Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2581 The eight series are mixed! (2 updates)


Everyone's eyes twitched, red symbolized the power of flames, which meant that Ling Feng had the talent to practice flame witchcraft.

"How could it be flames?"

The elders showed a hint of surprise. It was clear that Ling Feng should have a very strong light attribute talent.

"Perhaps it is a dual-system physique, light and flame. These two powers can be considered complementary to each other. Although it is no longer possible to be a great light divine body, it is not bad."

However, the next moment, the light on the crystal ball turned, and then burst out with a dazzling blue light.

"Water talent?"

The blue light turned, and then the golden light flashed again, and a sharp energy swept away.

"Gold talent?"

The golden light lasted for a moment, and then came the brownish-yellow light, as thick as a mountain and as steady as an abyss.

"Earth type?"

As the various colors of light flowed, changing again and again, the elders and disciples kept uttering exclamations of exclamation.

"Wood type!"

"Thunder element!"

"Wind element!"

"Dark type!"

"Oh my God!"

For a while, all the disciples were dumbfounded, because Ling Feng actually had a mixed body with attributes from all the eight major witch clans.

Eight colors, constantly alternating and circulating, are colorful and gorgeous.

Suddenly, the elders of the pavilion and the disciples of Mingguang Hall were all stunned, with expressions of disbelief on their faces, as if they had seen a ghost.

" could this happen?"

"Oh my god, his talent is so..."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and was secretly proud of himself. These guys who have never seen the world must be stupid this time.

However, the next moment, those disciples said something that made him almost fall over.

"This talent is too bad!"


Ling Feng almost thought he had heard wrongly. A dignified body of chaos, are you telling me that you have poor qualifications?

However, not only the ordinary disciples, but also the elders shook their heads and sighed softly.

"How can such a complex physique be favored by the Light Witch God?"

"He is destined not to go far on the path of a light wizard."

It turns out that in the view of the wizards of the Witch God Religion, the more attributes, the better.

A single and pure physique is the physique they need, the most perfect physique for practicing single-line witchcraft.

The physiques that are most favored by the great witches are those with only one pure attribute.

At the next level, there are two types.

If one is found to have three or more attribute talents, such a constitution will basically be regarded as a useless body.

After all, according to the traditions of the major branches of the Witch God Religion, if you want to learn the forbidden spells in the Witch God Temple, only a single pure physique can have a slim chance of mastering it.

Only such people are favored by the Witch God.

A wizard's achievements can often be seen in their physique as a glimpse into the future.

A "miscellaneous physique" like Ling Feng, which covers all attributes, in the eyes of old antiques like them in Mingguang Hall, is definitely a waste body among waste bodies, a worthless waste body.

"This...couldn't this be a test error? How could his talent be so poor?"

"He obviously broke Senior Brother Duan Lingtian's record?"

Everyone was talking a lot.

They couldn't believe that a genius who could break records could actually have such a mixed physique.

Shocked, everyone was shocked.

Of course they didn't expect that Ling Feng was a body of chaos. When it came to chaos, it was indeed extremely complex.

However, they are a bit mixed, but each one is more powerful than any holy body or divine body.

It’s no wonder that ordinary people can’t imagine this level of monster.

After all, a person's body is like a container. If it contains only one talent, and the entire container contains a single qualification, it is naturally much better than dividing it into two or three.

But they don't know that if the body of an ordinary person is just a small bottle, Ling Feng's body is a big vat!

This big vat, even if it is divided into 100 equal parts, and any one is taken out, it will still be bigger than the bottle!

Of course, this is something beyond ordinary people's cognition. Ling Feng's physique is such a "perversion"!

"Little guy, you test it again."

One of them, an old man with gray hair, a white beard and a long beard, took a deep breath, stared at Ling Feng, and spoke word by word.

Logically speaking, if Ling Feng could break Duan Lingtian's record, he shouldn't have such a "waste body".

Ling Feng didn't say anything and pressed his palm on the crystal ball again.

It's a pity that it's still the same as before, with all kinds of brilliance complementing each other.

"Hey, how could this could this happen..."

The white-haired old man couldn't help but feel disappointed in his heart and muttered, looking very depressed.

"It's's unreasonable..."

Another elder also lost his mind for a while and almost beat his chest.

The huge hope was exchanged for huge disappointment. That kind of gap was unbearable for them, and they felt sad and happy at the same time.

I originally thought that Mingguang Palace would welcome another "Duan Lingtian" level monster, but the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Perhaps Ling Feng's temporary performance is still dazzling, but this kind of physique is doomed to the limit of his future achievements.

He is not qualified to master forbidden spells and witchcraft at all.

A wizard who cannot even master the forbidden spell is destined to be impossible to become a great wizard in the Temple of the Witch God.

If you are not even qualified to become a great witch, the value of training will be reduced by more than half.

He is destined to be unable to compete with Duan Lingtian.

"I thought it was a great light divine body, but I didn't expect it to be a hodgepodge body. What a waste!"

As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad. Seeing Ling Feng fall from the altar in an instant, many people naturally gloated secretly.

Among them, the most excited one is naturally Ye Wuxin.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ye Wuxin laughed loudly, "Shen Tu, my dear grandson, why don't you call me grandpa!"

Shentu Xuance frowned deeply. He had known that Ling Feng did not have a pure physique, and he also knew that he was good at using flames.

But he never expected that Ling Feng's physique could be so mixed.

This is too complicated!

Taking a deep breath, Shentu Xuance clenched his fists and said bitterly: "It's not over yet. You must be happy too early!"

"Okay, I want to see which elder is so blind that he would accept that guy as his true disciple. Just give up! Hahaha!"

After a while, the elders retreated angrily, apparently losing more interest in Ling Feng, the "waste".


The presiding disciple continues to perform the inspection work.

Ling Feng shrugged and stood aside without saying anything else.

Unexpectedly, he still overturned the car.

Sometimes, when people are too outstanding, they tend to be out of tune with the ordinary people around them.

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