Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2577 Mechanism Puppet! (1 update)

The head of the Shentu family, the father of Shentu Xuance, is named Shentu Xin.

When Shentu Xuance brought Ling Feng to Shentu Mansion, Shentu Xin was drawing some mysterious spell inscriptions on a machine puppet with a cinnabar pen.

Most of the wizards in the Southern Witch Territory are good at using the power of various attribute rules, but few can hone themselves and temper their bodies.

Therefore, the biggest weakness of wizards is that their bodies are relatively weak.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, the wizards in the Southern Witch Territory also found a way to deal with it.

That is to carry some machine puppets with you, and these thick-skinned machine puppets can make up for this weakness of the wizard to a certain extent.

Therefore, in the Shentu family's business, in addition to various witchcraft spells, these puppets also belong to their business scope.

"Old man, Brother Ling is here."

Shentu Xuance stepped forward and called out, but Shentu Xin ignored him. He seemed to be immersed in the puppet of the machine and unaware of the outside world.

"I'm sorry, Brother Ling. My old man completely forgets himself once he gets serious. Please wait a moment."

Shentu Xuance shrugged helplessly and showed a hint of apology towards Ling Feng.

"It doesn't matter."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, without the slightest dissatisfaction or irritability, but looked at it indifferently.

He had met the head of the Shentu family once before. He just said some polite words before leaving, giving Ling Feng a sophisticated and smooth feeling. Unexpectedly, when he became serious, he actually had the air of a master.

Ling Feng stepped forward, looked around the mechanism puppet, and looked at it carefully for a moment.

Because Crazy Wulang (Evil Guy Gu Laowu) passed all his puppetry skills to Ling Feng before he died. Although Ling Feng did not study too much, with his innate understanding and photographic memory, he basically saw After finishing the classics that Crazy Wulang left for him, he now has a considerable understanding of the puppets.

"This puppet is pretty good. If I guessed correctly, this should be a holy-level puppet. After activation, it can exert the strength of the primary holy-level, and it is good at defense."


After hearing Ling Feng's words, the head of the Shentu family couldn't help but look back at Ling Feng, "Young friend, do you know something about puppets?"

"Know a thing or two."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, raised his hand and tapped the surface of the puppet a few times, and said slowly: "The only fly in the ointment is that if the machine spring at the core is replaced with hundred-refined star steel, the spirit gathering array will be upgraded by another level. The overall strength of this puppet will be greatly improved."

"My little friend actually knows about Hundred-Refined Star Steel!"

The head of the Shentu family clearly showed a hint of surprise, took a deep look at Ling Feng, and immediately sighed: "Unfortunately, the Hundred-Refined Star Steel in our Southern Witch Territory is very scarce. If the core machine spring is made of Hundred-Refined Star Steel, the cost will be very high. Too high to be profitable.”

"I just took it for granted, kid."

Ling Feng smiled apologetically. He was thinking about how to make the machine puppets reach the optimal level, but for the Shentu family, what they needed was to make profits.

All things considered, it is natural that everything cannot be perfect.

"No, the fact that you can name the Hundred-Refined Star Steel proves that you have a deep understanding of machine puppets."

The head of the Shentu family seemed to have met a close friend, and he immediately started talking non-stop, "Actually, the reason why I drew witchcraft inscriptions on the puppet is to make up for the flaws you mentioned. However, the effect is far from reaching that of Bailian Star Steel. That’s the degree.”

After a pause, the head of the Shentu family continued: "As for the spirit gathering array you mentioned, is there still room for improvement?"

"I have received guidance from a senior before, and I know a kind of spirit-gathering array that is very suitable for saint-level puppets."

"Little friend, can you let me see it!"

The face of the Shentu family leader showed great excitement.


Ling Feng was also gearing up for a while. The two of them were studying the puppets in full swing, as close as father and son, but Shentu Xuance, on the other hand, became an outsider at this moment.

After half an hour, the machine puppet was finally completed.

Ling Feng and the head of the Shentu family looked at each other, feeling like they cherished each other and regretted seeing each other so late.

"Brother Ling Feng, I didn't expect that at such a young age, you have studied the puppet system so deeply. Brother, I have learned a lesson!"

"Brother Shentu is also very powerful. I have benefited a lot from him today."

Ling Feng also laughed and said.

The two of them said "Brother Shentu" and "Brother Lingfeng" each other. Shentu Xuance beside him was suddenly messed up in the wind.

How long has it taken to do this, and it has already been a long time coming?

Is it possible that my brother Ling must be called Uncle Ling now?

Thinking of this, Shentu Xuance couldn't help but complain in a low voice, "Say, old man, if you call him brother, wouldn't I be a generation shorter!"

"Hmph, if you could have half the puppet skills of Brother Ling, I could call you brother!"

The head of the Shentu family glared at Shentu Xuance, looking like he hated iron but not steel.

"have to……"

Shentu Xuance sighed softly, "Well, the reason why I have worked so hard to practice witchcraft over the years is because I know that if I can't practice witchcraft well, I will have no choice but to stay and inherit the Shentu family's hundreds of millions of assets. , Why is my life so miserable!”


The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he had the urge to kick him.

The head of the Shentu family had already kicked him and cursed, "You bastard, why do I want to beat you to death so much?"


Shentu Xuance quickly turned aside and said with a smile: "Dad, if I die, you won't have anyone to die with."

"You bastard!"

The head of the Shentu family glared at Shentu Xuance, then took a deep breath and said slowly: "Brother Ling, I made you laugh."

Ling Feng shook his head. The so-called father's kindness and son's filial piety may not be the best way to get along.

Sometimes, falling in love and killing each other is also enviable.

At least, Ling Feng had never had the opportunity to quarrel with his father like this.

"Come on, come on, sit down."

The head of the Shentu family gestured for Ling Feng to sit down in a very easy-going manner. He seemed quite easy-going. After discussing and studying the machine puppets together, the head of the Shentu family obviously let down his guard against Ling Feng.

After all, Ling Feng told him about the upgraded version of the Spirit Gathering Array. The benefits that this array alone could bring were immeasurable.

"Although this brat of mine is usually a fool, unexpectedly he has made a good brother. This is also his luck!"

The head of the Shentu family said with a smile.

"I am also lucky to be able to make friends with Brother Shentu."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, but these words came from the bottom of his heart. After all, if he had not met Shentu Xuance, it would undoubtedly be ten times and a hundred times more difficult for him to sneak into the Witch Temple.

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