Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2569 Li Cankong! (2 updates)

Ling Feng was placed in a yard full of green bamboos.

Ling Feng looked at these bamboos and vaguely discovered some mystery.

Shentu Xuance even told Ling Feng that there was a witchcraft hidden in the bamboo.

"Brother Ling, don't you understand this? The so-called witchcraft is not only those spell attacks that chant incantations, but also melee attacks similar to swordsmanship. The changes in witchcraft are far greater than you think. more complicated."

Shentu Xuance said slowly: "You are not from our Southern Witch Region, so you don't know. The difference between witchcraft and the martial arts of your other major regions is that witchcraft pays more attention to changes in attribute rules. When one's own The power of witchcraft is powerful enough to even change the rules. Everyone has their own unique understanding of attribute rules, which is why the witchcraft in our Southern Witch Territory is very mysterious to outsiders."


Ling Feng smiled faintly and became a little more interested in the witchcraft of the Southern Witch Territory.

"Okay, Brother Ling, Miss Tuoba, please rest here first. If you have anything to do, just ask the servants in the village to do it. I still have things to deal with. I'll take you to the city later." Restaurant, try our delicious food in Mingguang City.”

Shentu Xuance raised his hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder. He had just come back and there were many things that needed to be reported.

Things about demon pirates, things about All Souls Hall, and so on, and so on...

"go Go."

Ling Feng smiled casually, "I can just walk around the village by myself."

Within Qingye Villa.

The wind blew, the bamboo forest swayed, the bamboo leaves rustled, and countless sharp edges diffused from the leaves, like sword energy floating in the air, endless.

The sun shines through the atmosphere, and each sword-like bamboo leaf has a ray of light. When it is refracted, there are countless brilliance in the air, which is very gorgeous.

Qingye Villa is full of green bamboos. In this environment, Ling Feng feels very comfortable.

As Shentu Xuance said, there is a witchcraft hidden in this bamboo forest.

Ling Feng could feel that he seemed to have touched something.

"This is a good place."

Ling Feng stretched, walked directly to a pavilion, and sat down cross-legged.

Tuoba Yan silently sat next to Ling Feng, glanced at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth and said: "A good place is a good place, but Ling Feng, why do you want to join the Witch God Cult?"

"The journey of martial arts is never-ending. If you want to reach the top, you must naturally gather the best of hundreds of schools of thought."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. He couldn't tell Tuoba Yan too much about the Shenhuang Picture Book.

"Don't worry, since you're here, I won't leave you behind. Even if I join the Witch God Cult, I will take you with me."

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Tuoba Yan's pretty face blushed slightly, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes at Ling Feng, "Who... who wants you to take care of him, hum!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He said no more, just closed his eyes slightly and felt the wind in the bamboo forest.

"Boss, I have found out clearly that the guy who lives in Qingye Villa one step ahead of us is named Ling Feng! He is the boy brought back by Shentu Xuance, the young master of the Shentu family!"

In another manor not far from Qingye Villa, a man wearing a short coat with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks lowered his voice and said to a tall young man next to him with a long sword on his back.

"Is that boy Shentu Xuance back?"

The young man frowned slightly, "If you don't come back sooner, you won't come back later! Huh, it took a lot of effort for me to get the opportunity to live in Qingye Villa. With my talent, I will definitely be able to understand that witchcraft, but it turned out that Let others get there first!”

It turns out that this young man, named Li Cankong, is also a warrior from Mingguang City, and his talent is pretty good.

A few years ago, Li Cankong was absorbed by the Shentu family and became an external disciple of the Shentu family. In just a few years, his strength has improved quite well, and he has been deeply appreciated by the senior elders of the Shentu family.

Originally, this time, he had a chance to get a recommendation from the Shentu family, and even more chance to become a disciple of the Witch God Cult.

But now, Qingye Villa has been occupied by an "outsider".

You know, according to the past rules, the disciples who get the recommended quota every year live here.

And he, Li Cankong, has been waiting for several years. He finally has no other strong rivals this year, but another uninvited guest comes.

"Yes, yes, boss, we must get this place back!"

The man in the short coat also clenched his fists and continued to encourage.

"Damn it, how dare you take away my villa!"

Li Cankong's eyes flashed coldly, "I reserved this spot first, and the master of the family has already agreed. Even the young master cannot change this fact!"

Taking a deep breath, Li Cankong said in a cold voice: "Follow me, I will take back the things that belong to me with my own hands!"

On the other side, in a side hall of Shentu's family.

Shentu Xuance found his father and told the truth about his experiences during this period.

"What, the demon pirates were wiped out?"

The head of the Shentu family could hardly believe his ears, "You brat, how did you do it? According to the calculations of the great witches, the demon lord's strength is at the level of a saint. You can kill the demon pirates in one fell swoop." ?This is impossible!"

"Hehe, it's not easy to rely on me alone, but the Ling Feng Ling brother I met this time is really a monster."

Immediately, Shentu Xuance told the head of the Shentu family that Ling Feng had triggered the four calamities of life and death when he broke through to the Saint level.

"The four calamities of life and death!"

The head of the Shentu family took a breath of cold air, "This... this..."

"I mean, old man, isn't he just a man with four catastrophes of life and death? Do you need to be so surprised? If I tell you again that Brother Ling's last catastrophe of the soul triggered the Soul Killing King, you will be scared to death."

"Kill... kill... kill... kill the Spirit King!"

The head of the Shentu family almost jumped up from his seat, "The legendary soul-killing king!"

"Hey, it's not a legend now."

Shentu Xuance grinned, "Son, I'm lucky enough to have seen it with my own eyes."


The head of the Shentu family swallowed hard, "This son is really a peerless monster! What do you mean, you arranged for him to live in Qingye Villa?"


Shentu Xuance nodded, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"


The head of the Shentu family slapped his thigh and said, "You brat, if you don't come back sooner or later, my father has arranged for Li Cankong to live in Qingye Villa. If you let Ling Feng move in at this time, I'm afraid you will cause trouble." Something happened."

"Li Cankong?"

Shentu Xuance chuckled, "That's okay. That kid Li Cankong, relying on his talent, has become so arrogant in the past few years that he really thought his surname was Shentu. Let Brother Ling teach him a lesson."

"You brat!"

The head of the Shentu family glared at Shentu Xuance angrily, "Although Li Cankong is a bit arrogant, he is still an external disciple of our Shentu family, and it took a lot of effort to train him. You'd better go over and have a look, lest you What damage has happened to both parties? It hurts the harmony."

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