Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2578 Bright Judgment! (2 updates)

"No more polite words."

The head of the Shentu family smiled and said: "I would like to first congratulate little friend Ling Feng for being selected into the Mingguang Hall."

"I want to thank my seniors for giving me the recommended spot. I will definitely perform well and strive to become a true disciple." Ling Feng bowed his hand and said.

"I believe that with your talent and understanding, you can definitely become a true disciple of Mingguang Palace."

The head of the Shentu family said with a serious face, seemingly more confident than Ling Feng.

Of course, Ling Feng also has absolute confidence in this point.

"I don't have anything good to give you. I originally thought of making this puppet and giving it to my little friend. But I didn't expect that my little friend's puppet skills are even better than me. Giving a puppet as a gift would be a bit over the top."

"Senior is joking."

"This puppet is no longer suitable."

The head of the Shentu family took out a thin book from his sleeve and handed it to Ling Feng, "This "Bright Judgment" is the only eighth-level witchcraft in our Shentu family, and it is also the strongest witchcraft. I will give it to my friend today, and with my talent, I will not disgrace this witchcraft."

"This... this is too precious. I won't be rewarded for my merits. I can't take it."

Ling Feng quickly pushed the book back to the head of the Shentu family.

He was naturally interested in studying eighth-level witchcraft, but since it was a low-end item in his family, he was naturally embarrassed to accept it like this.

"Hey, my little friend saved the life of this brat of mine on Alcatraz Island. How can it be said that it was for nothing and no reward? Moreover, just now, my little friend also taught me the method of upgrading the spirit gathering circle. If I don't take it, It would be too stingy to put out something that is at the bottom of the box.”

The head of the Shentu family patted the book on Ling Feng's hand and said, "That's it. If you refuse again, little friend, you will look down on me, Shentu Xin."


Ling Feng accepted the "Light Judgment", an eighth-level light witchcraft. The head of the Shentu family was really willing to give it up!

After another round of pleasantries, the head of the Shentu family let Ling Feng go back to rest and let him prepare for the selection for the Mingguang Palace.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

On this day, Shentu Xuance came to Qingye Villa early in the morning and called Ling Feng out.

"Brother Ling, today is the selection day for Mingguang Palace. I'm waiting for your good news!"

Shentu Xuance vigorously slapped Ling Feng on the shoulder several times, but Ling Feng didn't move at all, but his palm became red and swollen.


Ling Feng nodded without saying anything. He looked back at Tuoba Yan and said calmly: "Yan'er, just stay here and wait for me to come back."

According to Shentu Xuance, as long as you become a true disciple, you are qualified to bring a servant to live in the Mingguang Palace with you.

In other words, Tuoba Yan will sneak into the Mingguang Palace with him as a maid again.

But anyway, it’s not like he’s never done this before. Tuoba Yan is considered “skilled” in the maid business.

Tuoba Yan bit his silver teeth, glanced at Ling Feng, nodded slightly, and turned back to the villa.

She knew that she had to break through the Saint level as soon as possible, otherwise, she would have to be behind Ling Feng and become a burden to him.

Under the leadership of Shentu Xuance, the two quickly arrived outside the Mingguang Hall.

It was the time of selection for Mingguang Palace. At this moment, hundreds of people had gathered densely in a huge square outside the palace!

"Don't you have to rely on recommendation to join the Mingguang Hall? Why are there so many people?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. Although Mingguang City was not small, there were probably hundreds of families as big as the Shentu family.

"Getting the recommended quota means that you can definitely join the Mingguang Palace. As for whether you are a true disciple or an ordinary outer disciple, you have to rely on yourself. Those who do not get the recommended quota may be directly eliminated."

Shentu Xuance said calmly: "About 10% of these hundred and ten people will definitely be able to worship in the Mingguang Hall, and you are one of them."

Ling Feng shrugged. It seemed that the so-called recommendation quota and preferential treatment were not too great.

"Don't take it seriously. You must know that you are not from our eight major witch clans. If you don't have a recommendation quota, it is theoretically impossible to have the opportunity to worship in any of the temples of the Witch God Religion."

Ling Feng said "Oh" and looked around.

It is worth mentioning that Leng Qinghan, who represented the Ye family in the battle against Ling Feng, was actually among the more than 100 people who participated in the selection.

"Isn't he a member of the Frost Witch Clan?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he couldn't help but ask.

"Theoretically speaking, the disciples of the Frost Witch Clan must naturally worship in the Xuanbing Palace, but there are some exceptions. If he has the two major talents of practicing light witchcraft and frost witchcraft at the same time, he will naturally have autonomy and can You can join any temple at will, and you can even join two temples at the same time. After all, the eight witch temples are all affiliated with the witch god sect."

"Can it still be like this?" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. This setting is quite humane.

"But at most, you can only join two branch halls, and you can only enjoy the treatment of a true disciple in one of them. In other words, you become a true disciple in Mingguang Hall, and when you go to other branch halls, you will be the inner sect. Disciple, it is impossible to become a true disciple again.”

"I see."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Since the eight major branch halls have been separated, it is normal for each to have selfish motives.

"Everyone, you can come in."

This is the door of Mingguang Hall, slowly opening, and from inside the door, several disciples in white clothes and white robes, covered with snow-white bodies, walked out.

All the disciples who participated in the selection became excited.

Joining the Mingguang Palace means becoming a member of the Witch God Sect.

And the Witch God Sect is the only overlord in the entire Southern Witch Territory!

"Brother Ling, come on!"

Shentu Xuance patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "Then I'll go over first!"

As a true disciple of Mingguang Hall, Shentu Xuance was naturally able to observe the selection meeting from a high place.


Ling Feng nodded, determined to win this selection.

As the door opened, everyone was in high spirits.

Behind the gate, there is a statue.

The warriors who participated in the selection were stunned when they looked at the statue, as if they had lost their souls.

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