Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2553 Killing the Spirit King! (1 update)


The void trembles!

High in the sky, deep in the black hole, a terrifying invisible wave rolled up.

The next moment, a figure wearing a shabby cloak with tattered skin that seemed to have been mended appeared.

"This is... the Soul Killing King!"

the demon lord blurted out, his voice horrified.

At the same time, on the side of Poseidon Island, whether it was the owner of Poseidon Island, Kepler, Duke Cyber, and other clan elders, they all trembled.

Shentu Xuance was even more stunned and murmured to himself: "Oh my god, he is actually the Soul Killer King!"

"Kill the Spirit King? Kill the Spirit King for what?"

Tuoba Yan bit his lip, looked at Ling Feng's figure, and said worriedly.

"The Soul Killer King is a legendary beast from the world of the dead!"

The owner of Poseidon Island took a deep breath and said with an extremely solemn expression.

Shentu Xuance shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The theory of the world of the dead is probably a myth. The Soul Killer King is actually a kind of evil spirit that specializes in devouring souls in ancient times. This kind of evil spirit is extremely cruel and has no trace of anything. They have no sense of reason at all. Wherever they go, any creature with a soul will be absorbed by them to make up for themselves. When this kind of evil spirit is strong enough, it can be promoted to a soul-killing king and kill all souls! "

"Even in the ancient times, in that golden age that was very suitable for cultivators, their souls were a hundred times more powerful than the warriors of this era, and they were all afraid of the Soul Killing King!"

Shentu Xuance took a deep breath, with an extremely solemn expression on his face, "I thought that Brother Ling's four calamities of life and death had reached the final step and were almost certain. But..."

After a pause, Shentu Xuance continued: "But if it is to kill the Spirit King, Brother Ling will probably... be more miserable than others!"


"No way?"

"Is it true that little friend Ling Feng is jealous of heaven and cannot be tolerated by heaven and earth?"

The former members of Poseidon Island sighed again and again.

Ling Feng's catastrophe was simply unbelievable and breathtaking. It was unbelievable that this was really just a catastrophe that broke the saints.


In the distance, the demon lord laughed loudly, "Since you are the Soul Killer King, boy, you will definitely die! This is good, and it will save me from wasting a lot of effort to deal with you!"

The demon lord had a proud smile on his lips. Once the Soul Killing King appears, even if Ling Feng has a golden fighting spirit, so what?

It is impossible for a mere golden fighting spirit to withstand the attack of the Soul Killing King.

"Boy Ling Feng, what on earth did you do that is so outrageous that even the Soul Killing King escaped!"

The exclamation of a bitch came from my mind. The voice of this bitch actually had a hint of vibrato!

"Killing Soul King..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Although he didn't know what it meant to kill the Spirit King, judging from the aura alone, he was probably more than one level stronger than the divine general just now.

"The so-called Soul Killing King is made from the fusion of countless divine soul breaths, and the negative emotions of these countless divine soul breaths are gathered together. It makes no sense at all. Once he is born, he will kill the world and suck out the souls of countless lives. Boy, you Wish yourself the best, I will protect your inheritance after you die!"

The bitch chuckled, "After all, this divine beast can definitely be regarded as your first heir!"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, too lazy to pay attention to this bitch. The golden fighting spirit around him was aroused to the extreme.

To deal with this kind of soul-killing king, all martial arts and techniques are useless. The only thing that can compete with him is his own soul.

For a moment, Ling Feng's golden fighting spirit burst out with thousands of golden lights, condensing into a golden god of war. As long as the fighting spirit remained alive, the Soul Killing King would never try to devour his soul.


The weapon of the Soul Killing King is a similarly tattered stone stick that seems to have been mended. On the stone stick, the aura of the soul lingers, and countless people scream in agony. Just listening to this sound will give rise to a sense of fear, and the body will flash, The Soul Killing King held a broken stone stick and struck Ling Feng with one stick.

Ling Feng's expression was solemn, and the golden fighting spirit raised a divine soul sword high, and struck it head-on with the sword.

Boom boom boom!

As soon as they fought, the layers of barriers formed by Ling Feng's golden fighting spirit were shattered into pieces as if falling apart.



There were actually cracks in the golden fighting spirit behind him.

Even the golden fighting spirit was so vulnerable to the soul-killing offensive of the Soul-killing King.


Ling Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his soul was hurt, even more seriously than the physical trauma.

The spirit-killing king was obviously not prepared to give Ling Feng any chance to breathe. He held the broken stone stick and attacked Ling Feng one stick after another, one stick faster than the other.

Bang bang bang!

With each blow of the stick, several more cracks appeared on Ling Feng's golden fighting spirit. After more than a dozen blows, Ling Feng's golden fighting spirit could hardly condense into shape, and Ling Feng was vomiting blood and was in a state of utter disarray.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The demon lord laughed loudly, and he could feel that Ling Feng was at the end of his strength.

The appearance of the Soul Killing King doomed Ling Feng to death.

On the other hand, everyone on Poseidon Island showed extremely anxious expressions. If Ling Feng failed to overcome the tribulation, no one would be able to stop the demon lord.

For Poseidon Island, it is undoubtedly a disaster.


High in the sky, Ling Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood again, his face already extremely pale.

Under the successive violent attacks of the Soul-Slaying King, Ling Feng felt that the origin of his soul was almost shattered by the Soul-Slaying King.

His swordsmanship, his strange fire, his Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique, his immortal golden body, and even his Eye of the Emperor, were completely unable to give him any help at this moment.

Strictly speaking, the Soul Killing King has no entity, and Ling Feng's attack cannot cause any damage to it.

Unless, he has the same powerful soul attack method.

But compared to the power of the Soul Killing King, his own soul skills were like the light of a firefly, unable to compete with the bright moon.

After all, the golden fighting spirit is still far from enough in front of the Soul Killing King.

"If the golden fighting spirit doesn't work, then take a gamble and get the colorful fighting spirit!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth. No matter what, he would never die here.

"bring it on!"

Ling Feng's eyes were cracked, his face was covered with blood, but his eyes were full of undefeated fighting spirit and determination to fight against the sky.

With a roar, Ling Feng actually removed the broken golden fighting spirit around him, and replaced it with traces of dim colorful rays of light.

"What! It's actually... colorful brilliance!"

The demon lord's eyelids twitched, "Could it be that he has actually condensed the colorful fighting spirit?"

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