Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2576 Recommendation Quota! (3 more)


Ye Wuxin took a deep breath and said weakly: "Sister, I kowtowed three times just now, and I still have an IOU..."

Three heads and 300 million yuan crystals can just offset the 300 million IOU he wrote to Ling Feng.

"What three hundred million IOU?"

Ye Keren frowned, and Ye Wuxin plucked up the courage to reveal the billion-dollar bet with Ling Feng.

"You're so brave, Billionaire! Why don't you put your head on the line!"

Ye Keren aimed at Ye Wuxin's butt and kicked him away, "You bastard, I'll skin you when you go back!"

Ye Wuxin screamed, crawled back, and said with a mournful face: "I'm on my knees, we have to get this IOU back."

"Humph, you don't have to say it!"

Ye Keren snorted coldly and stared at Ling Feng, "Boy, take out the IOU!"

Ling Feng shrugged, took out the IOU and threw it to Ye Wuxin.

It's only 300 million, but he still doesn't take it seriously.

Ye Wuxin quickly took the IOU and immediately tore it into pieces. At the same time, he glared at Ling Feng with a slightly warning look, "Don't touch the things in my spiritual ring. I will redeem it within three days." Come on!"

"Hmph, you brat, you have brought shame on my Ye family, why don't you go home quickly!"

Ye Keren said, and was about to use the deadly ear-pulling magic skill on Ye Wuxin again. Ye Wuxin was so frightened that he lost his mind and immediately ran away.

After all, I am also a dignified young master of the Ye family. It is really embarrassing to be disciplined by my sister in front of so many people!

Ye Keren flicked his sleeves, turned back to glare at Ling Feng, and hummed: "Boy, I remember you!"

As he said that, Ye Keren made a gesture of wiping his neck with a knife, which meant: next time I see you, you will be dead!

Ling Feng shrugged, looking unconcerned.

I probably won't meet this "tigress" again in my life.

After the Ye Keren siblings had gone away, Shentu Xuance wiped the sweat from his forehead and murmured in a low voice: "This tigress is getting more and more fierce."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then reached out and patted Shentu Xuance on the shoulder, "Brother Shentu, are you so afraid?"

"You don't know how powerful this tigress is!"

Shentu Xuance was about to cry but had no tears, "Forget it, forget it, don't mention it, it's all thanks to you, Brother Ling, for making me so angry today!"

Ling Feng shrugged, took out the Yuan Jing card he won and handed it to Shen Tu Xuance, "There are 100 million in it. When Ye Wuxin sends the remaining Yuan Jing, we will split it in half."

"No need."

Shentu Xuance shook his head, "Brother Ling, you earned these with your own ability, you don't need to share them with me."

"If you hadn't invited me here, I wouldn't have been able to find Ye Wuxin."

Ling Feng smiled casually and put the card into Shentu Xuance's hand, "Okay, that's it."

Shentu Xuance didn't do much pretentiousness. After receiving the card, he said excitedly: "Thank you so much, Brother Ling. I didn't expect that Ye Wuxin actually had so much money on him, hahaha!"

But the next moment, Shentu Xuance couldn't help but look at Ling Feng, "Brother Ling, I really wonder if you have robbed someone else's treasure house. How can you be so rich, and you can take billions of yuan crystals at will."


Ling Feng smiled and was noncommittal.

In fact, he did loot a lot of treasure troves!

This Shentu Xuance's guess was really accurate!

After Ye Wuxin's incident, Ling Feng returned to Qingye Villa for meditation.

Because Ling Feng helped the Shentu family regain their face, Shentu Xuance actually took the complete version of "Qingye Divine Light Curse" and gave it to Ling Feng to practice.

Not only that, Ling Feng also found some of the Ye family's bright witchcraft in Ye Wuxin's spiritual ring.

Although Ye Wuxin said that he would redeem it, the thing was in his own hands, so it didn't matter if he took a look.

With Ling Feng's understanding, he would be able to get started after basically reading it once.

Three days later, Ye Wuxin did send the remaining Yuan Jing to redeem his Naling Ring.

But judging from the way he was limping, he must have been taken care of by his "tigress" sister.

Ye Keren's figure flashed through his mind, and Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile. This tigress of the Ye family really deserves her reputation.

On this day, Ling Feng was practicing in the courtyard, and Shentu Xuance hurried over.

"Brother Ling, Brother Ling, what a good thing! My old man finally let go."

Shentu Xuance had a bright smile on his face, "The recommendation quota in Mingguang Palace is yours! You can join the Witch God Cult!"

The figure flashed, and Ling Feng flew out with a hint of excitement on his face.

"Brother Shentu, this is true!"

Ling Feng was overjoyed. Although the Mingguang Palace was not yet the true core of the Witch God Temple, as long as he joined the Mingguang Palace, he would have the opportunity to go to the Witch God Temple and listen to the teachings of those great witches, just like Shentu Xuance.

Only by sneaking into the Temple of the Witch God can he have a chance to steal the catalog of the gods.

Although this is only the first step of the entire plan, it is also a crucial first step.

"I had to waste a lot of words before the old man agreed. After all, you are not from our Southern Witch Territory."

Shentu Xuance chuckled and said: "But when I told the old man that you had mastered the Qingye Divine Light Curse in half an hour, his expression immediately looked like he had seen a ghost. This also shows that you have practiced witchcraft. The potential for magic is so high!”

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said modestly: "Just so-so."

"Hey, if you are so careless, I will be a super loser."

Shentu Xuance raised his hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "I wish you would stand out in the selection of Mingguang Hall and beat all the geniuses!"

"Is there still a selection?"

"Of course, although anyone who has been recommended can join the Wushen Cult, there are also grades of three, six and nine. Those with the most outstanding qualifications will of course be directly accepted as true disciples. Those with average qualifications can only be admitted as ordinary disciples. The disciples started."

Ling Feng shrugged. Survival of the fittest and the principles of the martial arts world are naturally the same wherever they go.

"Brother Ling, with your talent and strength, you can naturally defeat the others and become a true disciple. After you join the Mingguang Palace, you have to call me senior brother!"

"Then I accept your good wishes." Ling Feng smiled faintly and took out a pot of wine like a magic trick, "Come on, let's have a drink today!"

Shentu Xuance pushed the wine bottle away and said with a mysterious smile: "Drink when you come back. My old man wants to see you again. Hehe, there are benefits!"

"Now?" Ling Feng was not surprised at all.

"That's it now." Shentu Xuance nodded.

"Then let's go." Ling Feng said calmly.

The two stood up, led by Shentu Xuance, and walked out of Qingye Villa.

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