Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2568 Mingguang City! (1 update)

After resting at Old Vidoin's house for the night, Ling Feng and his party set out on their journey to the Witch Temple again early the next morning.

Old Weiduoyin naturally couldn't help but express his gratitude. If Ling Feng and Shentu Xuance hadn't taken action, he might not have been able to take back his family property from Sherlock.

After bidding farewell to old Vidoin, Ling Feng and the two headed directly to the teleportation circle in the center of the city.

Although the teleportation array in Yangshan Town cannot directly reach the main altar of the Witch God Sect, it can go directly to Mingguang City where the Guangming Witch Clan is located.

"By the way, Brother Shentu."

Halfway through, Ling Feng seemed to remember something and asked, "Brother Shentu, have you ever heard of the Hall of All Souls?"

"All Souls Hall? What is that place?"

Shentu Xuance's eyelids twitched, "Is it your force from the Eastern Spiritual Region?"


Ling Feng shook his head and immediately told Shentu Xuance all the information he got from the fat man Sherlock yesterday.

After hearing this, Shentu Xuance suddenly showed an extremely shocked expression, "You mean, the reason why that fat man was promoted to the Saint level was all because of this mysterious Hall of All Souls?"


Ling Feng glanced at Shentu Xuance. Judging from his shocked expression, he must have never heard of the Hall of All Spirits.

Even the disciples of the Witch Temple don't know about this force. It seems that the Ten Thousand Souls Temple is indeed very mysterious.

Shentu Xuance pondered for a moment and said slowly: "I would like to report this to my father and ask him to report it to the great witches at the Witch Temple."

Smiling, Shentu Xuance stared at Ling Feng again and asked slowly: "Brother Ling, are you really ready to go to Mingguang City with me?"

Shentu Xuance looked at Ling Feng, somewhat unable to guess what Ling Feng was thinking.


Ling Feng nodded and smiled faintly, "I came to the Southern Witch Territory to practice. Since I met Brother Shentu, I might as well go to your Guangming Witch Clan's territory first. Why, isn't Brother Shentu welcome? "

"That's not true."

Shentu Xuance shook his head, "After all, our Shentu family has always had the habit of attracting talents from foreign races and even foreign lands. If Brother Ling is willing to become a guest of my Shentu family, it would be great."

With Ling Feng's talent and strength, Shentu Xuance naturally had some thoughts, hoping to tie Ling Feng to the Shentu family's warship.

And Ling Feng also hopes to sneak into the Witch Temple through Shentu Xuance.

In this way, he would have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and steal the Shenhuang Picture Book.

"Brother Shentu, to be honest, I heard that the Witch God Sect is the largest force in the Southern Witch Region, so if there is a chance, I hope to join the Witch God Sect."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, smiling lightly.

"Become a member of the Witch God Cult?"

Shentu Xuance's eyelids twitched, "I'm afraid this is a bit difficult. After all, you are from an outside world. Regardless of whether the Witch God Sect is willing to accept you, you may not have the talent to practice witchcraft."

"How will you know if you don't try."

Ling Feng shrugged, "I hope Brother Shentu can introduce me on my behalf. After all, you are also a direct disciple of the Great Wizard of Light, so you have some say in it, right?"


Shentu Xuance smiled bitterly, "I have indeed entered the Witch Temple and received guidance from the Great Wizard of Light, but...but..."

Shentu Xuance hesitated for a long time, and then said awkwardly: "But all the disciples who have been taught by the great wizard can be called the disciples of the great wizard. I am just one of his three thousand disciples. I speak , it doesn’t work..."


Ling Feng rolled his eyes. This guy with good feelings said he was a direct disciple of the Great Wizard of Light. He had been pretending to be cool for so long. He was just bragging!

"Brother Ling, what's that look in your eyes? I'm not lying. I've really received guidance from the Great Wizard of Light!"

Shentu Xuance was obviously a little guilty, "Well, our Shentu family is also a prestigious family in the Guangming Witch Clan. If you really want to join the Witch Temple, you can consider getting a recommendation from our family first."

"You should have told me earlier!"

Ling Feng immediately smiled and put his hand on Shentu Xuance's shoulder, "Then let's discuss the issue of this quota."


Shentu Xuance couldn't help but roll his eyes at Ling Feng, "You guy, you can change your face faster than turning the pages of a book!"

Tuoba Yan just followed the two of them, silently, and just silently wrote down the conversation between the two.

With the help of the teleportation array, not long after, Ling Feng and his party arrived at a giant city that was a hundred times more lively and prosperous than Yangshan Town.

Here is the place where the Guangming Wu Clan thrives, Mingguang City.

According to Shentu Xuance, the Witch Temple is divided into eight major witch clans, and each witch clan has different branches.

For example, the Shentu family is the first-class family in the forefront of the Bright Witch Clan.

As for Shentu Xuance, his talent was extremely high. He had even entered the Witch Temple, listened to the teachings of the Great Wizard of Light, and was one of the three thousand disciples of the Great Wizard of Light.

Although there are three thousand disciples, every one of them has extremely high gold content.

Otherwise, the top leaders of the Bright Witch Clan would not have sent Shentu Xuance alone to the Endless Sea to investigate the situation of the demon pirates.

"This is Mingguang City."

Shentu Xuance laughed, "Brother Ling, Miss Tuoba, I will take you to settle down first. As for Brother Ling, if you want to be recommended by our Shentu family, you must perform well."

Ling Feng shrugged. He was quite experienced in this kind of thing, and it was nothing more than showing enough talent to let the senior leaders of the Shentu family see his value.

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