Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2594 Xiao Wushan! (3 updates)

"You should promise the second hall master..."

Ye Chuyan shook his head and was silent for a moment before continuing: "However, since you choose to stay, I will also be responsible for you. I am a Miaoyin wizard and I don't have much to teach you, so be it. , starting from tomorrow, I will be here to play a song for you every day. If you want to come, then come over. "

Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at Ye Chuyan, recalling that when Ye Chuyan played just now, he felt an unprecedented peace of mind, which washed away his violent and murderous aura, allowing him to return to his most authentic state.

Like, a baby.

Ye Chuyan's piano music seemed to have an invisible magic power, seeming to soothe his once-broken heart.

"I will come, thank you elder."

Ling Feng bowed to Ye Chuyan and said, "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Go ahead."

Ye Chuyan flicked his sleeves, indicating that Ling Feng could retreat.

After Ling Feng exited the hall, Ye Keren looked at Ye Chuyan stupidly, "Auntie, is there anything special about the sound you just played? Why can't I hear anything?"

"It's just some ordinary songs."

Ye Chuyan smiled lightly and gently stroked the back of Ye Keren's head, "Okay, you go down and rest too."

Ye Keren pouted, but Ye Chuyan didn't want to say anything more, so he had no choice but to leave the hall angrily.

"Girl, I hope you never have to understand!"

Ye Chuyan shook her head and sighed. The music she played could only be understood by those who had suffered a lot of misfortunes and had been severely traumatized many times to soothe their souls.

Ye Keren's journey can be said to have been smooth since he was a child, so naturally he would not understand the artistic conception in the music.

Since then, a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

In addition to practicing light witchcraft every day during the day, Ling Feng also continued to practice Yuanli and Asura magic.

At dusk, you will go to Tianyin Hall and listen to the music played by Ye Chuyan.

Ye Chuyan spoke very little and would basically leave after playing the music. Therefore, after a month, the two of them actually said no more than ten sentences.

But Ling Feng really benefited a lot from Ye Chuyan's piano music.

Rather than listening to Ye Chuyan play the music, in other words, it is better to say that Ling Feng gained a rare peace when listening to Ye Chuyan's playing.

This is something he has hardly gotten in the past few years since he entered martial arts.

It seemed that he could only find this absolute silence when he heard Ye Chuyan playing.

It is a kind of baptism and washing from the depths of the soul.

After a month, Ling Feng felt as if he had been reborn.

In fact, the origin of his soul has become twice as strong as before.

If he had tempered his soul before, he had done so in a way that was close to torture and self-mutilation, and he had suffered a lot.

Although it has been rapidly improved, the origin of the soul is actually full of holes and hidden wounds.

And in this month, Ye Chuyan's piano music repaired the wounds in his soul, allowing him to make further progress.

After surviving the four calamities of life and death, Ling Feng had been promoted to the level of "Colorful Fighting Soul", and under the influence of Ye Chuyan's Qinyin, his Colorful Fighting Spirit had more than doubled.

Ling Feng never knew that sometimes, practicing can be so enjoyable.

"Elder, thank you!"

For the first time, this time Ye Chuyan did not leave directly after playing the music.

Ling Feng glanced at Ye Chuyan, stood up slowly, and bowed to her.

Although Ye Chuyan didn't teach him anything, he benefited a lot from this month.

"Thank you for what I did. Anyway, I have to play music every day."

Ye Chuyan's expression was calm, and the expression on his face was as indifferent as water.

Ling Feng smiled awkwardly. Ye Chuyan did speak very little, and he was not someone who was always looking for words.

However, Ye Chuyan did not leave directly today. Maybe he had something to talk to himself.

Sure enough, Ye Chuyan took out a piece of jade from his arms.

"this is for you."

Ye Chuyan sent the jade to Ling Feng and said slowly: "To the north of Mingguang City, there is a sacred mountain called Xiao Wu Mountain. There are some ancient inheritance left by the ancient witch clan. At that time, the eight major witch clans, It is not completely separated. In addition to the light witchcraft, the inheritance in Xiao Wushan also has other branches and all side branches. "

Ye Chuyan glanced at Ling Feng and said calmly: "That's the place that suits you."

Ling Feng placed the jade jade in his palm and spread it out, looking at it carefully, "So, this is it?"

"Wu Lingbi."

Ye Chuyan said slowly: "This is a must-have item to enter Xiaowu Mountain. You can only enter the mountain by holding this jade. In addition, this item cannot be included in the spiritual ring, so you need to pay attention."

"Can't I put it into the Spiritual Ring?"

Ling Feng blinked. No wonder Ye Chuyan took this thing out of his arms. No wonder there was still a faint lingering fragrance on it.


Ling Feng put away his distracting thoughts, put away the Wu Ling Bi, and bowed to Ye Chuyan, "Thank you, elder!"

"You don't have to thank me."

Ye Chuyan's eyes were as calm as water, "With my status, I am not qualified to hand out this jade. This Wu Ling Bi was entrusted to you by the Master of the Second Palace."

"Second Hall Master...he..."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, he didn't expect that he was willing to leave such an opportunity to himself even though he rejected his solicitation.

"Xiao Wushan is only opened once every hundred years. Except for the twenty Wu Lingbi scattered outside, the other eighty Wu Lingbi are all managed by the eight major witch clans. We only have ten places in total in Mingguang Palace."

Ye Chuyan glanced at Ling Feng, "This is a good opportunity for you. If you can bring back a ninth-level witchcraft in Xiaowu Mountain, no matter which series it is, I will promote you Become a true disciple!”

"This disciple will definitely fulfill his mission and will definitely bring back a ninth-level witchcraft!"

A hint of excitement flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. If he had made great contributions to the Mingguang Palace during this trip, would the Temple of the Witch God be far away?

And it’s not just for the Temple of the Witch God. Since there are witchcraft from the ancient witch clan in Xiao Wu Mountain, they are all treasures!

With my chaotic body, it is really a waste to only practice light witchcraft. This trip to Xiao Wu Mountain will definitely yield huge gains!

"In addition, Keren is also one of the ten disciples who obtained the Wu Lingbi this time. You are stronger than her and more stable than her. I hope you can take good care of that girl for me and don't let her get hurt."

Ye Chuyan gave some more advice, and it was obvious that she really cared about her little niece.

"Don't worry, elder. This disciple will definitely take good care of Senior Sister Ye!"

Ling Feng nodded and agreed. Although Ye Keren had been fighting wits and courage with him for the past month, and thought hard about fixing himself every day, it was a pity that it only brought him a little trouble at best.

With Ling Feng's magnanimity, he couldn't tolerate a crazy girl.

"That's good."

After Ye Chuyan finished speaking, he stopped staying, picked up the guqin on the table, and left.

In the huge hall, only Ling Feng was left. He narrowed his eyes and murmured to himself: "What about the trip to Xiao Wushan? After a month of rest, I can finally do something exciting! I hope this trip won't let me down. It’s better to be disappointed!”

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