Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2551 The inner demon calamity! (2 updates)

I don’t know how long it took, maybe it was just a moment, or maybe it took tens of millions of years.

Ling Feng only felt that his consciousness had begun to blur.

"Where am I?"

He muttered to himself, and the whole world seemed to become extremely unreal.

"Give me, kneel down!"

A voice came to his ears, Ling Feng looked intently, and it was Lin Canglang who was standing in front of him.

"Lin Canglang?"

Ling Feng's expression changed, because there was a figure blocking Lin Canglang's body - Lin Xian'er!

Lin Canglang held the dagger and placed it on Lin Xianer's neck.

This scene……

Deja vu!

Ling Feng's heart thumped as he thought of everything he least wanted to recall in his life.

She knew that next, Lin Canglang would lose control and kill Lin Xianer under the control of his grandfather Ling Hanyang.

And he would lose control and kill Tuoba Yan and Ling Kun...

All this happened very quickly, Ling Feng was like a bystander, witnessing everything that had happened.

Until the sky wept with blood, until his golden eyes of emperor finally opened.

Experiencing that heartbreaking pain again made Ling Feng's eyes filled with pain and anger.

He didn't know that he had successfully survived the wind and fire tribulation and entered the third tribulation among the four tribulations of life and death.

Inner demon calamity!

Killing his grandfather (Ling Kun) with his own hands was the thing that Ling Feng regretted most in his life. It was also the biggest flaw and the biggest inner demon in his heart.

"You even killed your grandfather who raised you since childhood, how can you survive in this world!"

"Your existence will only bring endless disasters to those around you!"

From the sky, there was a majestic voice, every word was heartbreaking and every word was murderous.

Ling Feng knelt on the ground, his heart filled with regret and despair.

"Shuzi, you have to commit suicide quickly to wash away all your sins!"

Ling Feng was bewitched by the voice, and raised it high to destroy all directions, already lying on his neck.

"I am... a sinner!"

"Yes, you are a sinner!"

The voice above the sky was like the judgment of a god, and a strong sense of guilt enveloped Ling Feng.

However, the next moment, Ling Feng stood up and pointed his sword at the sky.

"Even though I am a sinner, it is not your turn to judge me!"

Ling Feng's eyes were no longer filled with pain and regret, but with a hint of understanding.

"Grandpa voluntarily sacrificed his life to fulfill me, and if I commit suicide, I will be the biggest letdown to him!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "I just want to set foot on the top of the martial arts, the top of the immortal way! No one can stop my steps! The same is true for the calamity of life and death!"

Ling Feng suddenly opened his eyes and regained his clarity. The aura on his body increased infinitely, and the fierce sword power caused the whole world to shatter like a mirror.

"Broken! Broken! Broken!"

Three broken words roared out, the whole world disappeared, and Ling Feng returned to the sky above the endless sea.

The inner demon tribulation has passed!

Once the wind and fire tribulation and the inner demon tribulation are over, only the last of the four tribulations of life and death is left, which is also the most terrifying, the great tribulation of the soul.

"This kid actually managed to survive the Wind and Fire Tribulation and the Inner Demon Tribulation in one go!"

The demon lord clenched his fists tightly. If Ling Feng really succeeded in overcoming the tribulation and was promoted to the saint level, his strength would probably make a qualitative leap!

When the time comes, can I really defeat him and take back the four original soul beads?

On the other side, on Poseidon Island, everyone was bursting with joy.

Three of the four calamities of life and death have been passed, and only the last calamity is left. Logically speaking, it should be almost certain.

However, Shentu Xuance still did not relax at all, but became even more nervous.

"The last soul catastrophe is the most terrifying one. Although Brother Ling has survived the previous three catastrophes, if he is not careful, his body and soul will still be destroyed, and he will never recover!"

However, Ling Feng, who was in the midst of a life-and-death crisis, looked more relaxed than ever before.

Although he didn't know how terrifying the so-called divine soul catastrophe would be, he knew that this disaster must be related to the divine soul.

And he has reached the level of a golden fighting spirit!

Generally, warriors will only begin to refine their souls after reaching the holy level, and will be further promoted to fighting souls.

In other words, most of the saint-level experts actually only have bronze fighting spirits.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, has surpassed the silver fighting spirit and directly reached the level of gold fighting spirit.

Logically speaking, this calamity should not be difficult for him.


In the black hole, a crystal clear river that seemed both liquid and solid poured into Ling Feng's body. This was the essence of heaven and earth condensed to the extreme. After entering the body, it would quickly transform into the power of a saint!

The source of the power of a saint-level powerhouse is the power of the saint.

After Ling Feng survived three major tribulations, he also received feedback from the rules of heaven and earth.

The vitality of the world was integrated into Ling Feng's body. It was broken and then stood up again. His body was restored to integrity, and his momentum also climbed to an unprecedented level.

"This kid is so scary!"

There was a hint of retreat in the demon lord's heart. Ling Feng had not officially entered the holy realm, but he already had such a terrifying momentum. If he really entered the holy realm, would he still be his opponent?

After hesitating for a moment, the demon lord finally could not give up the four original soul beads.

"No matter what, we must take back the Soul Pearl!"

The demon lord clenched his fists and hummed softly: "The last catastrophe of the soul is not easy to survive. Even if this kid survives by luck, the soul will be ruined and fall into a period of weakness. As long as I take the opportunity to attack, this time He will definitely die."

The demon lord snorted softly and stared at Ling Feng unblinkingly.

No matter what, this guy must be eliminated!

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