Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2571 Mingguang Ye Family! (1 update)

The next day, Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan, led by Shentu Xuance, met the head of the Shentu family, who was Shentu Xuance's father.

However, this meeting was very short, and the Shentu family head never mentioned the recommendation quota. The two parties only exchanged a few polite words, and the Shentu family head left with an excuse.

Shentu Xuance also shrugged helplessly. He obviously couldn't figure out the old man's thoughts.

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.

Ling Feng was not in a hurry. He spent every day in Qingye Villa to appreciate the sharp power of the Qingguang Bamboo.

This "Green Leaf Divine Light Curse" is indeed powerful. The more Ling Feng dug, the more he discovered that this secret technique, or witchcraft, was simply a huge treasure.

He could easily kill masters like Li Cankong instantly if he only got the superficial knowledge of it. If he had reached a great level of training, the great sage might not be able to defeat him even with a single thought.

"Mr. Ling...Mr. Ling..."

While Ling Feng was sitting cross-legged in the pavilion practicing, a quick voice came.

The person who came was a servant of the Shentu family. When he was shouting, a figure flashed in front of his eyes, and he immediately stepped back. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw clearly that it was Ling Feng.

"What's the matter?" Ling Feng asked calmly as the light in his eyes gradually dissipated.

"Young Master...Young master invites you."

The servant took a deep breath, obviously a little surprised by Ling Feng's elusiveness.

Obviously he was still in the pavilion one moment, and the next moment, he appeared in front of him.

This speed is too fast!

"lead the way."

Ling Feng didn't ask anything. Seeing the anxious look on the servant's face, it must be something urgent. He would know it if he went there.

"I am coming too."

A light yellow figure flew over, but it was Tuoba Yan who was practicing his sword not far away.

Ever since she got the Underworld Sword that Ling Feng chose for her, Tuoba Yan's strength has been greatly improved.

Moreover, as she refines and absorbs the underworld spiritual power hidden in her body, she is not far away from breaking through the threshold of the holy level.

Ling Feng shrugged. If Tuoba Yan wanted to follow, he couldn't do anything. He couldn't break her legs.

Not long after, under the leadership of the servant, Ling Feng and the two came to a large martial arts arena in the Shentu family.

At this moment, in the center of the martial arts arena, on a platform with a length and width of a hundred feet, two warriors were fighting.

On both sides of the ring, Shentu Xuance and some members of the Shentu family were also there. Not far from the Shentu family, there was also a young man of similar age to Shentu Xuance. Behind him stood a group of people, one by one. He was arrogant and looked very arrogant.

Li Cankong seemed to have recovered to some extent and was now standing in the Shentu family's camp. When he saw Ling Feng appear, his expression suddenly darkened.

"Brother Ling, you are finally here." Shentu Xuance hurriedly came up to greet him.

"Hey, the battle is quite big!"

Ling Feng looked around and then asked with a smile: "Brother Shentu, are you here?"

"Hey, some families just like to make trouble."

Shentu Xuance didn't hide it, he just opened his voice and said loudly: "I'm going to trouble Brother Ling this time. With your help, I feel relieved."

Saying that, Shentu Xuance winked at Ling Feng again, Ling Feng was clear in his heart.

If he wanted to get a recommendation spot from their Shentu family, he had to perform at all costs.

This time, it is obviously an opportunity.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me."

Ling Feng shrugged, with a calm attitude.

It seemed that no one in the room had been taken seriously by him.

As soon as he said this, not only did the warriors across from him look at Ling Feng with a bit of hostility, but even Li Cankong clenched his fists, feeling unhappy in his heart.

However, he was unhappy, and Li Cankong didn't want to be brutally tortured by Ling Feng again.

"Come and sit."

Shentu Xuance took Ling Feng's arm and dragged him directly to sit beside him, but ignored Tuoba Yan beside him.

Tuoba Yan gritted his silver teeth. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, and it turns out that most of Ling Feng's friends are just like him, they are all stupid!

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the two warriors on the stage. Their level was only average.

"Brother Ling doesn't know. In addition to our Shentu family, there are many big families in the Guangming witch clan. Our Shentu family mainly deals in witchcraft spells. With the witchcraft spells, we have firmly occupied a place. But , and the Ye family also deals in witchcraft spells, and our Shentu family can be said to occupy half of the market each..."

Shentu Xuance shook his head and sighed, and then continued: "Originally, everyone was from the lineage of the Bright Witch Clan, and they were supposed to be in the same spirit. However, later on, conflicts occurred due to conflicts of interests. Over time, they began to Targeting each other.”

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. The truth was very obvious.

The so-called poor in literature and rich in martial arts, martial arts is a very expensive path. Any family that wants to gain a firm foothold and become a thousand-year-old family or a ten-year-old family must accumulate a huge amount of wealth.

As for the Shentu family and the Ye family, ahem, the methods of making money are so similar. As competitors, it is strange that they can live in peace with each other.

Taking a deep breath, Shentu Xuance pointed at the young man opposite him who was similar to him in age, and said in a deep voice: "That guy's name is Ye Wuxin, he is the young master of the Ye family. He also has a sister who has been at odds with me since childhood. !”

Shentu Xuance clenched his fists, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes. It was obvious that he had been bullied by the Ye family siblings since he was a child.

"This time, that guy must have recruited some experts and came here to show off. He wants to make my Shentu family look bad."

Shentu Xuance looked at Ling Feng and said pitifully: "Brother Ling, you have to help me this time to kill Ye Wuxin's energy. As long as you help me this time, I will definitely hold him every day." My old man’s thighs may be rubbed and soaked every day, but he will definitely give you that spot!”

"Yes, yes, please help. Don't look at me like this."

Ling Feng felt a chill. If he hadn't been quite familiar with Shen Tu Xuance, he would have even doubted whether this guy really had some special hobby.

Shaking his head, Ling Feng said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "If you need me to take action, just ask."


Shentu Xuance was immediately overjoyed, "Brother Ling, if you take action, the matter will be settled."

Just kidding, Ling Feng is a fierce man who has beaten a powerful saint, he is invincible among his peers! Invincible at the same level!

The Ye family is going to be in trouble this time!

After hearing the conversation between the two, Li Cankong tightened his fists. It seemed that his spot was about to be taken away by Ling Feng.

At this time, the winner was decided in the ring. The disciple of the Shentu family fell behind with one move and was struck off the ring by the opponent's bright sword, causing him to vomit blood.

Immediately there were disciples around him who carried him down with all their hands and feet, and the scene was in a state of embarrassment.

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