Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2542 The opportunity to break the saint! (2 updates)

After the strategy was formulated, everyone left and went back to prepare their own affairs.

If the demon lord can be killed in this battle, then the nightmare of demon pirates ruling the endless sea will be completely over.

After leaving the meeting, he returned to his mansion.

"Father, you are back."

Devela saw Kepler coming back and hurriedly greeted him, "How is it? What is the attitude of the island owner?"

"Yes, yes, what did the island owner's uncle say?"

Duffield hugged Kepler's arm very affectionately, as if she wanted to make up for all the fatherly love she had lost for so many years.

"Brother Huang has decided to start a war with the demon pirates."

Kepler had a faint smile on his face and looked at his daughters.

The father and daughter finally reunited, but he was destined to no longer be by their side.

"Great, father, has the island owner finally made up his mind?"

Devela clenched her fists excitedly and did not notice the change in Kepler's expression.

Du Feier also waved her little fist, "We must beat those demon pirates to pieces and eliminate them completely!"

"Okay, I still have to prepare for the war."

Kepler smiled faintly, raised his hand and touched Du Feier's little head, but felt a slight pain in his heart.

Between his daughter and Poseidon Island, he could only choose to die generously.


Kepler looked at the direction of Ling Feng's retreat and asked in a deep voice: "Where is little brother Ling Feng, hasn't he come out of retreat yet?"

If Ling Feng was here, maybe he would have a better plan.

In addition, Ling Feng is extremely powerful. If anything unexpected happens to the plan, he can feel more at ease with him here.

"Not yet." Devela shook her head and said lightly.

Du Feier pursed her lips and said, "Master Ling Feng promised to stay in seclusion for three days, but it's been five days and he still hasn't come out, and he doesn't know what he's doing alone!"

"The most surprising thing is that there is a faint evil spirit coming from his room."

Shentu Xuance appeared out of nowhere. Ling Feng helped him resolve the demonic power in his body, and returned his treasure to the original. After a few days of adjusting his breathing, Shentu Xuance finally returned to his peak condition.

However, when he came out of seclusion, Ling Feng still hadn't come out, which made him somewhat concerned.

"Demon energy?"

Kepler looked towards the direction where Ling Feng was retreating, and said slowly: "Maybe he is still cultivating the power of demons, but as long as the power of demons still exists in his body, once he encounters the demon lord, I'm afraid..."

The reason why the demon lord can mobilize the demon pirates and make those extremely vicious desperadoes obey his orders without daring to disobey him is because the demon lord can control the demonic power in their bodies.

Once someone dares to betray him, he will be counterattacked by the power of the devil and die miserably.

"Since Brother Ling can neutralize the demonic power for us, we shouldn't be afraid of the demonic power's backlash, but..."

Shentu Xuance said with some worry: "The power of demons is the power of demons after all. If Brother Ling continues to practice, I'm afraid he will fall into the devil's way!"

The power of light in his body instinctively repels the aura of demons, so he feels that the demonic aura emanating from the place where Ling Feng practices is getting stronger and more concentrated. If he hadn't known that Ling Feng was practicing inside, he might have Already rushed in to slay demons.

"We can only ask after little friend Ling Feng comes out."

Kepler shook his head. He didn't know when Ling Feng would be able to come out of seclusion. Everything could only rely on their own strength on Poseidon Island.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the door. It seemed that the guard at the door was preventing someone from breaking in.

Kepler frowned slightly and looked back at the door. He saw a burly man with a strong smell of blood standing in front of the door like an iron tower.

His robe was stained with dried and coagulated blood, and his face was stained black and red with blood and dust, making it difficult to see his appearance.

However, from his figure and aura, Kepler immediately recognized that this person was Jonah.


Kepler's eyelids twitched, he walked quickly to the door, grabbed the shoulder of the big man with the iron tower, "Jonah, is that you?"

Jonah raised his eyes slightly, glanced at Kepler, and then knelt on the ground with a "pop" sound, "Captain, please accept me into the Poseidon Guard again. I will destroy all the demon pirates!"

Poseidon Island is already busy dealing with the demon pirates.

In Ling Feng's retreat room, Ling Feng had reached a critical point when he absorbed the first fire-attributed magic bead.

The magic power of the ancient demon was pure and rich, and the majestic demon spirit energy was almost blocked in Ling Feng's limbs and bones, making Ling Feng feel like it was very difficult to breathe.

But as Ling Feng continued to refine these demonic spirits, the demonic energy cultivation in his body also increased.

After five days, I had started from scratch and reached a level comparable to the Imperial Realm.

The first Original Soul Bead had only been refined with less than one-tenth of the demon spirit energy.

During his cultivation, Ling Feng could not feel the passage of time in the outside world at all. He was just immersed in his own cultivation, constantly absorbing the energy of refining demonic spirits.

He could feel that the barriers to the saint level had become increasingly loose.

In the center of Ling Feng's eyebrows, the Asura Demonic Eye has been fully opened. Originally, the Asura Demonic Eye was fused by Ling Feng. It has been suppressed by the Asura Eye and can hardly lift its head.

But now, after refining a large amount of demon spirit energy, it has finally reached a level that can compete with the Eye of Shura.

The bloodline of the Tiandao clan is one of the top among the immortal clans in the Immortal Realm.

The same Asura clan is also one of the top bloodlines among the demon clan.

There may be a gap between these two bloodlines, but it is definitely not an insurmountable gap.

With a large amount of demonic energy, Asura's Demonic Eye finally showed its true majesty.

In fact, Ling Feng felt that the power of Asura had been integrated into his own blood, giving him some unknown but extremely powerful power.

"I wonder what's going on outside?"

Ling Feng fell into a state of selflessness and could not feel anything about the outside world at all, but he knew that he had seized the opportunity to advance to the Saint level.

And once this opportunity is broken, it will be difficult to seize it again.

Therefore, he must use this opportunity to defeat the Saint in one fell swoop!

"No matter what, don't be distracted."

Ling Feng put aside his distracting thoughts and continued to refine the demon spirit energy in the original magic bead.

As long as he is promoted to the holy level, his strength will definitely increase significantly. By then, even if he confronts the demon lord head-on, he will still be able to fight, so why should he continue to hide?

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