Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2555 Ling Feng Becomes a Saint! (3 more)

"It seems that the Soul Killing King is not invincible!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and continued to use his Soul Storm. He rushed directly in front of the Soul Killing King and continued to fight with it.

"How can it be?"

The demon lord was almost dumbfounded. How could there be such a freak in this world? Even the Soul Killer King dared to confront him!

That's the Soul Killing King!

At the same time, Ling Feng was silently calculating how much the Soul Killing King would be consumed.

As his soul storm hits again and again, the Soul Killing King has become weaker and more transparent.

Sixty percent!

Five percent!

Four percent!

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. The Soul Killing King's state had been so consumed by him that he could hardly pose any threat to his colorful fighting spirit.

it's time!

Ling Feng silently calculated the soul aura of the Killing Soul King. When the opponent's soul aura was less than 40%, Ling Feng launched the killing move. A crack opened on his forehead and between his eyebrows. His purple vertical eyes opened, and then he suddenly sprayed out a blast. Dark light.

Shocking calamity!

With the blessing of the colorful fighting spirits, the power of Jing Jing Jie surged as it gathered together.

In addition, the Soul-Slaying King was in a weak state, and the shocking power penetrated directly through the Soul-Slaying King's head!


Just like the melting of ice and snow, the body of the Soul Killing King melted away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the aura of the soul also weakened rapidly, 30%, 20%, 10%, half...

In the end, only a trace of the soul of the Soul Killing King was left.

"End it!"

Ling Feng took a long breath and finally released a divine soul storm. The afterimage of the Soul Killing King suddenly dispersed and returned to nothingness.

Overcoming the Great Soul Tribulation, I finally succeeded!

As soon as the Soul Killing King was destroyed, the black hole that penetrated the sky began to spin wildly, condensing into an extremely pure energy ball.

After successfully overcoming the tribulation, it is natural that it is time to receive the gift of the power of heaven and earth.

The majestic vitality of heaven and earth poured into Ling Feng's body crazily.

Like a flood that has opened its gates, it surges forward and washes away Ling Feng's body.

From this moment on, Ling Feng also crossed the threshold of a saint-level powerhouse and became a saint with a thousand-year lifespan!

The biggest gain was that Ling Feng successfully condensed the seven-color fighting spirit, and after defeating the Soul-Slaying King, the power of the spirit was also gifted by heaven and earth, which was greatly improved.

If the breakthrough to the colorful fighting spirit is a brand new "container", then at this moment, Ling Feng's container is already half full.

The gift of this breakthrough alone saved Ling Feng from the effects that ordinary people might not be able to achieve even after hundreds of years of hard training.

"It's true that I have survived so many catastrophes, and the rewards are indeed not small."

Ling Feng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. The gift from heaven was not over yet. As for how far he could reach it in the end, he had some expectations in his heart.

"No matter how great the harvest is, you won't be able to enjoy it with your life!"

A sharp roar came, and as Ling Feng survived the four catastrophes of life and death, the demon lord transformed into a troll again, and slapped Ling Feng fiercely from a distance.

The terrifying demonic power exploded, and he had to take advantage of Ling Feng's weak period after the tribulation to completely kill him.

Otherwise, once Ling Feng stabilizes his Saint-level power, it may be extremely difficult for him to deal with Ling Feng again.

"You came just in time, I was just looking for you!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, turned his hand to destroy all directions, and struck the demon lord with a backhand sword.

Under the incarnation of Chaos Asura, Ling Feng's momentum has already surpassed that of the great saints at the fifth level of the Nine Transformation Realm.

If he exerts all his strength, even if Ling Feng faces Master Mu Shen now, he won't be able to give in too much.

Even with the almost cheat-like ability of the Immortal Golden Body, Ling Feng might not be able to drag a strong man like Mu Shenjun to death.

You know, Lord Mu Shen is also at the Saint level!

Ling Feng, on the other hand, has just stepped into the Saint level, and already has Saint-level combat power that is comparable to the peak of the sixth level of the Nine Transformation Realm.

Such a monster is almost beyond words to describe.


The demon lord's body was split into four, and turned into four trolls that were exactly the same as his original body.

Four giant demons stood in the four directions of Lingfeng, exerting the power of the demon at the same time.

The gravitational force and the repulsive force of the demon broke out at the same moment, and four forces of tearing and squeezing instantly blessed Ling Feng's body.

In an instant, Ling Feng felt that he was almost being chopped into pieces. After fusing more than a hundred demon pirates, the demon lord's power had indeed made a qualitative leap.

The current demon lord's power is definitely at the holy level!

"Boy, do you think that after surviving the four calamities of life and death, you can soar into the sky? It is undeniable that you are indeed a peerless monster that is rare in ten thousand years. It is a pity that I am your last calamity, and you must die. "Jie!"

The demon lord laughed ferociously, "I only blame you for running into my hands. You have no chance to grow anymore!"

"Oh? Really?"

Ling Feng's lips curled up with a hint of joking, "Do you think you can kill me while I'm weak after the tribulation? Have you asked them?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, and between his eyebrows, the dark red eyes suddenly shot out streaks of blood!

Blood Shadow Guard!

No, after the further evolution of Asura's Demon Eye, these Blood Shadow Guards have all evolved.

They have evolved from ordinary blood shadow guards to blood shadow guards in the form of Asura.

That is equivalent to forty-nine at the same time...

No, it’s sixty-four Asura Blood Shadow Guards who are equivalent to Ling Feng’s true form of Asura!

In an instant, sixty-four Asura Blood Shadow Guards directly surrounded the four demon lords.

"You can have clones, but it's a pity that I have more clones than you!"

Sixteen against one, and as Ling Feng continues to absorb gifts from heaven, his Asura Blood Shadow Guard is still strengthening.


Soon, three of the demon lords had been eliminated by Ling Feng's blood shadow guards. Although Ling Feng's Asura blood shadow guards were also damaged, they still completely surrounded the demon lord with an absolute numerical advantage.

"Boy, I remember you! The next time we meet, you will definitely die!"

The demon lord stared at Ling Feng with incomparable hatred, and his figure suddenly turned into a bloody light, and in the blink of an eye, he had escaped without a trace.

"He ran pretty fast."

Ling Feng looked at the direction in which the demon leader was fleeing, but did not pursue him.

"Brother Ling, why did you let him run away like this?"

Shentu Xuance flew up and said in annoyance: "I almost killed him!"

"He almost killed me."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, a stream of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, "Do you think the period of weakness was fake? If he hadn't given up at the last moment, it would have been hard to say whether he would win or lose."

After surviving the four calamities of life and death, especially in the end, he forcibly refined the will of the ancient thunder dragon and fought fiercely with the Soul Killing King to the end. Ling Feng seemed calm and relaxed, but in fact, he had reached his limit.

"The four calamities of life and death should not be taken lightly!"

Ling Feng raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, "But this time, the demon lord was also seriously injured. After I recover, I will go to Alcatraz Island again and kill that guy completely!"

Of course, Ling Feng's goal is to have a few remaining original magic beads. If he collects all eight original magic beads, the demon spirit energy contained in them will definitely be enough for him to reach the realm of immortality. There is no need to worry that Asura's magic power cannot keep up with the progress of Yuanli cultivation.

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