Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2583 Miaoyin Xuannv! (1 update)

On top of the tower.

Shentu Xuance and Ye Wuxin were stunned when they saw Ling Feng being assigned as a registered disciple.

Ye Wuxin frowned, and then cursed secretly, thinking with his toes, he could figure out that the reason why Ling Feng became Elder Chuyan's registered disciple was probably because his elder sister was "in the way" of it.

However, Ye Wuxin still stared at Shentu Xuance arrogantly, "Did you see, Shentu Xuance, you lost! That Ling Feng failed to become a true disciple! Why don't you call me grandpa?"


Shentu Xuance snorted coldly, "The registered disciple is also half a true disciple. How do you know that Ling Feng can't pass the test? If I lose, he will definitely become a true disciple!"

Originally, Ling Feng could not become a true disciple, and Shentu Xuance naturally lost the bet between the two. However, there was a slight change in his identity as a registered disciple.

If you pass the test of Elder Chuyan, you will naturally be promoted to a true disciple.

"You really don't want to give up until you hit the south wall. Okay, then you just wait. That boy falls into the hands of my elder sister. If he can pass the test and be promoted to the true successor, I will pluck out his eyeballs and let you stomp on him!"

Ye Wuxin could probably guess Ye Keren's original intention. With Ye Keren's "cruel" character, the reason why he kept Ling Feng must be to kill Ling Feng.

"That's what you said!"

Shentu Xuance tightened his fists. Although he didn't have any confidence in his heart, at this time, he could only hold on.

At worst, just call me grandpa ten times.

Anyway, it’s not like I haven’t shouted before.

"Then just wait for the final result!"

Ye Wuxin sneered and began to imagine in his mind what kind of miserable look Ling Feng would be made into by Ye Keren.

Just thinking about it makes me feel happy.

Shentu Xuance flew to the assessment hall. As a friend, he had to give Ling Feng some advice.

"Brother Ling!"

At this moment, a disciple of Mingguang Hall was about to take Ling Feng to Elder Chuyan's residence. Before he could leave, Shentu Xuance arrived.

"Brother Ling, I never thought that with your talent, something like this would happen."

Shentu Xuance sighed softly, "But Brother Ling, you are not from our Southern Witch Territory. This qualification test does not mean anything."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, he was not shocked by such a trivial matter.

What's more, he is very clear about his own physique. The body of chaos must be the most complex, but every single qualification is unparalleled.

It's a pity that sometimes it's so wonderful that ordinary people can't understand it.

"It seems that Brother Ling's state of mind has not been affected at all, so I feel relieved."

After a pause, Shentu Xuance continued: "But there is one thing, you have to be careful. Elder Chuyan is Ye Keren's aunt, that tigress..."

After saying that, Shentu Xuance carefully looked around, but did not see Ye Keren's figure, and then continued: "That tigress is the most petty, and she will retaliate. You made Ye Wuxin make a fool of herself in public last time, she It will definitely not let you have a good life."

"I know."

Ling Feng nodded, "However, I still have to thank her. If not, I might not be able to join the Mingguang Palace."

"Hey, thank you for your thinking, but you must be careful."

Shentu Xuance sighed softly, lowered his voice, and said in Ling Feng's ear: "If you can, be soft with that tigress. Although she is a bit cruel, she has always been soft-hearted and not hard-hearted."


Ling Feng smiled faintly. He had grown so big that he really didn't know what being submissive meant.

"Okay, Brother Shentu, you don't have to worry about my situation."

Ling Feng raised his hand and patted Shen Tu Xuance on the shoulder, and said calmly: "By the way, you go back and tell Yan'er that there was a little accident on my side, and I will pick her up after I become a true disciple. ”

"All right."

Shentu Xuance wanted to say something more, but seeing Ling Feng's confident look, he could only sigh softly, "Brother Ling, then I wish you a successful promotion."


Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, with a confident smile on his lips, and then asked the disciples of Mingguang Hall to take him to the location of Elder Chuyan.

"Nonsense, Keren, you are really getting more and more nonsense!"

In a large hall, a woman with cloudy hair wearing a plain white robe, frowning slightly, glared at a stunning woman in front of her.

At first glance, the two women, standing side by side, have some similarities.

It turned out that the two of them were Ye Keren and that Chuyan elder, Ye Chuyan.

Although Ye Chuyan is Ye Keren's aunt, from the appearance point of view, the two girls are more like sisters. However, in comparison, Ye Chuyan is more mature and charming.

Unlike Ye Keren, who is carefree and heroic, Ye Chuyan is dignified and beautiful, giving people a calm and restrained feeling.

At this moment, Ye Chuyan was sitting cross-legged behind a guqin, his eyes slightly furrowed.

But it turned out that Ye Keren actually stole his elder's mark and forged a document to accept Ling Feng as his registered disciple.


Ye Keren held Ye Chuyan's arm and started acting coquettishly, "My good aunt, I'm not just playing around. You see, that boy named Ling Feng, although he has a mixed physique, his willpower and talent are so high. It’s outrageous, and it even breaks Elder Duan Lingtian’s record back then. This is such a talent! I am doing this to recruit a talent for you, how can this be nonsense?”

Ye Chuyan rolled her eyes at Ye Keren, "You know very well that I will never accept a disciple other than you, let alone a man!"

"What's wrong with the man? Man, ahem, you can play the piano too!"

Ye Keren himself felt that it was a bit nonsense. After all, Ye Chuyan was proficient in various musical instruments. He mixed heavy attack methods into the music. He was a very rare wizard of wonderful music.

Therefore, generally speaking, no man is willing to practice this way, and even if he practices it forcefully, it is difficult to achieve much.

"You girl, you still want to make excuses."

Ye Chuyan shook his head and said, "That's all, let you do whatever you want. I don't know your little thoughts, but you need to leave a leeway as a human being and don't make others miserable."

"Hehe." Ye Keren hugged Ye Chuyan's arm and said with a smile: "Don't worry, aunt, I will definitely obey your teachings and won't go too far. Don't worry, I will drive him away in half a month at most. Go out so that you won’t insult your reputation as Miaoyin Xuannv!”


Ye Chuyan pinched Ye Keren's pink face. She had no children. She had always regarded Ye Keren as her own daughter. As long as she didn't go too far, she would always turn a blind eye. , close one eye.

At this moment, an announcement came from outside the hall.

"Elder Chuyan, the new registered disciple Ling Feng is already waiting outside the hall."

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