire hut collapsed in an instant.

In the hut, Jonah did not leave. Instead, he slowly pulled out a rusty long sword from among a pile of debris. The blade was mottled and pitted, almost like a sword. A scrapped broken sword.


Henry laughed crazily, "Idiot, are you going to use this piece of junk against us? Hahahaha..."

The other two pirates also laughed loudly. Can a sword like this be used for fighting?

Jonah raised his sword slightly, and the blade lightly cut his fingertips.

With a drop of essence and blood integrated into the sword's edge, the originally rusty broken sword regained its sharpness!

"The day the broken sword is reforged, the day the warrior returns!"

Jonah's eyes were blood red as he stared at the three demon pirates, and his figure turned into a bolt of lightning...

After thirty breaths.

The three demon pirates all fell to the ground in a pool of blood.

"Your sword... you are the Poseidon Guard..."

Henry breathed his last breath, and finally died completely in unwillingness and despair.

Jonah's body was trembling slightly.

After a long while, he collected the bodies of his wife and son and buried them near their home.

"I was wrong, and I couldn't be more wrong from the beginning."

Jonah burst into tears. Only now did he understand that Captain Kepler was right.

Only the sword in your hand can protect your loved ones.

If the demon pirates are not eliminated, there will never be real peace.

Jonah knelt in front of the graves of his wife and children, tightly clenching the sword in his hand.

"Lina, Parker, I'm going to find the captain. I will spend the rest of my life to completely eliminate all demon pirates! Completely eliminate them!!!"


Haihuang City, inside the Zhenghai Palace.

After hearing the news that the demon pirates were massacred near the coast after landing, the owner of Poseidon Island froze and sat slumped on the throne.

There are hundreds of thousands of innocent people in a radius of hundreds of miles!

In this way, they were all brutally murdered!

In fact, even the blue sea surface was once dyed red with blood!

"It's too much! It's simply too much!"

The owner of Poseidon Island had anger surging in his eyes. Did his repeated forbearance result in his people being massacred by the demon pirates again and again?

"Lord Island Master, this is a warning from the Demon Lord!"

Duke Cyber ​​looked at the angry island owner of Poseidon Island and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Island owner, you must calm down at this time. With our strength, we can never be the opponent of the demon pirates! We should hand over The people they want to arrest, only in this way can peace be restored!"

The owner of Poseidon Island froze.

Yes, peace.

Only by lingering like this can we exchange for that pitiful and ridiculous peace?

"It's okay not to have this kind of peace!"

At this moment, a cold voice came from outside the hall.

The person coming was none other than Kepler.

Kepler, who was wearing royal robes, rarely showed a bit of the domineering spirit of a superior person.

"Captain Kepler, what do you mean?"

Duke Cyber, staring at Kepler, "You probably don't know why those demon pirates came to Poseidon Island, right? The deaths of those islanders are indirectly due to you!"

"Yes, it's all thanks to me!"

Kepler laughed at himself, "Then, like a pug, kneeling in front of those demon pirates, letting them slaughter without resisting, who do you owe these things? Retreat, tolerate, cede territory, and pay compensation, this is what is called of peaceful coexistence?”

"Fuck peace!"

Kepler said bitterly: "It's been ten years since you've had this kind of dream that deceives yourself and others! Are you still unwilling to wake up?"

Above the main hall, all the elders lowered their heads.

"Today's demon pirates can kill hundreds of thousands of our people without any scruples. Tomorrow, they can also kill millions and tens of millions of our people in Sea Imperial City!"

Kepler was furious and said with sonorous words: "Because they know that we are all a bunch of bloodless weaklings! No matter what excessive things they do, we will just kneel on the ground and beg their forgiveness afterwards! What else can they do? Return with a full load, turn our people into their captives, and plunder all our wealth! This is peace? This is the peace you want!"

Duke Cyber ​​was speechless and hesitated for a long time, but he was unable to defend himself.

"Island Master! My royal brother!"

Kepler looked at his brother, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "How many innocent people must be sacrificed to awaken the fighting spirit in your heart?"

The owner of Poseidon Island slowly closed his eyes, and after a long while, he finally uttered one word: "Fight!"

Meanwhile, Kepler Mansion.

Ling Feng was still immersed in cultivation.

The demonic energy contained in the Asura Demonic Dragon's Origin Demonic Orb, for Ling Feng's Asura Demonic Eye, the benefits of this are naturally obvious.

Not only that, Ling Feng was even more surprised to find that as the power of Asura in his body became more and more powerful, even the barriers to his own realm began to loosen.

Ling Feng didn't know that because he had both the Heavenly Dao bloodline from his father and the Xuntian bloodline from his mother, he gave birth to a body of chaos that was closest to the origin of the world.

His path of cultivation can be said to be unprecedented.

I think back then, when he broke through to the Imperial Realm, he was a fellow cultivator in three realms. He knocked on three Imperial Gates at the same time. The difficulty was much higher than that of ordinary people, a hundred times higher.

But now, his holy level barrier is even stronger to an outrageous degree.

As a result, even though Ling Feng had accumulated countless opportunities and his peak combat power was comparable to that of ordinary great saints, it was still difficult for him to break through the holy level barrier and advance to the holy level in one fell swoop.

But this Asura magic power allowed him to open up a new path.

Fellow immortals and demons!

Whether it is the Tiandao bloodline or the Xuntian bloodline, they all belong to the fairy bloodline, while Keveli's Eye of the Void and Asura's Demonic Eye both belong to the demonic bloodline.

Ling Feng had a bold idea in his mind.

At the same time, he cultivated the power of the immortals and demons to the semi-saint level, and then integrated the power of the immortals and demons to break through the barrier of the saint level in one fell swoop.

This is a groundbreaking breakthrough for Ling Feng, even in the field of spiritual practice, but he knows better that if he wants to become a person above the peak, he must take an extraordinary path.

He had a premonition, and he firmly believed that fellow immortals and demons would be his path!

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