Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2588 Divine Light Cursed Blade! (3 updates)

"Yes, how can we not use the magic of light on the bright martial arts stage!"

"This kid cheated!"

"Yes, cheating!"

A group of disciples roared hysterically, strongly condemning Ling Feng's "cheating" behavior.

Ling Feng shook his head. If he couldn't beat him, would he just say he cheated?

Well, then, it’s time to try your own light witchcraft!

Raising his sword eyebrows, Ling Feng smiled lightly and said: "Okay, then next, I will only use light witchcraft!"

"Boy, this is what you said!"

Those old disciples instantly became hardened again.

"Let me learn your light witchcraft!"

A thin disciple covered in a large robe flew onto the ring, and then immediately activated the light witchcraft, directly summoning two light dharma figures to protect him in front of him.

Then, he started to mutter something again, preparing to launch a large-scale witchcraft attack.

However, the next moment, the thin disciple felt a shock in his mind, his whole body froze, and the next moment, he vomited blood and flew backwards.

"Aoba Divine Light Spell!"

Everyone was shocked, and those with discerning eyes had already recognized that what Ling Feng performed was indeed serious light witchcraft.

Moreover, it is the Shentu family’s Qingye Divine Light Curse!

"This kid actually learned the Qingye Divine Light Curse!"

Ye Keren's expression changed slightly. As competitors, the Shentu family and the Ye family knew each other well.

The Shentu family's Green Leaf Divine Light Curse has a very high threshold and is impossible for ordinary people to master.

Even among the children of the Shentu family, there are very few people in every generation who can comprehend the Qingye Divine Light Curse.

As an outsider, Ling Feng was able to understand this witchcraft.

Is this guy really just a guy with a mixed physique?

"Depend on!"

Ling Feng defeated a challenger with the Green Leaf Divine Light Curse, but those veteran disciples still did not believe in evil.

So soon…

Ling Feng's 30-game winning streak turned into 40-game winning streak!

Fifty consecutive wins!

And it wasn't until the fiftieth challenger was defeated by Ling Feng's Green Leaf Divine Light Spell that everyone realized that even if Ling Feng only used light witchcraft, they were definitely no match.

"How could this kid be so strong!"

"In my opinion, we still have to find other true disciples immediately. Only true disciples can control this kid!"

Those veteran disciples felt dejected for a while. They originally wanted to teach Ling Feng a lesson and let him know that the sky is high and the earth is high.

Good thing now, they have seen this time that Ling Feng is really a ruthless person!

"Look for Senior Brother Yi. He is very powerful and will definitely be able to show this kid how powerful he is."

"Yes, if Senior Brother Yi takes action, he will definitely be sure of it!"

The name of Senior Brother Yi in their mouth is Yi Tianxing. Among the many true disciples of Mingguang Hall, he is a powerful being who can be ranked in the top ten in terms of strength.

Moreover, this person is extremely belligerent. If he knew that there was a newcomer like Ling Feng, he would definitely agree to teach him a lesson.

Soon, a disciple invited Yi Tianxing over.

Just as they expected, when Yi Tianxing heard that a newcomer could actually achieve thirty consecutive victories on the martial arts stage, he instantly became fiercely fighting and rushed over without any explanation.

In his eyes, there are only opponents worth fighting and those who are not.

Ling Feng undoubtedly belongs to the former.

"Senior Brother Yi is here!"

Seeing Yi Tianxing's arrival, the veteran disciples obviously regained their confidence.

No matter how strong Ling Feng is, can he still be stronger than Yi Tianxing?

This is obviously unlikely.

No, it should be absolutely impossible!

After all, Ling Feng is just a person with mixed constitution of eight elements, while Yi Tianxing is a Holy Body of Light!

Moreover, it is an excellent quality of up to seven stars in the Holy Body of Light!

"If Yi Tianxing takes action, he can finally teach this brat a lesson!"

Ye Keren gritted her teeth. She didn't expect Ling Feng to be so strong. She originally wanted to trick Ling Feng so hard that he not only lost the game, but also owed her a lot of bright points. From now on, Ling Feng can just round and flatten it as he pleases, and he can shape it however he wants.

The result is good, now Ling Feng has won fifty games in a row. Even if he pays back his one thousand points, he still earns four thousand light points!

It’s just a wave of fatness!

"Humph, my aunt doesn't believe it, and she can't fight you!"

Ye Keren bit her silver teeth, cursing Ling Feng in her heart: Lose! lose! lose! …

"This junior brother, my name is Yi Tianxing."

Yi Tianxing flew down on the ring, carrying a heavy sword behind him. It seemed that he was also a master of the divine light curse blade technique.

Moreover, seeing that his energy and spirit have reached a peak state unintentionally, it is obvious that he is not as weak as an ordinary light wizard.

Ling Feng glanced at Yi Tianxing, who was dressed in white, had sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, giving him a sharp look.

This person's strength should be higher than that of Shentu Xuance, and much higher!

Ling Feng quickly made a judgment. Although this person was not a strong opponent, he was still an opponent that could not be underestimated when he only used the Light Wizard.

"Senior Brother Yi!"

Ling Feng bowed his fists to Yi Tian. Because he promised not to use means other than light witchcraft, Ling Feng did not use Destruction in All Directions, but condensed a general light blade in the palm of his hand.

The Divine Light Cursed Blade is not a unique secret technique. For light wizards, it can even be said to be a very common witchcraft that has fallen into disrepair.

Ling Feng had read all the secret books in Ye Wuxinna's spiritual ring, and consulted some light wizards with Shentu Xuance, so it was not surprising that he used the Divine Light Curse Blade.

Moreover, as a swordsman, it doesn't really matter whether the sword in your hand is a tangible sword or an invisible sword.

Because regardless of whether he is holding a sword or not, Ling Feng's movements, every move, naturally has his own will to the sword.


Feeling Ling Feng's kendo will, the corner of Yi Tianxing's mouth curled up, and the fighting spirit in his eyes became even stronger.

"Take my sword!"

Yi Tianxing shouted low, and sure enough, as he slashed out with his sword, the terrifying edge immediately locked onto Ling Feng, giving people the illusion that there was nowhere to hide in the sky and on the earth.

"This guy is not only a divine light cursed blade, he also has sword intent!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, Yi Tianxing was actually able to perfectly integrate his sword intention into his own witchcraft.

Perhaps we can learn a lot from him.

Suddenly, Ling Feng was delighted to see Hunter Xin, and was not in a hurry to resolve the battle quickly. He even used his own body in a very clumsy way to feel the opponent's moves and strength.


Yi Tianxing struck Ling Feng's shoulder directly with his sword. Blood flowed out and the bones were visible.

However, Ling Feng didn't care about his injuries at all, and instead had a flush of excitement on his face, because as he expected, Yi Tianxing actually mixed witchcraft and swordsmanship together, forming a kind of A unique witchcraft with its own will.

No wonder, with the same divine light cursed blade, Yi Tianxing can perfectly integrate it into his own witchcraft.

In a sense, this Yi Tianxing is definitely a genius!

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