Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2575 The domineering side leaks! (2 updates)

"Hehe, this is right."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, then put the IOU away, but still stood in front of Ye Wuxin, showing no intention of retreating.

"You..." Ye Wuxin clenched his fists, "The IOU has been written, what else do you want to do?"

"Master Ye seems to have forgotten the previous bet."

Ling Feng reached out and took out his ears, and said with a ruffian look on his face: "Didn't some people say that they should kneel down and call grandpa?"

"That's right, kneel down and call me grandpa!"

Shentu Xuance raised his hand and touched the hair on his forehead with a proud attitude, "Little Ye Zi, you can't default on your debt!"

Ye Wuxin was so angry that the Three Corpse Gods jumped, "You guys are going too far!"

Losing money is a small matter, but if he kneels down and calls Shentu Xuance his grandfather, how will he survive in Mingguang City in the future.

"You insist on coming here to find trouble, and you force me to make a bet. I can't stop you."

Shentu Xuance spread his hands, looking like there was nothing he could do about it.


Ye Wuxin was so angry that he was shaking all over. This time, he really shot himself in the foot.

Who would have thought that Shentu Xuance would suddenly bring back a perverted master, who was actually stronger than Leng Qinghan of the Frost Witch Clan!

"It is said that a man has gold at his knees."

Ling Feng made an "I understand you" expression and smiled lightly: "Young Master Ye, I understand you."

Ye Wuxin's eyes lit up, and he suddenly showed a look of hope, "You mean, kowtow is just a thing?"

"Forget it? That's not okay."

Ling Feng said with a smile: "You, the eldest son of the Ye family, a dignified seven-foot-tall man, a man of authority, can you just forget what you said? Unless you admit that you are just a worthless eunuch, and your words are like farting garbage, then That’s it.”


Ye Wuxin's expression darkened again, and he glared at Ling Feng fiercely.

This guy is simply a devil.

"Master Ye, please be patient and don't be impatient."

Ling Feng chuckled, "This man has gold under his knees. It means that if you kneel down and kowtow once, I will give you one hundred million yuan crystal. Three heads, that's three hundred million yuan. What do you think?"


Ye Wuxin clenched her fists tightly. If she agreed or not, she would have to kneel down. If she agreed, she could offset the foreign debt of 300 million yuan.

But isn't this equivalent to admitting that as the eldest son of the Ye family, he is so poor that he doesn't even have 300 million?

Killing people will hurt your heart, killing people will hurt your heart!

Ye Wuxin felt regretful in her heart. She was so full that she went to Shentu's house to play the game!

"Ha ha!"

Shentu Xuance clapped his hands and said, "Little Ye Zi, what Brother Ling means is what I mean. One head is worth one hundred million. You'd better stop pretending to be fat. If your tigress finds out, you will die." deal!"

At the mention of the word "tigress", Ye Wuxin's whole body trembled, and a look of extreme fear clearly flashed in his eyes. He hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, and was about to say yes.

At this moment, a cold voice seemed to come from the sky.

"Who dares to ask my brother to kneel down!"

The voice sounded from far away, and the next moment, a woman in white clothes fell from the sky and landed in front of Ye Wuxin.


Before the woman could speak, Ye Wuxin kneeled on the ground with a "pop" as if on conditioned reflex.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. Just now he looked like a "chaste and fierce man" who would rather die than kneel down. But now it's better. When he sees this woman, his legs become weak?

The expression on Shentu Xuance's face was obviously a little unnatural, and it could be seen that this guy's calves were also shaking slightly.

"But... Sister Keren, it's been... a long time since I last saw you."

Shentu Xuance swallowed hard and said hello to the woman in white.

"Yeah, long time no see!"

The voice seemed to come from between the teeth, with a biting chill, "Shentu Xuance, what did you say about me just now? Tigress, who are you talking about?"

The woman turned around and glared at Shen Tu Xuance.


Before Shentu Xuance finished speaking, under the "murderous intent" of the Ye family woman, her legs softened and she knelt down, "Sister Keren, I was wrong!"

Good guy, as soon as this woman appeared on the scene, the young masters of the Ye family and the young master Shentu of Mingguang City all knelt down.

What a domineering sideshow.

Ling Feng took a closer look at this woman. She was a very beautiful woman. There was a heroic spirit between her eyebrows and her eyes, giving her a sense of heroic appearance.

However, judging from the way Shentu Xuance and Ye Wuxin were as afraid of this woman as a tiger, this woman was 80%, 100% a tigress.

But this woman's name is Ye Keren. The so-called Chu Chu Keren has a very good meaning.

It's a pity that she has a good name and a beautiful person, but she has a bad temper.


Ye Keren's eyes focused on Ling Feng, and he said in a cold voice: "Boy, are you the one who wants my brother to kneel down?"

"Girl, the so-called willingness to accept defeat is because your brother lost the bet first, and kneeling down was also his own bet. There seems to be no problem if I do this."

Ling Feng shrugged, not caring about Ye Keren's cannibalistic gaze.

Speaking of which, Ye Keren's aura was indeed much stronger than that of Shentu Xuance and Ye Wuxin, but not by much.

The reason why these two people are so afraid of Ye Keren is probably because of the so-called "childhood shadow".

She must have been scared of this female devil since she was a child.

However, Ling Feng is not afraid of her.


Ye Keren frowned, turned around suddenly, grabbed Ye Wuxin's ears, and cursed: "You brat, is what he said true?"

"Yes Yes……"

Ye Wuxin had a sad look on his face, but he didn't dare to lie in front of Ye Keren.

"I'm willing to admit defeat and kneel down!"

Ye Keren looked like he hated iron, so he grabbed Ye Wuxin's ears and turned them several 360 degrees. The pain made Ye Wuxin almost lose his breath, "I'm kneeling, right?"


Ye Keren glared at Ye Wuxin, who was about to cry but had no tears. He knelt and walked to Shentu Xuance, kowtowed three times, gritted his teeth and said: "Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa!"

Shentu Xuance let out a "Gulu" and swallowed hard, feeling a bad premonition suddenly arise in his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment, Ye Keren strode up to Shentu Xuance, and the whole ground seemed to tremble.

"You still dare to be his grandfather? I am his sister, do you also want to be my grandfather?"

After saying that, Ye Keren lifted his hand, and Shentu Xuance's ears were also pulled by Ye Keren. Shentu Xuance screamed in pain, "I don't dare, even if you lend me a hundred courages, I don't dare." Na."

"Then why don't you shout back!"

Ye Keren said, and continued to press his fingers. Shentu Xuance had no dignity at all in front of Ye Keren, and he quickly shouted to Ye Wuxin: "Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa!"

Ling Feng looked at this farce and suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

However, this woman seemed to be fooling around, but in fact she still favored her younger brother. In this way, Ye Wuxin fulfilled the bet, but Shentu Xuance also called him grandpa three times, and neither of them took advantage.

"Hmph! Don't do such boring things next time, otherwise!"

Ye Keren glared at the two of them, and Shentu Xuance and Ye Wuxin were trembling, and they quickly said at the same time: "I don't dare, I won't dare again!"


Ye Keren snorted coldly and glared at Ye Wuxin again, "Go home!"

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