Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2541 The plan! (1 update)

Poseidon Palace, in the study of the owner of Poseidon Island.

At this time, in addition to the owner of Poseidon Island, there were several senior elders sitting at attention.

The people present here all have the highest status on Poseidon Island and are responsible for the military power of Poseidon Island. They are all very important figures on Poseidon Island.

Between Poseidon Island and the Demon Pirates, although Poseidon Island has an absolute numerical advantage, there is indeed a huge gap in terms of personal combat power.

Although this battle is inevitable, it can only be fought out of wits, not defeated.

People talk a lot, and there are some things that the fewer people know about, the better.

The owner of Poseidon Island looked around at the people in the hall for a long time before he slowly spoke loudly: "Everyone, the demon pirates are coming in force, but most of our Poseidon is outside, and the main combat force cannot rush back immediately to fight with the demons. If the pirates fight head-on, it will be difficult to win.”

"The worries of the island owner are also my worries."

The Cyber ​​Duke frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "My lord, the island owner, I hope the island owner will think twice about starting a war with the demon pirates!"

"Duke Cyber, there is no need to discuss this matter. This battle is inevitable. However, how to fight is the issue we need to discuss."

The owner of Poseidon Island stared at Duke Cyber, with a hint of warning, "Although the Duke's original intention is also for our Poseidon Island, now that we have made the final decision, we hope that the Duke can be with us at the critical moment. Be united."

Today's discussion will formulate a tactical strategy for fighting the demon pirates, which must not be leaked.

Among all the people, Duke Cyber ​​was undoubtedly the one with the least firm stance.

From the beginning, he was a peacemaker.

"Island owner, please rest assured. Although I do not agree with starting a war, I will never betray the island owner or Poseidon Island."


The owner of Poseidon Island nodded slightly, and then continued: "Everyone, do you have any ideas? Tell me?"

For a moment, all the elders looked at each other, unable to explain why.

Demonic pirates are all desperadoes who lick blood from their swords. Although there are not many in number, they are often hard to guard against with their weird demonic power.

A three-level demon pirate can even threaten ordinary saint-level experts in terms of destructive power.

With most of the elite Poseidon Guards on Poseidon Island away from the island, a battle with the demon pirates would probably lead to a repeat of the disastrous defeat ten years ago.

This is definitely not what they want to see.

"Island Master, I do have a countermeasure." Kepler stood up from his seat and said slowly.

"Tell me."

The owner of Poseidon Island’s eyes fell on Kepler.

Kepler took a deep breath and said, "We can pretend to make peace and invite the demon pirates to the Sea Imperial City to host a banquet. At that time, the island owner only needs to hand me over to them and let them relax their vigilance and drink breakfast." Just put poison into the poisonous wine, and you can naturally catch all these demon pirates!"


All the elders looked at each other, this method sounded feasible.

However, it is not easy to make those demon pirates relax their guard. In addition, the poison that can poison the demon pirates is also a problem.

"Brother Chen knows the concerns of the island owner."

Kepler straightened his back and said sonorously: "If the head on my neck is used as a gift and handed over to the demon pirates, they will definitely believe that we on Poseidon Island have no spine to survive in order to survive, and they will naturally take it lightly. "

"No! Absolutely not!"

The owner of Poseidon Island shook his head repeatedly, "Brother Emperor, you have suffered so much and finally came back and reunited with your two nieces. You should live well!"

"If there is no country, how can we call home?"

Kepler smiled tragically, "My Lord, my life was originally saved. As long as I can destroy the demon pirates, what's the point of taking this life?"

"No, no!"

The owner of Poseidon Island frowned deeply, "Royal brother, this is by no means the best way. Let's consider it in the long term."

"There is no time for long-term planning!"

Kepler smiled bitterly, "Too many people have died!"

As he spoke, Kepler pulled out a long sword and placed it across his neck. "If the island owner disagrees, I will kill you immediately. After I die, my head will be given to the demon pirates." Bar!"


The owner of Poseidon Island's eyes were slightly red as he watched the long sword in Kepler's hand pierce the skin on his neck bit by bit, and the bright red blood was already sliding down the blade.

"I... agreed!

The owner of Poseidon Island waved his sleeves and gave Kepler a deep look, "Royal brother, the people of Poseidon Island will always remember you."

"Captain Kepler, we will always remember that you are the hero of Poseidon Island!"

All the elders were also moved by Kepler's righteousness and burst into tears.

Even Duke Cyber's expression changed slightly.

Unexpectedly, Kepler could actually sacrifice his life for Poseidon Island!

"Thank you, my dear brother, for your help!"

Kepler knelt on the ground and bowed deeply to the owner of Poseidon Island.

The owner of Poseidon Island personally stepped forward to help Kepler up. Tears were shining in his eyes and his voice was choked with sobs. "It's not easy for you and me to reunite as brothers. Unexpectedly...unexpectedly..."

"A true man, die for your country and die without regrets!"

Kepler smiled and took out a dark green grass from his sleeve. "This poisonous grass can suppress the demonic power in the demons who have eaten the devil fruit to a certain extent, making them weak in their limbs in a short period of time, and at the same time produce pain like being bitten by thousands of insects. "This is also a secret I discovered after staying on the Devil Island for ten years. As long as they drink the poisonous wine with the juice of this poisonous grass, they will be slaughtered within a few hours. As long as the demon lord is killed, the demon pirates will naturally disintegrate!" The owner of Poseidon Island took the poisonous grass from Kepler's hand, "Does this thing really have such a miraculous effect?" "Yes, this is also my personal experience." Kepler nodded, "Those demon pirates used this poisonous grass to torture me!" The owner of Poseidon Island sighed, looked at Kepler deeply, and gritted his teeth and said, "My brother, you have suffered a lot over the years. "

After a sigh, the Lord of Poseidon Island sat back on his throne and said slowly: "Everything is ready. What remains is to send someone to invite those demon pirates to the Sea King City!"

"I can handle this!"

It was the Duke of Cyber ​​who slowly stood up. "Captain Kepler's words just now really made me ashamed. Since Captain Kepler can sacrifice his life, if I am still cowardly and compromise, what qualifications do I have to become the Duke of Poseidon Island? Lord, I have always been a peace advocate. I believe that those demon pirates will not have any doubts if I come forward. "


The Lord of Poseidon Island looked at Duke Cyber ​​deeply, and seeing his sincere eyes, he finally nodded, "Okay, Duke Cyber, this important task will be handed over to you!"

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