Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2556 Harvest! (1 update)

Three days passed in a flash.

In the retreat room, Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes.

Ever since he survived the four calamities of life and death and defeated the demon lord that day, Ling Feng had been in seclusion here for three days before he finally recovered.

After all, it is the four tribulations of life and death. For ordinary people, it doesn't matter whether it succeeds or not. Even if it succeeds, it is quite normal to stay in seclusion for ten or eight years.

As for a monster like Ling Feng, he almost completely recovered after just three days of rest.

Of course, this is also due to his "Immortal Golden Body". Even if he is seriously injured, his recovery speed is very abnormal.


Ling Feng let out a long breath, looked at himself inward, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

The peak of the first level of the Ninth Transformation Realm!

By breaking through to the Saint level, he directly reached the peak of the first level of the Nine Transformations Realm, which was not a small gain.

After all, after most people break through to the Saint level, they have to practice hard and retreat. To reach the first level of peak, it will take at least three to five years or even ten to eight years.

It is not uncommon for those with less qualifications to spend a hundred and eighty years.

As for Ling Feng, he reached the pinnacle as soon as he broke through. He did not survive the four calamities of life and death in vain.

Apart from Yuanli cultivation, the biggest surprise is that the fighting spirit has been promoted to the level of colorful fighting spirit.

After reaching the seven-color fighting spirit, Xiao Hen should be able to understand some of the basic immortal soul skills that Xiao Hen obtained from Taihua Immortal Palace.

On that day, Xiao Hen gave these precious secret books to himself for safekeeping. Ling Feng originally planned to return them to Xiao Hen, but because of the underworld worm, he lost his talent for the soul path and the secrets of these basic soul skills in the fairyland. Xiao Hen simply gave it to Ling Feng.

Since leaving the West Sword Territory, Ling Feng has not failed to understand some of its contents. Unfortunately, although the golden fighting spirit is not of a low level, it can't even activate the basic soul skills of the Immortal Territory.

Now that I have been promoted to the Colorful Fighting Spirit, I should be able to give it a try.

After all, even though it is just a basic skill, it is still a soul skill from the Immortal Realm.

Just like the "Xuan Tian Po Yun Sword" that was also comprehended on that floating fairy island, although Ling Feng is still unable to exert its full power, it has become Ling Feng's most powerful swordsmanship at present. To a certain extent It is more powerful than the Heaven-Destroying Sword Art.

Of course, the growth potential of the Heaven-Destroying Sword Art is not comparable to that of the Xuantian Po-Yun Sword.

In addition to the colorful fighting spirit, under the baptism of the Nine Heavens Meteor Dragon Tribulation, Ling Feng's physical strength was once again tempered. He had already reached the level of physical sanctification before. After this baptism of the Thunder Tribulation, he could only A body of flesh and blood can withstand the full blow of an ordinary great sage without any pain or itching.

Not only that, because the power of qi and blood has skyrocketed again, the "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique" has also made a qualitative leap, directly reaching the level of 400 dragon power, which is almost doubled compared to before!

"With my current strength, I have no opponent under the Holy Lord!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, it was not in vain that he had fought hard to survive the four catastrophes of life and death, and the rewards were indeed huge.

Moreover, he can also use the Asura Demon Eye to summon sixty-four Asura Blood Shadow Guards. Even if he faces the siege of many powerful saints, he is still capable of fighting.

"It's been three days. I think everyone is impatient."

Ling Feng stood up. Although he had driven away the demon lord, as long as the demon lord did not die, this endless sea would never be truly peaceful.

It's time to get rid of this trouble completely.

"Master Ling!"

As soon as he went out, he saw a maid coming to greet him. When he saw Ling Feng coming out, he quickly said: "Young master, you are out of seclusion. I will go and inform the island owner now."

"No need to bother."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, his infinite vision expanded, and he already knew the whereabouts of the owner of Poseidon Island and others, "I'll go find them myself."

As soon as the words fell, Ling Feng had disappeared.

"He is the great hero who saved Poseidon Island..."

Looking at the direction where Ling Feng disappeared, the maid's eyes were full of admiration, and she felt happy in her heart: The great hero actually talked to me, I am so lucky today!

At the same time, in a study room.

The owner of Poseidon Island, Kepler, Duke Cyber ​​and other high-level officials of Poseidon Island were all gathered in the same room.

"Thanks to Young Master Ling Feng, our Poseidon Island can survive this disaster this time."

A high-ranking elder of Poseidon Island, with a look of awe on his face, said slowly: "For a talent like Young Hero Ling Feng, my suggestion is that if we can keep him on the island, our Poseidon Island will naturally be able to grow in endless On the sea, sit back and relax.”

"Yes, if we can get Young Master Ling Feng to join us on Poseidon Island, we won't have anything to fear from demon pirates."

After witnessing Ling Feng survive the four calamities of life and death, and even defeating the demon lord, they almost regarded Ling Feng as a god.

"Kepler, in my opinion, your eldest daughter Devela is of great beauty, and she and the young hero Ling Feng are definitely a talented and beautiful couple. If you marry your daughter to him, not only can you become a cheap My father-in-law can also tie young hero Ling Feng and our Poseidon Island to a warship!"

Duke Cyber ​​looked at Kepler with a smile.

Kepler shook his head and smiled bitterly, "If little friend Ling can really like my eldest daughter, let alone my wife, even if she becomes a concubine, I will definitely agree to it. However, in my opinion, little friend Ling Feng is a god." The person you choose has ambitions all over the world and will not stay on a small Poseidon Island. Instead of thinking about how to keep him, we should find ways to make friends with him. "

"As the saying goes, golden scales are nothing in the pond. Little friend Ling Feng will definitely become a peerless person who dominates the Xuanling Continent in the future. It is enough for us to be his friends."


The owner of Poseidon Island nodded slightly, "He successfully survived the four calamities of life and death. If he had not died, he would have had the chance to achieve the legendary ancestral realm in the future!"

After pondering for a moment, Poseidon Island looked solemn and said slowly: "Kepler, when young hero Ling Feng wakes up, you will take him to my treasure house on Poseidon Island. If he takes a fancy to something, no matter what it is, , all given to him directly as a gift for him to defeat the demon pirates this time."

"Island owner Sheng Ming."

Kepler bowed. Although Poseidon Island has been exploited by demon pirates for many years, the thousand-year-old foundation is still there after all.

There are definitely treasures in the treasure house of Poseidon Island that can satisfy Ling Feng.

"Want to pick a baby?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and said with a faint smile: "That's not bad."

It turned out that under Ling Feng's unlimited vision, everything that happened in the study could not be hidden from his eyes.

When he heard that Duke Cyber ​​was asking Devela to marry him, Ling Feng was depressed for a while and considered whether to sneak away secretly.

Fortunately, Kepler is still a sensible person after all.

"Since I picked up a few treasures for nothing, I will pick the treasures first and leave before it's too late."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and returned to his residence, waiting for Kepler to come to the door.

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