Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2573 A mere billion! (3 updates)

"Come back!"

Shentu Xuance's forehead darkened, "Isn't that embarrassing enough?"

Li Cankong clenched his fists tightly and finally retreated, returning behind Shentu Xuance, eager to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

"Hey, Shentu Xuance, you lost this game again!"

Ye Wuxin laughed, "One million, take it."

"Back to you!"

Shentu Xuance snorted coldly. Yuan Jing was still warm in his hands before he spat it out again.

"How about it, Shentu Xuance, do you still have anyone under your command? Don't forget, the final loser has to kneel down and call the other person grandpa three times!"

Ye Wuxin said with joy, "Although your grandson is incompetent, I will not dislike you, grandpa! Hahaha!"

Judging from his arrogant look, it seemed that he was already a sure winner.

Shen Tuxuan gritted his teeth and said: "Ye Wuxin, it's too early for you to be happy. I still have a capable general who hasn't taken action yet! Brother Ling, come on!"

Ling Feng shrugged, took a step forward, then stepped back to his original position, shook his head, frowned and said, "No, no, it's boring."

"Brother Ling, you..."

Shentu Xuance was anxious, "We have agreed..."

"Hey, brother Shentu, it's not that brothers don't help."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "One million yuan crystals in this round is not exciting anymore. What else do you think of the young masters of the two major families in Mingguang City? After fighting back and forth, it's just one or two million yuan." The bet is boring, so boring!”

When Ye Wuxin, who was opposite him, heard this, he immediately became very angry, "What kind of wild boy are you coming from? You have such a loud tone. One million yuan crystals are boring. How big do you want to play!"

Ling Feng stretched out a finger and said, "The price is one billion!"


Ye Wuxin almost choked on his own saliva. One billion, let alone the young master, even if he is the head of the family, it is not an easy task to come up with one billion.

Not to mention Ye Wuxin, even Shentu Xuance was almost frightened.

Good guy, Ling Feng really wanted to win away Ye Wuxin's crotch cloth with this opening of his mouth.


Ling Feng looked at Ye Wuxin with disdain, "I thought why the young master of the Ye family, who is as rich as his country, doesn't even have a billion, is so poor?"

As he said that, Ling Feng took out the Supreme VIP Card of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce in his hand and said with a smile: "There is no more, no less, exactly one billion in my card. I thought I was so poor that I was too embarrassed to take it out. But you The eldest son of the Ye family is poorer than me."

"Fart...fart, it's a billion!"

Ye Wuxin gritted his teeth, "You brat, a billion is just a billion, it's just a billion, how could I not be able to get it out!"

"I see." Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "One billion determines the outcome. Young Master of the Ye family, do you dare?"

"Come just come, am I still afraid of you?"

Ye Wuxin took a deep breath and looked at the black-robed warrior, "Brother Leng, are you sure?"

The black-robed warrior, named Leng Qinghan, was a companion that Ye Wuxin met when he was traveling abroad, and he was also a genius of the Frost Witch Clan.

Leng Qinghan showed a solemn expression.

Although he was sure of himself, he couldn't afford to lose such a big bet of one billion crystals.

"Forget it, let's not gamble now that we're afraid."

Ling Feng squinted and smiled, "Just kneel down and call me grandpa."


Ye Wuxin had the best face, frowned, and said bitterly: "Who is afraid, Brother Leng, just take action, it's only a billion, huh, I... I am good at this!"

"Hahaha! So refreshing!"

Ling Feng smiled casually, "Well, Master Ye, can you let me light your Yuan Jing first? Although one billion is a small amount of money to Master Ye, I am a poor person, so I'd better make sure."

Shentu Xuance's mouth twitched slightly when he saw it, he was so Ling Feng, he was trying to make Ye Wuxin die.


Tuoba Yan knew Ling Feng best and couldn't help but smile. Looking at Ye Wuxin's eyes, he felt a little "sympathy".

However, Ye Wuxin insisted on slapping his face to look fat, which also destined him to be played to death by Ling Feng.

In the end, Ye Wuxin counted for a long time, even counting all the treasures in his spiritual ring. It was only less than 700 million yuan crystals when he was exhausted.

Seeing Ye Wuxin's embarrassed look, Shentu Xuance felt secretly happy: Ye Wuxin, Ye Wuxin, you're done this time!

"Only 700 million?"

Ling Feng showed a disappointed expression and said, "Master Ye, why can't you even raise one billion?"

"Humph, I went out in a hurry and didn't bring that much money. Why, can't I!"


Ling Feng chuckled, "With Young Master Ye's status, he is well-known in Mingguang City, so just write an IOU. With Young Master Ye's status, can he still default on his debt?"

"Just write!"

Ye Wuxin clenched her fist tightly. As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger. If Leng Qinghan wins, he can take all the billion yuan crystals in Ling Feng's hand.

"Don't be busy writing now."

Ling Feng chuckled, "I can definitely trust Mr. Ye's character. Let's write after the comparison!"

"Hmph, do you think you can win?"

Ye Wuxin said bitterly: "Boy, you will definitely lose!"

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled, "If you lose, just lose. It's only a billion, so it's not like you can't afford to lose."

Ye Wuxin clenched her fists, and felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart. Why had she been beaten to pieces by Ling Feng in terms of momentum before the competition started?

Even if I win that billion, I still feel bad.

"Okay, a billion bet can barely arouse some interest!"

Ling Feng chuckled and handed the VIP card in his hand to Shentu Xuance, asking him to keep it for him. Then he jumped onto the ring, looked at Leng Qinghan, and bowed to him.

"Take the sword."

Leng Qinghan uttered the word indifference, like the cold wind passing by in the extreme north and the freezing weather.

The next moment, he saw a frost blade condensed in his hand. There was a cold light. The sword light was filled with ice, covered with heavy snow, and the temperature dropped suddenly.


Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. His understanding of witchcraft was very limited, and Leng Qinghan was obviously a very good training target.

Yufeng Xiaoyaoyou unfolded, Ling Feng's figure was like the wind, erratic, the sword edge swung, flying past and stabbing Leng Qinghan.

The sword blade collided with Leng Qinghan's ice blade, and with a "click", Leng Qinghan's ice blade shattered, and countless icicles shot out of it instantly, shooting towards Ling Feng like a rain of arrows from the sky.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. This Leng Qinghan was really a bit off.

"Ice flow curse!"

With a low shout, the ice lings flying towards Ling Feng turned into arrows of ice in an instant. The arrows were accompanied by the freezing rules of frost. Before the rain of arrows arrived, an astonishing cold wave had already swept across.

Even Ling Feng felt a bone-chilling chill that made him shiver unconsciously.

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