Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2550 Wind and Fire Tribulation! (1 update)

"Finally survived the thunder tribulation!"

Ling Feng smiled bitterly. There was only the last trace of true energy left in his body. Fortunately, he had cultivated the immortal golden body. Otherwise, he would have been beaten to death by the last ancient thunder dragon.

Fortunately, I survived.

Having survived the first heavenly thunder tribulation of countless life and death tribulations.

However, it seems that there are four levels of so-called infinite tribulations of life and death!

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. The big black hole was far from disappearing.

The black hole obviously didn't intend to give Ling Feng much time to breathe. As the thunder dissipated, gloomy hurricanes swept in one after another.

The wind blade cut Ling Feng's body, causing severe pain. However, no matter how Ling Feng used his immortal golden body, the wound could not heal.

Then, the terrible flames swept through again.

This flame was not an extraordinary fire. With Ling Feng's physique, he was already invulnerable to fire and water, but this flame seemed to be directly burning his soul.

The wind and fire tribulation, the wind tribulation acted on the physical body, and the fire tribulation burned and refined the soul. The two tribulations happened at the same time. In just a moment, Ling Feng's whole body twitched in pain.

This kind of pain is ten times more powerful than planting the Forging Qi Hunyuan Lock. Even with Ling Feng's steely will, it is almost unbearable.


Ling Feng's body lost control and sank into the sea, sinking continuously.

His consciousness and body began to become a little blurry, and even in the bottom of Ling Feng's heart, a voice kept calling, asking Ling Feng to give up.

As long as you give up, you can avoid the pain of the wind knife invading your body and the burning fire burning your soul.

"No! No! I will never give up!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly. Ling Feng's willpower was so tenacious that even though he endured two terrible tortures, both internal and external, he gritted his teeth and endured.


There was an explosion, and Ling Feng's body burst out of the water. Under the endless wind knives, Ling Feng's body was dripping with blood. It seemed that every inch of flesh and blood on his body had been cut off inch by inch by the wind knives.

This kind of pain is no less than the punishment of being cut into pieces with a thousand knives.

At the same time, Ling Feng's soul was in a state of being destroyed by the fire almost at any time.

If he didn't have great perseverance beyond ordinary people, I'm afraid he would have given up completely under such pain.

"Is this the wind and fire catastrophe among the four tribulations of life and death?"

Shentu Xuance's scalp felt numb when he saw it. There was a kind of pain, it hurt even just looking at it!

No wonder in the Witch God Sect, although there are many strong people in the seventh and eighth turns of the Nine Transformations Realm, very few people can reach the ninth level of the Nine Transformations Realm.

Because no matter how talented you are, once you reach the ninth level, you will definitely experience a life and death calamity, which is called a "small life and death calamity".

In other words, this life and death disaster is not a real life and death disaster, and its power is greatly reduced.

And what Ling Feng experienced was a complete calamity of life and death!

Those powerful people who have reached the eighth level of the Nine Transformations Realm may not be able to survive the small calamity of life and death.

And Ling Feng, just to break the holy catastrophe, has to go through a life and death catastrophe!

"Hmph, how can it be so easy to survive the catastrophe of life and death! You will definitely die!"

The demon lord grinned ferociously. One of his broken arms had grown back. Although it took some energy and blood, it did not affect the fundamentals.

However, he was struck by Ling Feng's thunderbolt before, and his energy and blood were still agitated at this moment.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and persisted.

It took a lot of effort for me to get to this point, and it took a lot of effort to finally break through to the Saint level.

You will never give up!

no way!

But, it really hurts!

Ling Feng's whole body was trembling, as if his soul had left his body.

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