Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2572 Frost Witch Clan! (2 updates)

"Hahaha, how about it, little brother Shentu, your people have lost again. With this one, they have lost three games in a row!"

Ye Wuxin laughed loudly, with such a proud look on his face. If it weren't for the two balls tugging on his crotch, he would have gone to heaven.

"Humph, Ye Wuxin, don't forget, if we really talk about seniority, I was born an hour earlier than you. You are the younger brother. Once a younger brother, you will always be a younger brother, you younger brother!"

Shentu Xuance clenched his fists, looking like a shrew scolding the street.

This is really true, losers don’t lose the formation!

Ye Wuxin frowned, glared at Shentu Xuance, and said coldly: "Shentu Xuance, I am too lazy to argue with you. Your people have lost another game. According to the previous agreement, every time they lose, In one game, the bet is doubled. In the first game, you lost one million yuan crystals to me. In the third game, huh, four million, take it!"

"Four million is four million!"

Shentu Xuance felt a pain in his body, and took out his Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce card with a dark face, "I still have 10 million high-grade yuan crystals here, Ye Wuxin, next, I will make you lose so much that you can't even keep your pockets. !”

"Hahaha, what a shameless statement!"

Ye Wuxin laughed loudly, "If you lose everything, don't cry in front of your mother!"

"Huh, let's give it a try!"

Shentu Xuance snorted coldly and looked at Ling Feng, "Brother Ling, in this battle, you..."

Before Shentu Xuance could finish speaking, Li Cankong couldn't help but stand up and said through gritted teeth: "Young Master, you are just a clown, leave it to me!"

He glared at Ling Feng fiercely, naturally he didn't want to see his spot taken away from Ling Feng.

As long as he keeps winning all the way and doesn't give Ling Feng a chance to take action, that spot will still belong to him!

After saying that, before even waiting for the Shentu Xuance camp, he jumped directly onto the ring, his whole body aura swaying, and he faced off tit for tat with the Ye family warrior.


Shentu Xuance frowned. The reason why he found Ling Feng was, on the one hand, because Ling Feng was strong enough. On the other hand, he also wanted to give Ling Feng a chance to perform well.

"Leave it to him."

Ling Feng shrugged, not in a hurry to take action.

The next moment, the ban on the arena is opened, and the powerful wizards of the witch clan compete with each other. The coverage of the spells is usually very wide.

If the warriors of the Western Sword Region focus on personal combat capabilities and defeat the enemy with one sword, the warriors of the Southern Witch Region use witchcraft to summon the rules of heaven and earth, causing mountains to collapse and the ground to crack, wind and snow to roar, and mobilizing the power of heaven and earth to take action. In between, it is even more majestic and vast.

After several fights, Li Cankong slashed his opponent away with his sword. The Ye family warrior had a huge wound on his body and blood spurted out wildly.

"Hmph, Ye Wuxin, my Shentu family won this round."

Shentu Xuance laughed heartily.

Ye Wuxin shrugged, "Okay, I'm willing to admit defeat. If your people win the next game, counting from the beginning, here is one million yuan crystals! But in the next game, you won't be so lucky."


Before Shentu Xuance could speak, Li Cankong swung his sword and said bitterly: "I, Li Cankong, rely on strength, not luck!"

Ye Wuxin didn't say much. He just winked at the other warrior beside him and signaled him to come on.

I saw that the warrior was covered in a large black robe, with a cold expression on his face, as if he had no regard for life, which was chilling.

As soon as he took the stage, he exuded a sharp aura that was astonishingly chilly, as if it would freeze the air around him.

Li Cankong was startled and became very alert. This indifferent black-robed warrior gave him a dangerous feeling.

"That guy is not from the light witch clan."

In the audience, Shentu Xuance frowned slightly, "He exudes a terrible cold air, I'm afraid he is a disciple of the Frost Witch Clan!"

"Frost Witch Clan?"

Ling Feng looked at Shentu Xuance and couldn't help but ask: "Speaking of which, I only know that you have eight major witch clans, but I don't know which eight major witch clans they are."

"The Light Witch Clan, the Dark Witch Clan, the Wind Witch Clan, the Thunder Witch Clan, the Water Clan, the Fire Clan, and the Frost Witch Clan and the Mountain Witch Clan."

Shentu Xuance said slowly: "The eight major witch clans form the power of the Witch God Sect. In fact, except for the Witch God Temple of the Witch God Sect, which is guarded by the eight clans' great witches, the forces of the eight clans are actually scattered throughout the Southern Witch Territory. , just like our Guangming Wu Clan, the main forces are in Mingguang City and are governed by Mingguang Palace. The same is true for other Wu Clan, each branch of the Wu Clan has its own branch hall. "

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded slightly. It seemed that although he had come into contact with the Bright Witch Clan, if he wanted to steal the Divine Desolate Atlas, he would have to have the opportunity to go to the so-called Temple of the Witch God.

"Compared to other Witch Clan, the Frost Witch Clan is more mysterious and rarely leaves their ice lake. Unexpectedly, Ye Wuxin was able to recruit experts from the Frost Witch Clan."

After a pause, Shentu Xuance continued: "Fortunately, our Light Witch Clan is not restrained by the Frost Witch Clan. Although I am dissatisfied with this Li Cankong, this guy's strength is still good, and so is his Divine Light Cursed Blade. A very powerful witchcraft, blessed with the power of light on the blade, it will never fall behind even if it encounters a swordsman from the Western Sword Region."


Ling Feng smiled lightly and was noncommittal.

"You are no match for me."

On the ring, the black-robed warrior said indifferently.

"Stop talking nonsense and take the sword."

Li Cankong raised his eyebrows, shouted coldly, drew his sword, and displayed his sword skills. For a moment, dazzling white lights swept away. Just as Shentu Xuance said, his divine light cursed blade was indeed extraordinary. at.

However, the next moment, there was a "click" sound, and Li Cankong struck his opponent with his sword, but it only shattered an ice sculpture.

Then, frost spread all over Li Cankong's body. In just a moment, his brain was paralyzed and his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

In just this trembling moment, his body had already condensed into thick ice cubes, and his whole body had been frozen into an ice sculpture.

"What a powerful freezing technique!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. This black-robed warrior had almost mastered the rules of frost with ease.

"you lose."

The black-robed warrior, still expressionless, pushed Li Cankong off the ring with a gentle palm. The moment the ice sculpture Li Cankong turned into flew down to the ring, the ice and snow on his body melted rapidly.

When he landed, the frost had completely melted away, exactly the same.

Even Ling Feng was quite surprised by this hand. Not to mention how strong this person was, Ling Feng was ashamed of his precise freezing and unblocking control.


Li Cankong was defeated, but was still unconvinced. He stared angrily at the black-robed warrior on the stage and gritted his teeth and said, "I was just careless for a moment, and this game doesn't count!"

With that said, he flew back to the ring and competed again.

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