Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2565 Arriving at the Southern Witch Territory! (1 update)

As the demon lord escaped with serious injuries, the demon pirates who had been rampant on the Endless Sea for more than a hundred years were finally completely disintegrated.

Kepler stood on the deck and watched a big fire completely burn down the entire demon pirates' nest. The flames reflected his face and the sky red.

Hot tears rolled down, and Kepler clenched his fists tightly. Those warriors who died on the Poseidon, those brothers who went through life and death with him, and his relatives...

Today, I finally avenged you!

"Little friend Ling Feng, I am grateful!"

Kepler knelt on one knee in front of Ling Feng, his eyes red and tears filled.

If it weren't for Ling Feng, he would never have been able to avenge his great revenge.

"Thank you, young man Ling Feng!"

Then, Jonah, old Vidoin, and a Poseidon guard, as well as the captives who were rescued, all knelt on the ground in unison.

"Please stand up quickly." Ling Feng hurriedly supported Kepler. All he did was to live up to his conscience. That was all.


The trouble with the demon pirates had been eliminated, and Ling Feng did not delay any longer. He discussed with Captain Kepler, hoping that he could send him to the Southern Witch Region. Kepler naturally had no reason to refuse, and during this discussion, Ling Feng learned that Old Viduoyin was actually from the Southern Witch Region.

However, Old Viduoyin was only the patriarch of a small family on the edge of the Southern Witch Region.

He had been captured on Devil Island for more than 30 years, and I think their family should have chosen a new patriarch.

"Haha, it's just on the way, Old Wei, I have to visit your home." Ling Feng looked at Old Viduoyin and grinned.

Old Viduoyin was kind-hearted. Although he was several hundred years older than Ling Feng, it did not affect their friendship.

"Then I have to do my best to be a good host."

Old Weiduoyin laughed, but everyone could see that the closer he got to the Southern Witch Domain, the more nervous he seemed.

This is probably what is called, the closer you get to home, the more you feel timid.

After all, he had been away from his family for decades, and many major events had happened during this period.

Even, a family was wiped out.

Time passed in a flash, and about half a month later, the Poseidon finally successfully crossed the Endless Sea and arrived at the Southern Witch Domain that Ling Feng had always been thinking about.

"In front of us is the Shenxing Port of the Southern Witch Domain, which is also the only large port that can accommodate the Poseidon."

Kepler narrowed his eyes, looked at the looming coast in front of him, took a deep breath and said, "Friend Lingfeng, it seems that we have to say goodbye now."

"Thank you, senior, for taking a detour and sending me to the Southern Witch Domain."

Ling Feng bowed to Kepler. Although he had broken through the Saint level, it would be very difficult to cross the Endless Sea without the Poseidon.

"You have given me a new life, so why thank me?" Kepler took out another token and handed it to Ling Feng. "Little friend Ling Feng, if you need to cross the Endless Sea again next time, take this token to the Sea God Temple in Chenxing Port. Our people will immediately mobilize the nearest Sea God to pick you up when they receive your message." "Thank you very much, senior." Ling Feng put Kepler's token away. With this token, it will be much more convenient to travel between the various domains in the future. Soon, the Sea God finally landed at Chenxing Port, and Ling Feng and his party also jumped off the Sea God and stepped onto the land of the Southern Witch Domain. "Finally back!" Shentu Xuance stretched his waist, with a hint of pride on his face. The Witch God Temple is the master of the Southern Witch Domain. It can be said that the entire Southern Witch Domain, any family, power, and sect are under the jurisdiction of the Witch God Temple. This is different from other domains. The Witch God Temple is the absolute power in the Southern Witch Domain. However, there are eight clans that jointly manage the Witch God Temple.

For example, Shentu Xuance is from the Light Witch Clan, and the previous Baili Lanxi is from the Fire Witch Clan.

"Yes, I'm finally back!"

Old Wei Duoyin burst into tears.

He never thought that he would return to his homeland in this life.

Ling Feng raised his hand and patted his shoulder, "Old Wei, I'm finally back. You will see your relatives soon."


Old Wei Duoyin nodded heavily. It has been thirty years, and he doesn't know what his family has become.

Tuoba Yan, on the other hand, looked around curiously. The customs and habits of the Southern Witch Domain are quite different from those of the Eastern Spirit Domain. The clothing alone is very different.

"Our Anthony family is located in Yangshan Town, west of Xingchen Port, which is only more than 200 miles away. If we hurry, we will arrive at dusk." Old Weiduoyin took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and said slowly: "Xiaofeng, you are my savior, I will definitely repay you well!" "If you want to repay me, just treat me to a local specialty meal." Ling Feng laughed and naturally didn't care about what Old Weiduoyin would repay. "Anyway, I have to pass through Yangshan Town when I return to the Wushen Temple. Since there are delicious foods, I can't miss it! Old Wei, you can't favor one over the other, you have to treat me well!" Although Shentu Xuance was anxious to return to the Wushen Temple to report, there was no need to rush.

Anyway, the demon pirates have been wiped out. He has exceeded the task this time and will naturally be rewarded by the Witch Temple.

"Of course, of course, you are all my great benefactors!"

Old Victor shook his head and smiled, secretly sighing that this life encounter was really ingenious.

If he hadn't been captured by the demon pirates and become a prisoner, I probably wouldn't have known such peerless monsters as Ling Feng and Shentu Xuance in this life.

Especially Shentu Xuance, the direct disciple of the Great Wizard of Light, that is a level that he cannot touch at all!

As Old Victoryin said, Yangshan Town is not that far away. Old Victoryin happily found his former residence, but found that the plaque hanging above the door was not "Anthony's Residence", but "Anthony's Residence". It's "Joseph's Mansion."

"How can it be!"

Old Vidoin was dumbfounded. Although he hadn't been back for decades, he didn't remember his family's address wrongly.

"Where did you come from, old man? This is the mansion of our richest man, Mr. Sherlock Joseph, in Yangshan Town. Everyone, please stay away!"

When a guard saw Old Vidoin standing in front of the door stupidly, he immediately scolded him loudly.

Ling Feng frowned, walked up to Old Wei Duoyin, and said in a deep voice: "Old Wei, what happened?"

Old Vidoin clenched his fists and said bitterly: "Shylock, once was the butler of our Anthony family, how could he become like this now?"

"Isn't this obvious?"

Shentu Xuance snorted coldly, "I took advantage of your absence to occupy your family property! What a slave who deceives his master!"

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