Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2552 Soul Catastrophe! (3 updates)

"The catastrophe of the soul is coming!"

At this time, a terrifying pressure burst out from the black hole in the sky, and Ling Feng couldn't help but raise his head.

Before overcoming this last calamity, the power of heaven and earth actually helped him return to his peak state. From this, we can already see how dangerous this last calamity is.

After all, he didn't give himself any time to prepare for the previous wind and fire tribulations and the inner demon tribulation.

Ling Feng clenched his fists, looked at the black hole in the sky, and shouted, "Come on!"

Hoo ho ho!

As if in response to Ling Feng's "request", a whirlwind blew down.

This whirlwind is not an ordinary whirlwind. The sound cannot be heard with the ears, only the soul can hear it. This is the prelude to the catastrophe of the soul - the whirlwind of the soul.

The divine soul whirlwind was extremely fast and difficult to react as it brushed past Ling Feng.

Ling Feng looked calm, nothing happened.

The whirlwind of divine souls just wanted to make him embarrassed, so there was no need to survive the great catastrophe of divine souls that followed.

"Something's wrong, there's something different about this kid's soul!"

The demon lord frowned slightly, because Ling Feng didn't even use a mental barrier to protect his soul.

It seemed that he allowed the whirlwind of soul to sweep through his soul, but he himself did not move at all!

This is no longer a divine soul that ordinary half-saints can possess.


Immediately afterwards, the whirlwind became further violent, and the divine soul whirlwind also evolved into a divine soul storm!

The momentum of the Divine Soul Storm is much more powerful than the Divine Soul Cyclone, and the rumbling sound of the storm can be heard for tens of thousands of miles.

Even Ling Feng felt a tearing force, trying to tear the origin of his soul into pieces bit by bit.


Ling Feng took a deep breath, and a silver light suddenly lit up behind him.

Silver light shot up into the sky, transforming into the appearance of Ling Feng's true form, which was just like a projection magnified ten times, and the whole body was protected by a silver light shield.

Despite the storm of souls coming, the silver dharma image behind Ling Feng remained motionless.

"What! Silver Fighting Spirit!"

The demon lord's eyelids twitched wildly. With his level of strength, he was naturally well-informed.

He has seen a lot of silver fighting spirits, but it is quite rare to have a silver fighting spirit without even reaching the saint level.

"It turns out to be the Silver Fighting Spirit. No wonder Brother Ling's expression is so relaxed! But..."

Shentu Xuance frowned. The four calamities of life and death were aimed at the strong men above the seventh rank of the Nine Rank Realm. Among these strong men, silver fighting spirits were not uncommon.

Sure enough, as Ling Feng sacrificed his silver fighting soul, the soul storm became even more fierce.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, but the silver fighting spirit behind him shook violently in the storm.

A feeling of tearing came from the fighting spirit. This tearing power directly acted on the origin of Ling Feng's soul.


One arm of Ling Feng's silver fighting spirit was directly torn off, and to Ling Feng's body, it was like a piece of the original soul was torn off alive.

Severe pain hit him, Ling Feng gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to sacrifice his golden fighting spirit.

He knew that the Divine Soul Catastrophe could not be just such a simple Soul Storm, and the Golden Battle Soul was already his last Divine Soul trump card.

If the final trump card is revealed so early, how can one cope with the changes that will follow?

Tsk tsk tsk!

Just like this, when the silver fighting spirit behind Ling Feng was almost torn into pieces, the storm of souls in the sky finally experienced further changes.

The divine soul storm gradually condensed and transformed into a divine general holding a broadsword.

The divine general's whole body shone with golden light as he slashed down with his sword, straight towards Ling Feng.

Before the blade came, a golden sword light had already struck at him. It was the spirit of the divine soul sword.

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly and let out a shocking roar.


Like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring, the silver fighting spirit behind Ling Feng was completely shattered, replaced by a golden light that soared into the sky!

"Yellow...golden fighting spirit!"

The people watching Ling Feng's tribulation were once again dumbfounded.

He's not even a saint yet, but he actually has a golden fighting spirit!

This life-and-death calamity makes one's world view almost collapse.

Ling Feng's talent, understanding, will and even his many trump cards are all astonishing.

No wonder this guy was able to cause the four calamities of life and death in the first nine-turn calamity of being promoted to the holy level.

This guy is indeed a monster!


At this moment, the god general's blade struck the golden light, making a loud noise, and invisible sparks scattered outside the golden light shield.


For a moment, Ling Feng felt as if his soul had been hit by a heavy blow. He couldn't help but groan, and the golden fighting spirit behind him also caused ripples.

Swish, swish, swish!

The Divine Soul Warrior sent out three saber qi in succession, attacking Ling Feng's golden fighting spirit from three different angles.

"Mysterious Curse Shadow Devour!"

Ling Feng roared, the best defense is to attack. Although he is overcoming the tribulation, it does not mean that he has to endure the attacks again and again.

Golden light flashed, and the "Mysterious Curse Shadow Devour", which was originally just a silver soul skill, exploded with unprecedented power under the stimulation of Ling Feng's powerful fighting spirit.

Armor removal thorn!

Blood-breaking stab!

Split Bone Spur!

Three thorns were fired in unison, facing three divine soul sword energies.

Boom boom boom!

The sword energy collided with Ling Feng's soul skill. Ling Feng was like a golden god of war, controlling his own golden battle soul, and kept attacking. He was evenly matched with the god general above the nine heavens!


With an explosion, Ling Feng actually defeated the god general!

"He...did he succeed?"

On the Poseidon Island, countless clan elders watched with wild eyelids. After ordinary people survived the tribulation, they almost exhausted all their strength and were glad that they had saved a small life.

Fortunately for Ling Feng, after overcoming the tribulation, he still looked like a dragon and a tiger, and he wished he could fight that god general for another 800 rounds.

"Generally speaking, the Divine Soul Catastrophe is divided into three levels, but according to Brother Ling..."

Shentu Xuance swallowed, it was really hard to describe a monster like Ling Feng.

Sure enough, the black hole high in the sky did not dissipate.


A deep sound came from the depths of the black hole, spreading across the sky and the earth.

kill! kill!

The second word "kill" was much clearer, but the power was much greater. As soon as the word "kill" came out, the terrifying divine soul pressure came out violently, like the wind of hell.

kill! kill! kill!

Immediately afterwards, three words of "kill" were shouted one after another, and the pressure of the divine soul increased exponentially. However, with the power of the divine soul, all the seawater with a radius of thousands of miles was compressed and deeply sunken.

This kind of power is no less than when the ancient thunder dragon appeared before.

Even worse!

"This guy is really a freak!"

Shentu Xuance shook his head and smiled bitterly. Ling Feng's catastrophe of becoming a saint was probably unprecedented and unprecedented.

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