Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2582 Registered Disciple! (3 updates)

Ye Keren, on the other hand, walked up to Ling Feng with joy in his eyes and said with unabashed ridicule: "Hey, brat, it seems that you can only be an outer disciple at most."

Ling Feng did not speak. This was indeed a bit different from what he had expected. If he could not become a true disciple, it would naturally take longer to climb up step by step and reach the level where he could enter the Temple of the Witch God.


Seeing that Ling Feng ignored him, Ye Keren frowned, glared at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth and said: "You must not fall into my hands, otherwise I will kill you!"

Suddenly, Ye Keren's eyes lit up, as if he remembered something, the corner of his mouth suddenly curled up, and he stood aside happily.


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, completely confused about Ye Keren's thoughts.

Probably, this is the legendary fine score!

After Ling Feng, the second person to go up for the test was Xiao Chengtian. He was a descendant of the Xiao family in Mingguang City. If Ling Feng hadn't appeared, he would have passed the test of the God of Light in sixty breaths. He is the most dazzling genius among all.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng stole all his limelight.

However, seeing Ling Feng turned out to be a messy waste body, Xiao Chengtian felt a sense of schadenfreude in his heart.

Because his physique is an extremely pure holy body of light, and there is no impurity at all, a completely pure body of light.

"The Holy Body of Light, not bad, not bad!"

The minds of those elders became active again.

Although Xiao Chengtian is still far behind the monster like Duan Lingtian, he is still a rare talent.

Hearing the elders whispering secretly, Xiao Chengtian had a look of pride on his face.

My qualifications as a true disciple are secure.

He looked at Ling Feng with a hint of provocation, as if to say: So what if you broke Duan Lingtian's record? Aren't you being pressed to the ground and rubbed by my talent now?

Ling Feng shrugged and didn't care.

The reason why they think they are some kind of "waste body" is just due to their ignorance.

One disciple after another was tested. When everyone was tested, Ling Feng's physique was undoubtedly the worst, much worse than the second best.

Even the most complex one only has five complex talents at the same time, but Ling Feng has all eight attributes.

The first test broke Duan Lingtian's record, but his talent for cultivation actually reached the lowest level ever.

This guy is really...

None of the elders could describe Ling Feng.

Genius or loser?

Ling Feng's strangeness made the elders of Mingguang Hall very passive. This was the first time they had encountered such a situation.

As we all know, a person's talent has multiple aspects, and there are often some correlations between these multiple aspects, and the differences are not too obvious.

In other words, if a person's cultivation talent is very high, then his soul understanding and other aspects will not be much worse. This is determined from the moment a person is born and is innate.

Of course, there will be exceptions, and there will be some special situations. For example, among the various talents, one is obviously weak. Even so, it will not be that weak. People like Ling Feng, who obviously have extremely strong light attribute cultivation Qualifications, but also possesses the worst eight-series mixed physique.

These are two extremes.

Of course, they couldn't imagine and couldn't believe that this kind of complex physique was actually the legendary body of chaos.

"Okay, after the test, all your comprehensive scores are already in this booklet."

The disciple who was responsible for presiding over the selection recorded all the data in a book and handed it to the elders sitting in the temple. Then, the elders discussed again.

About half an hour later, the final result finally came out.

"Okay, all the results are here."

The presiding disciple took out a booklet, walked up to all the warriors participating in the selection, and read loudly, "Xiao Chengtian, Leng Qinghan, and Gu Nianzhi, congratulations to the three of you for becoming the three true successors selected this year."

Then, he read out more than twenty names. These people were inner disciples.

Finally, more than thirty names were read out, and these people could only be assigned to the outer sect.

"For the rest of you whose names were not read, I'm sorry, but you have not met the minimum standards of Mingguang Hall. Please go back."

Those warriors whose names were not read suddenly became dejected, but they did not dare to go against the result and could only turn around and leave the hall.

Ling Feng was also frozen in place because his name was not even read.

As a warrior who has obtained the recommended quota, it stands to reason that at the end of the day, he will be qualified as an outer disciple, right?

Why didn't you get selected now?

Ling Feng was stunned and clenched his fists. He didn't expect that this time he would get off to such a bad start.

However, just when Ling Feng was about to turn around and leave, he was stopped by the presiding disciple.

"Junior Brother Lingfeng, please wait a moment."

The disciple held up the book and said, "There is a line of information about you below. Your situation is really complicated. Originally, according to the standards of our Mingguang Hall, your physique is not suitable for cultivation in our Mingguang Hall, but there is an elder , but asked you to sit down at his place and become a registered disciple, are you willing?"

"Named disciple?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment and looked at the disciple, "Senior brother, what is going on?"

"The so-called registered disciple, that is, the special quota of the elders, allows you to enter the Mingguang Hall to practice, and you can get the guidance of the elders. It is similar to the true disciple, except that there is an inspection period. If you meet the requirements of the elder, Once you meet his requirements, you can become an official true disciple. In other words, you are equivalent to a half true disciple."

"How about it? If Junior Brother Ling Feng agrees, he will now be that elder's registered disciple."

"I agree!"

Ling Feng nodded immediately and agreed without even thinking about it.

Half a true disciple, that is also a true disciple, can at least stay in Mingguang Hall for now.

As long as he stays, I believe the elders of Mingguang Hall will soon be able to see clearly whether he is a genius or a loser!


The presiding disciple nodded, "Then from now on, you will be Elder Chuyan's sitting disciple, so behave well!"

The presiding disciple gently patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, with a hint of sympathy in his eyes.

"Junior Brother Ling, you have to behave well!"

At this moment, Ye Keren also stepped forward and stared at Ling Feng with a malicious look and a smile. After speaking, he turned around and walked out of the hall.

Ling Feng was slightly startled and had a bad feeling in his heart.

I always feel like there is a conspiracy in this!

"Senior brother, dare I ask that Elder Chuyan..."

Ling Feng swallowed and looked at the presiding disciple.

"Let me just tell you one thing, Elder Chuyan's surname is also Ye, and she is Senior Sister Keren's biological aunt!"


Ling Feng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. He still didn't understand why he became such a registered disciple. Eighty percent, oh no, ten percent, it was Ye Keren's fault!

there is always a solution to a problem!

Ling Feng took a deep breath. He had never seen such a big battle. He was just a Ye Keren. How could he still be afraid of her?

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