Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2584 The hidden forbidden curse! (2 updates)

"Hehe, here we come!"

Ye Keren's eyes flashed, a playful curve appeared at the corner of his mouth, he scratched his fingers and showed a sinister smile, "You brat, I have to let you know how powerful my aunt is!"

Ye Chuyan sighed softly. The little guy named Ling Feng was unlucky and had a bad fate when he ran into the hands of his little niece.

"come in."

Ye Chuyan spoke softly, her voice was not loud, but it was enough to be heard outside the hall.

"Junior Brother Ling, then go in."

The disciples outside the hall bowed to Ling Feng, turned around and left, as if they were afraid of having anything to do with Ling Feng.

Ling Feng shrugged. It seemed that "Tigress" Ye Keren really had a reputation for being vicious!

Taking a step forward, Ling Feng strode into the main hall and saw Ye Keren in the hall.

In addition, there is another dignified and beautiful woman who looks slightly longer than Ye Keren, but has a more mature charm.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng stepped forward and bowed to the two girls, "Disciple Ling Feng, I have met senior sister and Elder Chuyan."

Ye Chuyan looked at Ling Feng slightly, then picked up the guqin in front of him and said calmly: "Although you are my registered disciple, before you pass the test, let Keren arrange everything. From now on, you You must obey senior sister’s instructions, understand?”

After saying that, he hugged Guqin directly, turned around and left.

Ling Feng and Ye Keren were the only two people left in the main hall.


Ling Feng's head darkened. What kind of elder was he? He had completely thrown himself into Ye Keren's clutches.

"Junior Brother Ling, did you obey what the elder just said?"

Ye Keren walked up to Ling Feng with a smile on his face, a hint of a cunning plot that had succeeded at the corner of his mouth.


Ling Feng sighed softly and nodded immediately, "Everything will be subject to senior sister's arrangements."

"Looking at you, you don't seem to be very willing!"

Ye Keren frowned, "Why, do you have any objections to the elder's arrangement?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. In order to be promoted to True Inheritance, to be able to sneak into the Temple of the Witch God, and for the sake of the Divine Desolation Picture Book, he must bear this breath!

He forced a smile on his face and said, "How is that possible? What are your orders, Senior Sister?"


Ye Keren's face showed an expression of "you know what you are doing". He raised his eyes and said with a smile: "On the first day you join our Mingguang Hall, I will take you around first, so that it can be good for our Mingguang Hall." I need to know more about the specific situation.”


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, Ye Keren's behavior was too normal.

What is normal is simply abnormal!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, he must be careful, otherwise he would most likely fall for this woman's tricks.

"Come with me."

Ye Keren narrowed his eyes and smiled, and took Ling Feng around, introducing this and that to Ling Feng along the way, as if he was really just letting Ling Feng understand the situation in Mingguang Palace.

After wandering around for a long time, Ling Feng even thought, could it be that he used his villain's heart to judge the gentleman's belly?

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng couldn't help but start chatting and asked casually: "By the way, Senior Sister Ye, how many great witches are there in Mingguang Hall?"

"Except for the palace master and a few old men, there are not many great witches."

Ye Keren pursed his lips and said calmly: "After all, most of the powerful wizards at the wizard level will enter the Witch God Temple and become temple priests, and their worth is a hundred times higher. As far as I know, in the Wizard God Temple, only the great wizards from our Mingguang Palace are , the number is over thirty!”

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. According to Shentu Xuance, a great witch must be at the holy level at the very least.

In the entire West Sword Region, there are only a handful of powerful Saints.

In the Southern Witch Territory, there are actually so many powerful saints.

No wonder people say that the comprehensive strength of the Southern Witch Territory is only lower than that of the Zhongyuan Territory. The Southern Witch Territory is indeed a mysterious and powerful place.

"By the way, senior sister..."

After thinking for a while, Ling Feng asked again: "During the previous selection and assessment, what was the origin of that statue?"

"The statue?"

Ye Keren turned back and glanced at Ling Feng, laughing secretly in his heart: It seems that this kid has let down his guard!

She smiled faintly and replied with a serious face: "That is the God of Light. According to legend, the number one warrior under the Witch God of Light. There is a trace of the will of the God in the statue. All the disciples who joined the Mingguang Palace, First, you need to pass the will test of the God of Light to prove whether you are qualified to join the Mingguang Hall for training."

After a pause, Ye Keren continued: "It's just that you can obviously break the highest record, but you have a mixed physique with eight elements. It's really incomprehensible."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose without saying anything.

"It is said that there is a powerful forbidden curse hidden in the statue of the god general. Since you have broken the previous record, have you already obtained this forbidden curse?"

Ye Keren said half-jokingly.

"Senior sister is joking. This statue has been around for who knows how many years. Mingguang Hall has never lacked geniuses. If there really is a big secret, it would have been figured out long ago."

Ling Feng smiled slightly.

Ye Keren naturally did not believe that there was any forbidden curse hidden on the statue of the god.

If this is really the case, no one has ever been able to understand it after so many years.

As the two of them asked and answered, Ling Feng's understanding of Mingguang Palace was deepened step by step.

Ye Keren knew everything, and on the surface, he didn't show much hostility towards Ling Feng.

This time, Ling Feng had the illusion that Ye Keren was probably easy to get along with.

At this moment, Ye Keren suddenly slapped his forehead, as if he remembered something, with a hint of haste on his face, and said anxiously: "Junior brother, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to take something very important. I'll go first." Go and get it, then go to the pavilion in front and wait for me, I will come right away."

"The pavilion in front?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he saw a pavilion not far away. In front of the pavilion, there was a medium-sized pond.

Ling Feng nodded, "Well, then I'll wait for Senior Sister in front."

Ye Keren narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Then you must wait for me to come back. If you leave first, don't blame me for getting mad."

"Ahem, no, no..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He almost forgot that although Ye Keren had a pleasant appearance and a pleasant name, she was actually a tigress worthy of the name.

After Ye Keren left, Ling Feng followed his instructions and headed to the pavilion ahead.

Looking around, Ling Feng couldn't help but secretly praise: "The scenery here is really beautiful!"

At a glance, the lake is covered with petals of different colors, just like the stars dotting the Milky Way.

A breeze came slowly, bringing with it a faint fragrance of flowers!

Ling Feng secretly thought that it would be a good choice to cultivate his moral character in a place like this.

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