Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2587 Become famous in one battle! (2 updates)

"Junior brother, don't worry. I know you have no bright points, so I have already signed up for you with a hundred bright points. You just need to pay me back ten times."

Ling Feng's face turned dark again!

So treacherous!

This woman is too treacherous!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng took a deep look at Ye Keren, gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister Ye, I thank you for being my eighteenth generation ancestor!"

"Hey, you're welcome!"

Ye Keren raised his eyebrows and immediately said with a smile: "Junior brother, it depends on your performance next!"

At this time, a man who looked quite tall and burly jumped onto the ring, his eyes fell on Ling Feng, and he said in a cold voice: "You don't know the heights of the world, come up here!"

Ling Feng shrugged helplessly. Now that he had become the target of public criticism, he could only bite the bullet and fight.

With a leap, Ling Feng jumped onto the ring. The defensive barrier on the ring was automatically opened to prevent it from spreading outside the ring.

"Hmph, brat, remember my name, my name is Li Yifang, let me teach you a lesson!"

Li Yifang reported his name, immediately made a hand gesture, spread a pair of wings of light behind his back, and distanced himself from Ling Feng.

Most of the disciples of Mingguang Hall, like Shentu Xuance, are good at long-range attacks based on light witchcraft.

The next moment, light arrows filled the sky, falling down like raindrops, clearly trying to kill Ling Feng in one move.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and he unfolded Yufeng Xiaoyaoyou. In the dense rain of bright arrows, he moved and dodged until the rain of arrows disappeared, and he was unscathed.

The next moment, all directions in Ling Feng's hand were destroyed, and a bolt of thunder shot through the air. At the same time, his body was like a ghost, approaching the opponent erratically, and his sword was like a dragon emerging from the water.

"No wonder this new disciple dares to be so arrogant, he does have some ability!"

Some old disciples who were watching knew that the battle was over when they saw the distance between Ling Feng and Li Yifang getting closer.


The next moment, Ling Feng's sword blade struck Li Yifang, and the light barrier around Li Yifang shattered. Li Yifang himself spat out a mouthful of blood and fell heavily on the stage.


There was a loud noise and smoke billowed from the stage. When the smoke dispersed, Ling Feng's sword pointed at Li Yifang's throat.

The outcome is decided!

One sword settled the battle.

Li Yifang gritted his teeth and had no choice but to admit defeat, and at the same time handed one hundred light points and ten thousand high-grade yuan crystals to Ling Feng.


Ling Feng cupped his fist and saluted Li Yifang, but he had just kept his hand, otherwise Li Yifang would have been seriously injured.

With his strength, he is invincible under the Holy Lord. In other words, unless the elders with great witch strength take action, ordinary disciples cannot pose any threat to him.

Although Ye Keren's thought was quite beautiful, he hoped to use the many disciples of Mingguang Hall to help him out and teach Ling Feng a lesson.

Unfortunately, her plan was destined to fail.


Ye Keren was filled with hatred. Although Li Yifang was not very strong, he did not expect Ling Feng to deal with Li Yifang so easily.

"Although this disciple is crazy, he still has strength."

"Defeating Li Yifang with one move actually made me a little more interested."

Some old disciples stared at Ling Feng and no longer simply regarded him as a madman who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

At least, he is also a capable madman.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be able to defeat Junior Brother Li. I admit that you are somewhat capable. However, you have just joined Mingguang Hall and you are so arrogant. Let me beat you!"

The next moment, another disciple rose into the sky, his figure moved in mid-air, and landed on the ring.

The aura of this disciple was obviously much stronger than that of Li Yifang just now. He was holding a long knife with a strange shape in his hand. When he slashed out with the knife, it turned into a sword light that was dozens of feet long.

The light of the sword was criss-crossed, the intense power of light was so dazzling that it was almost impossible to open one's eyes.

This is the cursed blade witchcraft among the light witchcrafts. Ling Feng has also experienced it once before. He covers his own blade with the power of light. The explosive power in an instant is not at all like a strong swordsman in the Western Sword Domain. High-level sword skills.

The figure flashed, the phantom was heavy, and he counterattacked with a sword. For a moment, the arena shook, and the ground seemed to crack, and flames rolled into the sky like lava.


Hearing a scream, the second disciple who wanted to teach Ling Feng a lesson was rushed out of the ring by the terrifying fire.

"I come!"

Immediately afterwards, another old disciple flew out and landed on the ring, threatening to teach Ling Feng a lesson.

Unfortunately, after ten breaths, his fate was the same as that of the first two disciples who challenged Ling Feng. He could only hand over his compensation obediently.

After a while, Ling Feng, a disciple who had only joined Mingguang Hall for a day, had already won ten battles!

Soon, the news spread throughout the entire Mingguang Palace, and even the entire Mingguang City.

More and more disciples went to Guangming Martial Arts Arena to observe this battle.

Among them, Ye Wuxin and Shentu Xuance were naturally included.

"Haha, you are worthy of Brother Ling. It's only the second day and there's such a big fight!"

Shentu Xuance burst out laughing. He knew very well how terrifying Ling Feng's strength was. Today, Ling Feng was destined to become famous in one battle!

As for Ye Keren, who was the instigator, his face turned livid.

She never expected that Ling Feng could be such a monster.

She originally hoped that Ling Feng would be taught a lesson by other veteran disciples, but the result was not good. Instead, Ling Feng got her wish and made Ling Feng famous quickly.


Ye Keren was so angry that he stamped his feet repeatedly. This was the money he spent to make Ling Feng shine.

So angry!

And soon, ten wins in ten games turned into twenty consecutive wins!

Then, another thirty consecutive wins!

The old disciples who were furious and wanted to teach Ling Feng a lesson and show him some shame were all speechless.

This is not a lesson to Ling Feng, this is clearly a gift to Ling Feng!

"The situation is not good."

"This kid is actually so strong. There is not much difference in our strength. Even if we continue to challenge, we will just give that kid money in vain."

"In this case, wouldn't it make that kid think that there are no more old disciples like us!"

The old disciples started discussing secretly.

At this moment, a roar came from the audience, "Ling Feng, you are now a disciple of Mingguang Hall. Look at what tricks you used? It's not light witchcraft at all. You used other means to defeat all the senior brothers. How can it be considered a victory? This is just cheating! How can you not use light magic in the Guangming Martial Arts Stage!"

The person who shouted was surprisingly Ye Wuxin.

Although the Guangming Martial Arts Arena has never stipulated that other means cannot be used, after all, everyone is a disciple of the Mingguang Palace, and the strongest means are naturally bright witchcraft. Whether this rule is added or not, it does not mean much.

But Ling Feng was different. Ling Feng was not a member of the witch clan, and he had only been exposed to light witchcraft for less than a month.

If Ling Feng was allowed to only use light witchcraft, it would undoubtedly greatly limit his strength.

And as Ye Wuxin roared, everyone immediately reacted.

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