Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2544 Banquet! (1 update)

One day later, the demon lord Sephiroth, leading hundreds of demon pirates, arrived at Sea Imperial City.

As planned, the owner of Poseidon Island held a grand banquet to entertain the demon lord and discuss "peace talks".

"Leonard, long time no see!"

The Demon Lord strode up to the owner of Poseidon Island as if he were in his own courtyard, and sat down on the main seat very politely. He even raised his hand slightly towards the owner of Poseidon Island, indicating that he could sit on it. On the seat next to him.

His aloof posture was as if he was the master of Poseidon Island.

The owner of Poseidon Island tightened his fists slightly, but it was difficult to get angry. He could only sit down next to the demon lord, with a smile on his face, "Long time no see, the lord is still as charming as ever!"


The demon lord laughed loudly, raised his hand and patted the owner of Poseidon Island on the shoulder, "I am still the same as before, but your courage is much greater!"

"Don't dare!"

The owner of Poseidon Island froze, "Lord, you have to believe that none of us on Poseidon Island would dare to have any objections to you! As for my imperial brother Kepler, he escaped back to Poseidon Island on his own. It has absolutely nothing to do with me.”

Speaking of this, the voice of the owner of Poseidon Island was slightly low. He took a deep breath and clenched his fists before continuing: "In order to show our loyalty to you, Lord Lord, I have ordered , behead Kepler!"


The demon lord glanced at the owner of Poseidon Island, "I didn't expect that the island owner could kill his relatives out of justice, yes, yes!"

"Here comes someone!"

The owner of Poseidon Island took a deep breath, and then said loudly: "Bring Kepler's head up and show it to the lord!"

"Yes, Lord Island Master!"

Soon, a guard immediately brought up a tray covered with a layer of red silk. The guard brought the tray to the demon lord and then opened the red silk, revealing a bloody human head inside.

It's none other than Kepler!

The demon lord's lips curved, "Very good, Leonard, you did a good job."



At this moment, two voices filled with sorrow and misery came, and sisters Devela and Dufail rushed out from the crowd.

The eyes of the two girls were filled with sadness. They looked at their father's head and then at the owner of Poseidon Island. They were filled with grief and anger and burst into tears.

Du Feier glared at the owner of Poseidon Island and cursed loudly, "You old fool, it's in vain that my father is devoted to Poseidon Island. You actually ordered someone to kill him. You have to pay for my father's life."

A trace of unbearability flashed in the eyes of the owner of Poseidon Island. He clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "Who asked you to come up? Come on, please escort these two crazy women down!"

"No need."

The demon lord smiled coldly and grabbed Devela's wrist. Jie Jie laughed strangely, "You have been running away for so long, why don't you finally come back to me?"

Devela froze, seeing the face of the demon lord, her body was already dominated by fear.

This devil-like man can't escape from his grasp after all!


The owner of Poseidon Island clenched his fists. Why did the two sisters run out at the critical moment, only to catch up with them again in vain.

Taking a deep breath, the owner of Poseidon Island calmed down again, with an expression of indifference on his face, and said with a faint smile: "Since the lord likes my little niece, it is also her blessing. Come on, serve the wine. , I want to toast the lord."

"Yes, yes, serve the wine, serve the wine."

Duke Cyber ​​came up with a smile, carrying a wine bottle, and said with a smile on his face: "The misunderstanding has finally been resolved. Our Poseidon Island has absolutely no objections to the lord."

While speaking, Duke Cyber ​​has already poured a full glass of wine for the Demon Lord and the owner of Poseidon Island.

The demon lord squinted his eyes and smiled, raised his hand to pick up the wine glass, looked at the owner of Poseidon Island, and smiled faintly, "Leonard, since you don't have any concerns about me, well, then I will Let’s have a drink with you.”

"Thank you, Lord, for your favor."

The owner of Poseidon Island also picked up his wine glass, and with a slight touch of his and the demon lord's, they drank the wine in one go.

"And to all the warriors of Alcatraz Island, I also want to toast you all."

The owner of Poseidon Island filled a cup again and paid homage to the other demon pirates.

All the demon pirates looked at the demon lord.

The demon lord laughed and said, "Since the island owner of Poseidon Island is so enthusiastic, we must not refute the island owner's face."


A group of demon pirates picked up the quilt next to them and drank it all in one gulp.


The demon lord laughed loudly, raised his hand and patted the owner of Poseidon Island on the shoulder, "Okay, now that we have drunk the wine, it's time to talk about business! There must be a few other people who came back with Kepler. ?”


The owner of Poseidon Island nodded quickly, "There are also two other young men and a bad old man. I have already tied them up and locked them in a prison to await their punishment. Even my biological brother, I can kill him ruthlessly. Not to mention other people.”

"good very good!"

The demon lord laughed and said, "Bring them up."

Suddenly, the demon lord's steps swayed, and he seemed to have lost all his strength. He slumped down on the chair, with a trace of panic and panic in his eyes.

"What...what's going on?"

The demon lord stared at the owner of Poseidon Island, "This is the devil-eating grass, can you have such a poisonous weed!"

Immediately afterwards, the demon pirates who drank the poisonous wine also collapsed to the ground, seemingly losing their ability to fight.

"how come?"

The demon lord stared coldly at the owner of Poseidon Island, "Leonard, do you dare to betray me? Do you know the consequences of betraying me?"

"You have the chance to survive today before we talk about it!"

The owner of Poseidon Island clenched his fists and glared at the demon lord, "Sephiroth, go to hell!"

The owner of Poseidon Island roared almost hysterically, drew out a long sword, and stabbed the demon lord in the chest.


The sound of breaking wind sounded, and the sword of the owner of Poseidon Island was almost reaching its extreme, containing the anger and regret he had felt for the past ten years.

And Kepler's sacrifice was just for this sword!


However, unlike the imagined sound of the sword piercing the heart, the demon lord actually raised his hand slightly, put his two fingers together, and tightly grasped the sword of the owner of Poseidon Island.


There was a crisp sound, and the sword blade in the hands of the owner of Poseidon Island shattered. Then, a terrible strong wind swept across, and the owner of Poseidon Island was directly knocked away, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from his mouth.

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