Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2592 Rejection! (1 update)

"Disciple, I have no objection."

Ling Feng nodded. If he were to compete purely with light witchcraft, he would indeed be slightly inferior to Zhang Haoran.

If the second hall master hadn't taken action, he might have been seriously injured.

"Okay, then Zhang Haoran wins this battle."

The second hall master took a deep look at Ling Feng, his eyes burning.

After all, I was wrong. I didn't expect this new disciple to be so good.

It is obviously just a complex body with eight elements, but it is able to cast a small forbidden spell.

In this case, he may not have a chance to enter the Temple of the Witch God.

Zhang Haoran cupped his fists and saluted Ling Feng, and sighed softly: "I should lose this competition. Junior Brother's little forbidden spell can be used freely. From this point on, I am already ashamed of myself."

"If you say you win, you win, there's so much nonsense!"

The second hall master glared at Zhang Haoran. Zhang Haoran wanted to say something more, but when the second hall master glared at him, he had to swallow his saliva and retreat to the side angrily.

"I heard that you joined Mingguang Palace two days ago. You are still just a registered disciple now, right?"

The master of the second palace looked at Ling Feng and asked lightly.


Ling Feng nodded, "He is now Elder Chuyan's registered disciple."

"Whatever that yellow-haired girl Ye Chuyan can teach you is just a woman's music."

The Second Hall Master raised his hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "From now on, you no longer have to be a registered disciple. When you come here, I will accept you as a direct disciple, let alone a direct disciple." It’s a small forbidden curse. I also have a forbidden curse! What do you think?”


As soon as these words came out, there were gasps of cold air in the field.

Countless disciples looked at Ling Feng with great envy.

Good guy, from being a registered disciple to directly becoming the direct disciple of the Second Hall Master, what a leap is this.

Moreover, the other party is the master of the Second Palace. In the entire Mingguang Palace, he is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

Before this, the Second Hall Master had only accepted three direct disciples. Now they are all great wizards from the Witch God Temple, and the legendary genius who once created records, Duan Lingtian, is also the disciple of the Second Hall Master!

Ling Feng was actually able to gain the attention of the second hall master, who wanted to accept him as his direct disciple.

In a sense, it has been established that Ling Feng's entry into the Temple of the Witch God is a sure thing.

In comparison, being the registered disciple of Elder Chuyan is completely different.

Do you still need to hesitate?

Among the crowd, even Shentu Xuance was extremely envious. Although he had once entered the Temple of the Witch God and accepted the teachings of the Great Wizard of Light, this was completely different from officially entering the Temple of the Witch God and becoming a disciple of the temple. Same thing.

And what was before Ling Feng was such an opportunity!

"Damn it, this kid can actually be appreciated by the Second Hall Master!"

Ye Wuxin was filled with hatred. If it were him, he would have hugged the second hall master's thigh and cried loudly.

"Oops, this kid is going to be snatched away!"

Ye Keren frowned and bit his lip. If Ling Feng was poached by the second hall master, then his status would be higher than hers. How could she "teach" him a lesson!

However, my aunt didn't want to accept any disciples at all. If she knew the second hall master's intention, she would definitely send this cheap disciple away without hesitation!

Ling Feng, as the person involved, was a little confused.

He glanced at the second hall master, bowed to him, and actually said something that shocked everyone.

"Thank you so much for the kindness of the second hall master, but I still hope that everything will start well and end well. Since I am now Elder Chuyan's registered disciple, I am now, and I will also be in the future."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he bowed to the second hall master again.

Of course, this is just Ling Feng's excuse.

He came to the Wushen Cult not to learn from his masters, but to steal the Shenhuang Picture Book.

If you really become the disciple of the second hall master, although you will indeed have the guidance of a famous teacher, you will lose a lot of freedom.

In contrast, Elder Chuyan, who was indifferent to him, was more suitable for him.

At the end of the day, the face of the second hall master froze.

Obviously, he did not expect that Ling Feng would reject him.

This is like pushing a mountain of gold and silver in front of the other party, only to be pushed away by the other party.

"Is this kid stupid?"

"Damn, it's unreasonable. Don't give me such an opportunity!"

"Idiot! This guy is definitely an idiot!"

A group of disciples immediately exploded. A great opportunity was presented to them, but Ling Feng actually refused!

Only Ye Keren's eyes were full of disbelief.

"That boy, actually..."

She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Ling Feng actually refused the invitation from the Second Hall Master!

Could it be possible that this brat...

Ye Keren suddenly had a very absurd idea, did Ling Feng fall in love with him?

Because she really couldn't think of any reason why Ling Feng would reject the second hall master, unless there was someone or something in Elder Chuyan that made Ling Feng "nostalgic".

Thinking about it, there seems to be no one else but myself!

Thinking of this, Ye Keren's pretty face turned slightly red, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Tsk, it's really just wishful thinking. Just him?" How could this girl like him? Huh, but, seeing as this brat has such excellent aesthetics, I will be a little nicer to him from now on!

If Ling Feng knew what this woman was thinking, he would probably vomit blood and die on the spot.

This is nothing, this woman is poisonous!

"Little guy, you have to think carefully."

The second hall master's expression changed slightly, Ling Feng was like a piece of jade, he didn't want to give up just like that.

"I've thought about it very clearly."

Ling Feng bowed to the Second Hall Master again and said lightly: "Thank you very much, Second Hall Master, for your love."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!"

The second hall master flicked his sleeves and flew away from the scene.

Under the Guangming martial arts stage, only pairs of shocked and puzzled eyes were left, all staring at Ling Feng.

This guy's brain is definitely broken!

Ling Feng shrugged without any regret.

Zhang Haoran took a deep look at Ling Feng and sighed softly: "Junior brother Ling Feng, you still don't know what you missed, right?"

"I know that becoming the personal disciple of the Second Hall Master is definitely a smooth road, but I like to walk my own path!"

Ling Feng smiled casually, cupped his fists and saluted Zhang Haoran, "Thank you, senior brother, for your advice."

"I can't say it's any advice. Let's discuss and learn together when we have the opportunity."

Zhang Haoran shook his head and smiled bitterly. Even a chief like him could not be favored by the second hall master and accepted as his personal successor. Ling Feng, on the other hand, had a great opportunity in front of him and actually gave up!

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