Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2566 Artificial Saint Level! (2 updates)


The next moment, Shentu Xuance flew up and kicked away the two guards guarding the door, smashing the door to pieces with it.

"Lao Wei, since you are back today, it's time for them to figure out who is the master of this family!"

Shentu Xuance snorted coldly, "With the support of my direct disciples, the Great Wizard of the Light Witch Clan, you can do whatever you want to do with confidence and boldness!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and couldn't help but glance at Shentu Xuance.

This guy, I have to let him finish pretending!

These things are obviously what I want to do!

Old Weiduoyin glanced at Shentu Xuance gratefully, then clenched his fists and strode into the mansion.

Soon, dozens of guards surrounded him, all with their swords drawn and murderous intent.

However, the strongest ones are those in the Kankan Emperor realm.

Old Wei Duoyin was a half-saint, and his whole body's aura was shaken. The guards immediately collapsed to the ground, completely losing their ability to fight.

At this time, several figures in gorgeous clothes rushed out from the inner room. The first one was fat and had a big belly. He looked like a big fat walking pig.


Old Victor stared at the fat man, anger surging in his eyes.

" are..."

Sherlock stared at old Vidoin for a long time, then recognized his identity, and was shocked, "Vidoin, you are not dead!"

"Sherlock, you took advantage of my absence to seize my family property. You are really shameless."

Old Vidoin clenched his fists, "Now that I'm back, you despicable and shameless villain, it's time to give me back everything that belongs to me!"


But Sherlock laughed wildly, "Old guy, what if you come back? It's been thirty years, do you think I'm still the same Sherlock I once was!"

Seeing that Sherlock's whole body was shaken, he suddenly burst out with the power of a saint.

"Holy level!"

Old Victor's pupils shrank. He knew Shylock very well. He was indeed a little clever and good at business, so he handed over the family business to Shylock.

But when it comes to cultivating talent.

This Sherlock doesn't have the qualifications to break through to the Saint level at all!

However, the Sherlock in front of him, although he was as fat as a ball, was indeed a real saint-level powerhouse!

"You are just a half-saint, do you want to be the master of my saint-level powerhouse?"

Sherlock sneered, "Old man, you should understand that things take turns, and you should get out of here as soon as possible to avoid humiliating yourself!"

"A saint like you, who is worse than a dog, do you have the nerve to bark here?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded. Sherlock frowned and looked out, only to see a young man in purple clothes standing with his hands behind his back, his eyes full of disdain.

The person who spoke was none other than Ling Feng.

"who are you?"

Sherlock frowned, he couldn't see through Ling Feng's aura.

And Shen Tu Xuance beside Ling Feng even gave him an invisible sense of oppression.

He clenched his fists. He didn't expect that Vidoin would be missing for decades, and when he came back this time, he would be accompanied by two powerful characters.

Seeing that they are young but have such strength, could they be disciples of the Witch Temple?

Thinking of this, Sherlock was already half-cowarded and winked at the loser behind him.

Soon, several women and children who were tied up with ropes were seen being pressed up. The youngest among them was only seven or eight years old.

"Old man, luckily I've been prepared for this day!"

Sherlock kept grinning ferociously, "Vidoin, I have always taken good care of your family!"

But seeing that every one of those women and children was as skinny as a stick, the so-called good care was probably just to keep them from starving to death.


Old Victor burst into tears when he saw that his family were all just like him. He was a prisoner on Alcatraz Island, and his family was bullied by the evil servant and suffered a similar fate to him. .

"This is too much!"

When Shentu Xuance saw this formation, he suddenly became furious. A flash of light flashed around his body. The guards who were working as a helper were all pierced by the power of his light, and they all fell straight into a pool of blood.


The figure flashed, and the next moment, Shentu Xuance had appeared in front of Sherlock and slapped him to the ground.

Ling Feng and Shentu Xuance could easily deal with a small character like Sherlock by just one person.

The powerful strength shown by Shentu Xuance also completely frightened the guards. They all dropped their weapons, knelt on the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"Okay, Lao Wei, I've solved it for you. You can go and reunite with your family."

Shentu Xuance had an upright temperament, so he naturally couldn't bear to see a villain like Shylock, so he stepped on Shylock's face, completely swollen his fat face into a ball.

"Trash like you doesn't deserve to live!"

Shentu Xuance's eyes flashed, and he was about to kill Xia Luo Ke completely, but was stopped by Ling Feng.

"Wait a minute, I'm afraid this guy has some secrets."

Ling Feng grabbed Shentu Xuance's wrist and said slowly: "Didn't you realize that although the power of the saint in him seems ordinary, it is actually a bit weird."

"When you say that, I feel a little weird."

Shentu Xuance frowned slightly, "Brother Ling, this guy does exude a weak evil spirit. Could it be that he is practicing some evil technique?"

"With his qualifications, even if he practices evil arts and wants to break through to the saint level, can he withstand the first nine-turn calamity?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "I suspect that his power was not cultivated by himself."


Shentu Xuance's eyelids twitched, "You mean, someone can help others gather the power of a saint? is this possible?"

If someone masters this method, they can create a large number of saint-level experts in a short period of time.

In this way, who would bother to practice hard? There are bottlenecks and tribulations. Not only the chances are slim, but also facing the danger of death and Taoism disappearing at any time.

If there is such a miraculous magic, the status of the Witch God Sect may not be preserved soon, right?

"The world is so big and full of wonders. You see, demon pirates are just a special way to improve their strength. However, it is indeed a bit unbelievable to gather the power of saints for others and avoid natural disasters."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, looked at Sherlock, and said slowly: "Leave this guy to me, I think he must know something!"

"what ever."

Shentu Xuance shrugged. He still didn't believe Ling Feng's guess, but he should be able to get some valuable clues from this Sherlock...

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