Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2591: Small Forbidden Spell! (3 more)

There was silence for a long time on the stage. Even Yi Tianxing was defeated by Ling Feng. Naturally, no one dared to go on stage to give money to Ling Feng.

Finally, Jiang Shanyi thought about it for a moment, raised the soul-killing flag in his hand, and said calmly: "I'd better go."

"No, I'll go."

Zhang Haoran stopped Jiang Shanyi and said calmly: "This kid is a piece of rough jade, but it still needs to be hammered."

Jiang Shanyi nodded, he understood what Zhang Haoran meant.

It is a common practice to "beat" new disciples. Old disciples must let new disciples defeat once, and it is best to defeat them cleanly. If he comes to power, he may be able to defeat Ling Feng with the various magic formations he is good at, but basically He also wore Ling Feng to death by dilly-dallying.

This way of playing, the knocking effect is not good.

And to be able to defeat Ling Feng with overwhelming force, in the entire Mingguang Palace, Zhang Haoran is probably the only one who can do it.

"Junior brother, please recover for a while."

Zhang Haoran stood opposite Ling Feng with a faint smile.

Ling Feng nodded, without raising his head, took a deep breath and sat down cross-legged.

A battle with Yi Tianxing would cost a lot of money.

In particular, he said that he would not use other abilities, so he did not even activate the immortal golden body. Otherwise, all the injuries on his body would have been healed long ago.

About half an hour later, Ling Feng opened his eyes, stood up, and saluted Zhang Haoran with his fists opposite him, "Thank you, senior brother, I have fully recovered."


Zhang Haoran nodded slightly, "Junior brother, my name is Zhang Haoran! You are very strong. Among so many new disciples, you are really the only one I have seen in my life. However, you still have a long way to go, so you must not arrogant!"

Zhang Haoran looked serious and said calmly, "Junior brother, I only use one move. This move is called dazzling light, wind and thunder! Be careful!"

Zhang Haoran's tone was still so gentle and polite, but his actions were not ambiguous at all.


His gaze was focused, and his whole aura suddenly changed, as if a sharp sword was unsheathed.

Everyone in the audience was shocked.

"Dazzling light, wind and thunder? Oh my God, this is eighth-level witchcraft!"

Yi Tianxing's eyelids twitched wildly and he exclaimed: "You pull out this move as soon as you meet him. It seems that Senior Brother Zhang regards this boy as a powerful enemy!"

"No, it's not just the eighth level!"

Jiang Shanyi on the side smiled mysteriously and said: "This move is comparable to a small forbidden curse! Its power is comparable to the ninth level!"

"Damn, little forbidden curse!"

The corner of Yi Tianxing's mouth couldn't help but twitch a few times, "Senior Brother Zhang spent a lot of money in order to defeat Ling Feng with one move!"

"After all, he is the chief of our Mingguang Palace. If he cannot crush the newcomers with an absolute advantage, then there will be no beating effect."

"makes sense."

Yi Tianxing nodded, "We have to let that kid know that there is heaven outside the world, and there are people outside the world."

At this time, Ling Feng was in the center of the majestic aura, his clothes were so fierce that he felt as if his whole body was about to be torn to pieces.

This Zhang Haoran actually controlled the spiritual power of light to such an extent.

A small forbidden curse?

Ling Feng knew that he could not resist this move with just the Divine Light Curse Blade or the Qingye Divine Light Curse.

Then, the only thing left is to try that trick!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, his face became more solemn than ever before, he performed a hand gesture, and an extremely dazzling holy light suddenly burst out from his body.


Among the crowd, Shentu Xuance's expression suddenly changed, "Isn't this the gesture of light's judgment? Could it be that he..."

Three days!

Only three days ago, his father passed on this witchcraft to Ling Feng.

Is it possible that Ling Feng has learned this witchcraft in just three days?

Shentu Xuance's mind was a little confused.

Light Judgment is also an eighth-level witchcraft, and the final Holy Light Judgment King Sword is also a small forbidden spell!

Shentu Xuance's guess was correct.

The moves performed by Ling Feng were indeed eighth-level witchcraft, Bright Judgment!

Three days may not be enough for ordinary people to get started, but for Ling Feng.

The pupil power, which has long been promoted to the Golden Emperor's Eye, is even better than before.

After condensing the divine patterns of humanity, his understanding instantly increased tens of millions of times.

Three days was more than enough for him.

"That kid, bad!"

Around the bright martial arts stage, the eyelids of the elders hiding in the darkness jumped wildly.

"These two boys are crazy, they actually cast a small forbidden spell at the same time!"

The elders of Mingguang Hall were all scared to death. Is a collision of this level still a battle between disciples?

A single small forbidden spell, the defensive barrier can barely resist, double small forbidden spells.

The arena will be destroyed by these two guys!

"Organize them!"

One of the elders was so angry that his beard trembled. Suddenly, more than a dozen figures flew out, all of them elders from Mingguang Hall.


And as the arena trembled violently, the two men's moves were already brewing.

"Dazzling light, wind and thunder!"

The intense light condensed into a terrifying hurricane, forming a hurricane of light, tearing apart all violent gestures and blasting toward Ling Feng.

On the other side, Ling Feng seemed to be protected by a god of light, turning into a 30-foot-tall dharma image, holding a sword of judgment.

Astonishingly, it is the Holy Light Judgment King Sword!

The God of Light, General Dharma, raised his sword high and slashed down towards the hurricane.

Seeing it, the two big and small forbidden spells were about to collide.

"Everyone, stop it!"

A roar, a black voice, like an electric shock, directly crossed the defensive barrier of the Guangming Martial Arts Stage and appeared in the critical space where the two large and small forbidden spells were about to collide.

The next moment, I saw this person wave his big hand and grab with his left hand, smashing Zhang Haoran's whirlwind of light into pieces. He raised his right hand and pinched Ling Feng's Judgment King Sword, which also turned into specks of light and disappeared into the void. middle.


Then, streams of electric current flowed through his body, and he trembled all over. Suddenly, his hair stood on end, and his face became charred. He blew out a puff of black smoke from his mouth and cursed, "You two little bastards." , Do you want to tear this old man’s bones apart?”

Zhang Haoran was stunned for a moment, then exclaimed: "Second...Second Hall Master?"

But it turns out that this old man is the second master of the Mingguang Palace. He is also a person who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people in the Mingguang Palace.

"Hmph, little bastard, do you need a small forbidden spell to beat up the newcomer?"

The second hall master glared at Zhang Haoran, and struck Zhang Haoran directly on the head with a bang.

Although Zhang Haoran is the chief, he has no face at all in front of this old man. He can only hang his head and say, "I'm sorry, Second Hall Master, I'm too impulsive."


The second hall master snorted coldly, and then looked at Ling Feng, nodded appreciatively, and said slowly: "Compared to that kid, you left some room to spare, and even withdrew at the last moment. With just a little bit of power, he has been able to control the Little Forbidden Curse to such an extent, which is great!”

Ling Feng bowed to the second hall master and said humbly: "The second hall master thanks you."

"However, this is an arena competition after all. In terms of the power of this last move, if you really collide, you will still lose."

The second hall master said calmly: "So I want to sentence you to lose in this competition. Do you have any objection?"

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