Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2543 Another betrayal! (3 updates)

Poseidon Island, Grand Strait Port.

After three consecutive days of massacre, there were almost no survivors left in the entire outer area of ​​Poseidon Island.

The demon lord Sephiroth stood very comfortably on the deck, looking at the world in front of him. Thick smoke from the fire was rising everywhere.

Qin Ming, the captain of the Demon Captain, stood beside Sephiroth. He did not lead his people to kill and plunder like other captains.

"It's a whole new world."

Sephiroth narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Ming beside him, with an evil smile on his face.

Qin Ming just stood there and said nothing.

"Hmph, kindness is the most useless thing in the world."

Sephiroth snorted coldly and ignored Qin Ming. Although this guy was the demon captain under his command, he really didn't fit in among a group of pirates.

Not greedy for money, not lustful, not greedy for blood.

Sephiroth didn't know what the point of this guy's life was, but he was the second guy besides himself to be promoted to a nine-marked demon ability user.

If it weren't for his ability to control the demonic power in other demonic pirates' bodies, he might not even be able to defeat Qin Ming.

But fortunately, he is the demon lord. As long as he has a thought, Qin Ming will be killed by the demon's power.

And Qin Ming does not have any more ambitions. For him, Qin Ming is indeed a very useful sword.

"Report! Report to the lord, Poseidon Island sent a messenger to ask for an audience. It seems to be the old guy Saibo."

A demon pirate at the level of a squad leader rushed to the deck and reported to Sephiroth.


There was a look of disdain on the corner of Sephiroth's mouth.

Duke Cyber, the most staunch advocate of peace in Poseidon Island, is greedy for life and afraid of death. In order to seek peace and quiet, he will agree to any conditions.

However, it is precisely because of the existence of such people that the demon pirates can be so unscrupulous.

"Hmph, give these guys from Poseidon Island some color and they will be scared immediately!"

Sephiroth sneered, "Invite that old guy up."


The captain immediately turned around and returned the same way, and after a while, he took Duke Cyber ​​on the deck.

"Hey, old man Cyber, long time no see!"

Without even looking at Cyber, Sephiroth crossed his legs and leaned on a lounge chair, rocking up and down very comfortably.

"I'm Seb, please see the Demon Lord."

Seb knelt on the ground respectfully and knelt down to Sephiroth.

The corner of Sephiroth's mouth curled up, and he deliberately ignored Cyber. After a while, he pretended to jump up from the couch, pretended to help Cyber, and said with a smile: "Hey, Duke Cyber ​​is alone on Poseidon Island. How could anyone, among thousands of people, pay such a courtesy to such a reckless person like me?"

"The lord has unparalleled magical powers. He is the overlord of the endless sea and an unparalleled hero. Naturally, he deserves my respect."

Duke Cyber ​​was smiling all over his face, and when he was filming the flattery, he almost lost his dignity and integrity.

Sephiroth patted Duke Cyber ​​on the shoulder, and then said: "There is no need to say more to be polite. Mr. Cyber, what did the owner of Poseidon Island send you to do this time?"

Seb took a deep breath, looked at Sephiroth's eyes, suddenly made a "pop" sound, and knelt down on the ground again, "Great Demon Lord, you are so wise, I will never dare to hide anything!"

Immediately, Saibo revealed all the previous plans in the study...

"That's it. The foolish owner of Poseidon Island is actually planning to plot against the lord. I tried my best to dissuade him, but they didn't listen at all!"

Duke Cyber ​​was trembling with fear and shaking violently.


Sephiroth smiled coldly, "You Leonard (the name of the owner of Poseidon Island), you are so brave, you dare to plot against me!"

"All of this is Kepler's intention. He instigated and bewitched the island owner. I hope the Lord will never anger our Poseidon Island."

Duke Cyber ​​said tremblingly.


Sephiroth raised his hand and patted Duke Cyber's face gently, "The devil-eating grass has indeed suppressed ordinary demon-ability users. It's a pity that demon-ability users who have reached the sixth pattern or above are already immune to the devil-eating grass. Toxin! Old man, you are smart, otherwise, all of you on Poseidon Island will die this time!"

Duke Cyber ​​was shuddered, "I have long said that betraying the lord will never end well!"

"On Poseidon Island, there is still a smart person like you."

Sephiroth grinned, "However, I still need you to cooperate with me in putting on a good show. Since those idiots are still dreaming about their spring and autumn dreams, then I will accompany them to continue this play!"

"Lord, what do you mean?"

Duke Cyber ​​looked at Sephiroth and said weakly.

"You go back and tell your island owner that I will leave now for Sea Emperor City and ask him to prepare a big banquet to entertain me and the hundreds of brothers under my command!"

"Lord, are not going to destroy our Poseidon Island, are you?"

Duke Cyber ​​felt guilty, "I am loyal to you!"

"Don't worry, since you are loyal to me, I will not miss out on your benefits. Since Leonard doesn't want to be the owner of Poseidon Island, then it's up to you to do it! When I will do that Kick it down and kill it, idiot. The throne of the island master is naturally yours. As long as you obey your orders, we devil pirates will keep our word and will never touch a single hair of Poseidon Island."

"Thank you Lord, thank you Lord!"

Duke Cyber ​​was kneeling on the ground and began to thank him profusely.

"Okay, what a good and obedient dog!"

Sephiroth laughed loudly, "Seb, after becoming the island master, I hope you can still be obedient as always."

"It's natural!"

Duke Cyber ​​nodded repeatedly, "Lord, please rest assured, I will definitely not have any dissatisfaction with your lord like the current island owner!"

"very good!"

Sephiroth patted the old face of Duke Cyber, "Okay, go back and let those idiots be happy for a few days, because soon, they will never laugh again! Hahahaha!"

Duke Cyber ​​cautiously exited the Poseidon, and then left with the entourage that came with him.

Seeing the retreating figure of Duke Cyber, Sephiroth grinned and sneered, "It's rare that those idiots on Poseidon Island finally showed some blood, but they were destroyed in the hands of this weakling."

Although the devil-eating grass has little effect on high-level demonic users, it can suppress their demonic power to a certain extent.

When the time comes, when the two sides fight, even if the Demon Pirates can win, it will be a disastrous victory and they will pay an extremely heavy price.

Duke Cyber, however, completely ruined Poseidon Island's plan.

Qin Ming shook his head slightly. People like Cyber ​​are really despising. Even Sephiroth must look down on him from the bottom of his heart.

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