Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2589 Learn now and apply it now! (1 update)

But this scene, to outsiders, shows Ling Feng being completely abused by Yi Tianxing.

From beginning to end, Yi Tianxing was unscathed, but Ling Feng was already scarred.

"That kid was finally defeated!"

"Senior Brother Yi is indeed amazing!"

"As soon as Senior Brother Yi takes action, that kid is still in trouble, hahaha!"

The faces of those veteran disciples all showed excitement.

Ling Feng was finally going to lose, and old guys like them could save some face.

However, they didn't know that Ling Feng was being beaten on purpose.

Considering Ling Feng's physical strength, it would not be an exaggeration to describe him as thick-skinned and thick-skinned.

Yi Tianxing is indeed very strong. His divine light cursed blade combined with his sword intention can also cause substantial damage to Ling Feng.

You must know that after Ling Feng passed through the four catastrophes of life and death, his body has become so strong that it can withstand a full-strength blow from an ordinary great sage and remain unscathed.

And Yi Tianxing's ability to hurt him has proven that the power that his Divine Light Cursed Blade instantly exploded has reached the level of a saint!

No wonder Yi Tianxing has a very high status among the many true disciples of Mingguang Hall.

This person is indeed a strong man!

It's a pity that he met Ling Feng.

In the eyes of outsiders, this was a one-sided battle. However, only Yi Tianxing knew clearly that he had already used all his means and had no mercy. If it were anyone else, he would have lost the ability to fight again.

As for Ling Feng, although he looked miserable, his aura did not weaken at all.

And his eyes were bright, as if he had an epiphany.

"What a boy, you are actually learning my fusion method!"

Yi Tianxing noticed Ling Feng's purpose, but did not hold back, but directly launched a more violent and powerful attack.

The heavy sword in his hand, covered by the light spiritual power, had turned into a hundred-foot sword. As it swept across, the void rumbled and trembled.

"Come on, let me see how much you can learn!"

Yi Tianxing didn't care about himself, but more like he was deliberately giving Ling Feng some guidance.

"Thank you!"

Ling Feng cast a grateful look at Yi Tianxing, and the sword intention merged with the divine light cursed blade.

First of all, the so-called witchcraft is essentially the power to control the natural attributes of heaven and earth with powerful spiritual thoughts.

The sword intention is essentially a power of will, a power derived from the origin of the soul.

In a sense, these two forces are interconnected.

If we fundamentally rely on sword intent to control the power of various attributes, these two powers will naturally be perfectly integrated.

During the battle between Ling Feng and Yi Tianxing, he discovered that the attributes of his sword and his own power of light were integrated into one.

"Thank you, senior brother, I understand!"

A bright light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and the next moment, his whole aura changed accordingly.

His Divine Light Cursed Blade suddenly had a powerful willpower.

It was Ling Feng's killing sword intention.

The killing aura swept over Yi Tianxing, and his eyelids twitched slightly.

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng was able to break through during the battle and suddenly realized his own way of fusion.

Moreover, as soon as it was displayed, it was so powerful.

This kid is simply a freak!

However, because of this, he became more motivated.

"Okay, let's have a hearty battle!"

Yi Tianxing burst out laughing. At this moment, although the two of them were both using light witchcraft, they looked more like two swordsmen.

Without sword skills or any other means, the two manipulated the rules of the power of light, collided with each other, and for a while, they were evenly matched.

"What? How did that"

In the audience, the disciples watching the battle were immediately dumbfounded again.

It was still a one-sided situation just now, Ling Feng looked like he could only take a beating, but now, he can actually draw with Yi Tianxing?

That's Yi Tianxing!

"Oh my God, he can't even defeat senior brother Yi Tianxing, can he?"

"How is this possible? He...he..."

A disciple next to him had an expression on his face that was extremely unconfident mid-sentence.

The current situation is indeed difficult to say.

"This boy..."

Ye Keren gritted her teeth. Although she had guessed that Ling Feng was not simple, it would be too exaggerated to be so strong.

He had just joined Mingguang Palace and was able to draw against the top ten true disciples?

And is this because he gave up other means and only used light witchcraft?

How strong would he be if he let go?

Beside Ye Keren, many female disciples also came over after hearing the news. When they saw Ling Feng on the stage, they were all surprised.

One of the women in green clothes gritted her teeth, spat lightly, and cursed: "So this guy is so powerful!"

"Then he was just pretending yesterday? He was so active even after taking dozens of blows from Senior Brother Yi, how could he be internally injured by a ball of light from you, Senior Sister!"

"Then aren't we really exposed by him?"

"Junior brother Ling is so bad!"

"However, he is not only powerful, but also handsome!"

The pretty faces of all the female disciples turned red, not because of anger, but because of shyness.

Because, in their eyes, Ling Feng yesterday was just a weak new disciple, but now, he is already a powerful man who can equal Yi Tianxing Dacheng, one of the top ten true disciples.

This is like if a poor boy who likes to pretend to be rich is discovered by his lover that he is actually a poor boy, then he will 100% be abandoned by the other party and yell at him as a liar, and he cannot accept the deception at all.

But if a rich man who pretends to be poor is discovered by his lover that he is actually a rich man, then his lover will only be more devoted to him. Whether he cheats or not, it will have no impact at all.

Now Ling Feng is like the rich boy who pretended to be poor, and these female disciples saw that Ling Feng was so powerful and had no time to admire him, so how could they blame him.

"A bunch of nymphos!"

Not far away, Ye Keren couldn't help but cursed when he heard the discussion of these female disciples, but his view of Ling Feng had obviously changed a lot.

Thinking that Ling Feng was so powerful and had to obey his words, Ye Keren couldn't help but secretly laugh.

Isn’t this a ready-made thug and money-making tool?

The veteran disciples around him all looked downcast and sighed.

They have completely doubted life.

Is this the newcomer?

When did the new disciple become so awesome!

At this time, two people joined forces and walked in from outside. They were silent, but they were still seen by an old disciple. His eyes widened, as if he had seen an incredible scene.

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